Thursday, September 20, 2007

Big Brother 8 Blue Ball Veto w/SloMo

Duration: 03:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-08 17:52:28
User: Skeetergirl
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Big Brother 8 Blue Ball Veto w/SloMo

dps782 ::: Favorites
September 18, 2007 by a vote of 5 to 2 Dick wins it all. BB8 and $500,000.00 Congratulations to the best of the best
07-09-19 15:46:18
minutrax ::: Favorites
Occam's Razor (rule): the simplest explanation is probably the right one. You figure it out!
07-09-19 02:06:05
ToddToddToddToddTodd ::: Favorites
02:01 Jam puts a ball in her tube..Dick lunges in her direction and says something inaudible. I think to distract her from noticing the blue ball he put in there. 02:04 Jam says Who put that blue ball in there? 02:07 Jam now has 5 balls one of them being blue..DQ. If this was a court of law I'd say insufficient evidence...but I'm sure Dick cheated. This wouldn't even be a debate if BB8 would just show the overhead wide angle shot in its entirety.
07-09-18 20:06:28
animegamer80 ::: Favorites
So what have we learned? A: what Dick put in his pocket was not a ball. B: Dick got rid the blue ball he was holding. C: Danielle was not used as a distration for Dick to put the ball in the tube. D: DICK DIDN'T DO IT! PS: on the 0:26 part, I meant to say that dick DIDN'T put a ball in his pocket. (my bad)
07-09-18 17:52:46
animegamer80 ::: Favorites
1:59- danielle yells out "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" dick is near danelle during that entire scuffle. 2:01- first time dick has been anywhere near Jameka's tube since the blue ball bit, jameka is currently putting the 5th ball in her tube. 2;14- we see a blue ball in jameka's tube
07-09-18 17:51:19
animegamer80 ::: Favorites
0:26- dick is picking up something and putting it in his pocket, but if you look at how he's hold his hands, you know that it was a ball because it almost looks like he's holding his hands together. jameka has 1 ball in at the time. 0:53- jameka has three balls 1:33- the blue ball conspiracy bit 1:41- the hand that was hold the blue ball is now empty 1:49- both of dicks hands are empty and it's clear that his pockets are not bulging.
07-09-18 17:44:29
jenningsd ::: Favorites
Not buying it.. Dick didn't do it!
07-09-18 16:33:19
stewieaddict13 ::: Favorites
jamekas tube was next to zachs so if was either him or eric wen eric ran behind all the tubes
07-09-18 13:06:37
josephblotowski ::: Favorites
Was there any reason why someone couldn't put a ball in someone else's tube? Maybe that was an allowable strategic move? Then again, Julie stated Jameka put the ball in herself, and clearly someone else did it.
07-09-18 03:06:01
emmbee01 ::: Favorites
I don't remember you have details or video?
07-09-17 20:43:54

Sailor Moon Episodio 3 parte 3/3

Duration: 06:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-19 16:11:17
User: dicamus182
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;) que lo disfruten y saludos

radamantisjuez ::: Favorites
a y tambien ranma 1/2 son los mejoressssss
07-09-19 04:08:38
radamantisjuez ::: Favorites
Ta chida los caballeros de zodiaco,dragon ball y sailor moon son mis animes favoritos esos si son animes no como los nuevos q ya no tienen nada q inventar bueno sin ofender alos que les gustan los nuevos pero los antiguos son los mejores ONO?
07-09-19 04:04:14
eddhaunt ::: Favorites
=O hace tiempo que nos los veia, buen aporte niña
07-09-13 03:01:02
highpark12 ::: Favorites
ayy ke bueno ke las subieron de verdad sigan asi yo kiero seguri viendolas por fa comenten comenten ke ace bien para que no desaparezca saluditos
07-09-02 02:05:40
cardcaptors2263 ::: Favorites
hola yo no sabia que pudieran borrarlos por no tener reiting pues los apoyare con comentarios
07-08-31 20:50:51
adinavaleria ::: Favorites
no te perdono hahaha
07-08-19 22:42:49
pasafe93 ::: Favorites
hace tiempo que no lo veia que me he olvidado de algunas cositas sigue subiendo los episodios!!
07-08-10 22:08:38
purkinge8 ::: Favorites
q copado!! buenisimo q hayas puesto los capitulos de sailor moon...las ganas q tenia de verla
07-08-07 20:26:51
ccv666 ::: Favorites
pues recuerdo q lo pasaron en television abierta por tv azteca y duro bastante tiempo y una ves mas gracias por esta joya del anime, sin duda toda una revelacion, jajaja recuerdo q de chico keria q serena fuera mi novia jajaja a q buenos recuerdos
07-08-06 02:12:49
elenoira ::: Favorites
lol es el diablo xDDDDDD
07-08-05 02:08:28

Kid Koala

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-02-08 21:46:21
User: Nocturne72
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awesome Kid Koala live

TimBirkenholz ::: Favorites
dude, he's a cool nerd
07-09-19 17:52:35
hankeys ::: Favorites
looks like nerd :D but his f hawt :D
07-09-13 11:02:08
theKajillions ::: Favorites
This makes me very happy :-)
07-09-11 18:41:17
hub23 ::: Favorites
watching this is so much fun!
07-09-11 04:38:55
wedgyman1 ::: Favorites
u suk
07-09-10 16:00:16
skipsch ::: Favorites
i love his wonkyness! so proud that he's a fellow Canadian^^
07-09-07 18:24:29
solidrecording2012 ::: Favorites
07-09-07 04:31:05
iorbit ::: Favorites
Oh god - hahahahaha - the irony
07-09-04 06:57:29
kVittta ::: Favorites
just amazingG!!! i love to see how much he feel the musicC!!!he rock´s!! best regards from spain
07-09-03 16:18:30
pictizm ::: Favorites
To all the people dissaproving this, fuck you. 1. it sounds great 2. it isn't easy go kid
07-08-28 17:54:48

Pagafantas 5 [AKA Metalera vs Emo]

Duration: 04:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-10 20:57:44
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Otro video. El último. Y ya está.

pidell69 ::: Favorites
Ánimo chica, de los errores se aprende, yo siempre digo que más vale sola que mal acompañada, no puedes confiar en nadie. Ahora toca seguir adelante con la cabeza bien alta, no tienes que dar explicaciones a nadie. Quiérete a tí misma. Hail!
07-09-19 23:47:23
themenen ::: Favorites
hey española ve a contar tu vida a tu familia no pierdas tu tiempo en idioteces eres una posera q no sabe nada
07-09-19 18:14:50
daviron ::: Favorites
este mundo esta lleno de pajeros la chavala esta del video... bueno, no sé si leeras todas las gilipoyeces que te dejan por aquí puestas,la peña es muy tonta no tienes porque dar explicaciones a gente que tu no conoces, ya lo has hecho y punto, no puedes volver atras, los que te conocen sabran la verdad de ti, de como eres, y a los demás no tienes porque darles ningun tipo de esplicacion, que les den por culo si lees esto deja algo escrito HAIL SATAN
07-09-19 08:54:49
daviron ::: Favorites
este mundo esta lleno de pajeros la chavala esta del video... bueno, no sé si leeras todas las gilipoyeces que te dejan por aquí puestas,la peña es muy tonta no tienes porque dar explicaciones a gente que tu no conoces, ya lo has hecho y punto, no puedes volver atras, los que te conocen sabran la verdad de ti, de como eres, y a los demás no tienes porque darles ningun tipo de esplicacion, que les den por culo si lees esto deja algo escrito HAIL SATAN
07-09-19 08:53:27
daviron ::: Favorites
este mundo esta lleno de pajeros... me molaría algún día hablar contigo, aunque me imagino que eso no será posible, asi que nada, espero que leas esto por lo menos HAIL SATAN
07-09-19 08:42:41
Bananasenpijama ::: Favorites
Menuda chapa, hija, casi mejor cuando enseñas un poco...
07-09-18 12:04:25
elsinick ::: Favorites
animo metalera, son todos unos amargados
07-09-13 07:25:36
CerniTG ::: Favorites
Xaxa! déjate de tonterías. En primer lugar es tu video, tu borrachera y tus mierdas y no tienes porqué dar explicaciones de nada. Lo hecho hecho está. Y pa amigos así mejor quedate solita niña. Y bueno, le doy la razón a la persona que ha dicho, que tanto rollo para na. ¡Saludos!
07-09-12 23:00:38
deskpr0184 ::: Favorites
tanto para no decir nada xikiya. Claro ke ay mucho enfermo, pero los errores de uno son los errores de uno... quierete más a ti misma y no te preokups por desenmascarar a kien se pajea con tu video, sino kon kien lo grabó y lo pasó
07-09-12 19:17:21
PaskuMalaga ::: Favorites
Ala 11 comentarios ocupados la primera vez que posteo en Youtube...xD
07-09-12 18:36:48

Are we ready for Libertarian Socialism? Part 3

Duration: 08:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-18 02:48:12
User: Clean97gti
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final part - ITS OVER!!!!

LeeGeeGee ::: Favorites
Since "libertarianism" is by definition a philosophy of individual liberty, "libertarian socialism is a misnomer." Libertarian socalism is a philosophy of forced communalization. It does not respect individual sovereignty.
07-09-20 01:03:42
LeeGeeGee ::: Favorites
My point is that libertarian socialism is an enemy of individual liberty, since it will not allow an individual to own means of production.
07-09-20 01:01:55
Clean97gti ::: Favorites
very astute. Like I said, I've already presented all the information pertinent to the subject. If you continue to ignore it, so be it. I'm not responding to your fallacious arguments anymore. As for everyone else, I encourage them to read and educate themselves on the matter rather than listen to someone who can't even fathom that a word might have more than one meaning.
07-09-20 00:53:54
LeeGeeGee ::: Favorites
You cannot have it both ways. If you say a person has a right to own the product of his labor then you also have to agree that a person has a right to own a means of production that he built with his labor. That is the direct product of his labor.
07-09-20 00:49:46
LeeGeeGee ::: Favorites
true libertarian would allow an individual to own a means of production, such as a machine, business, or FORCE anyone to work for him. But, rather offers pay in exchange for assistance. True libertarian interact on a voluntary basis. They don't force communalization of someone elses belongings
07-09-20 00:48:17
LeeGeeGee ::: Favorites
A true libertarian would allow an individual to own a means of production, such as a machine, business, or farm, yes. And a true libertarian would not for anyone to work for him. True libertarian interact on a voluntary basis. They don't force communalization of someone elses belongings.
07-09-20 00:47:26
LeeGeeGee ::: Favorites
All "private property" means is property that is not public property. It's a fact that libertarian socialism is opposed to private ownership of the means of production. All "private ownership" means is non-public ownership.
07-09-20 00:45:16
Clean97gti ::: Favorites
A fine variant of the "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy. Here, how about I make one of my own. A true libertarian wouldn't permit an individual(s) to own those means and subjugate others for his own personal gain, thus robbing them of their freedom to produce and stealing the products of the labor of others.
07-09-20 00:45:00
Clean97gti ::: Favorites
I already explained the difference between private property and personal property. You've just chosen to selectively ignore it again. Sorry, you fail again.
07-09-20 00:42:07
LeeGeeGee ::: Favorites
The Wiki says "This equality and freedom would be achieved through the abolition of authoritarian institutions and private property[2], in order that direct control of the means of production and resources will be gained by the working class and society as a whole." That's I've been saying too. Libertarian socialism will not allow private ownership. Therefore it's not a philosophy of liberty.
07-09-20 00:40:11

Elpidio Valdés contra los rayadillos.

Duration: 08:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-23 10:09:36
User: Mavelyn
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ELPIDIO VALDÉS CONTRA LOS RAYADILLOS Dirigido por Juan Padrón, 1978 SINOPSIS: Intérpretes: Dibujos animados, Voces en off:, Frank González, Irela Bravo, Carmen Solar, Tony González Guión: Juan Padrón Argumento: Juan Padrón Directores de fotografía: Pepín Cámara de animación: Rodríguez, Alberto Valdés Música: Lucas de la Guardia Montador: Lucas de la Guardia Animación: Erasmo Juliachs, Marío García Montes Diseño: Juan Padrón Fondos: Modesto García Género: Dibujos animados, comedia

DaCbnConeCtioN ::: Favorites
oe ULTRACARTAGENAS es verdad tienes toa la razon; PERO cojelo suave el mio nama son munequitos vamos a difrutarlo...adema la mayoria de nosotros q vemos estos munequitos son de 18 pa bajo q estamos en el yuma hace unos cuantos anos y nama queremos recordar y difrutar un ratico de nuestra infancia, NADA K VER CON EL COMUNISMO..........HOLLA TO ALL MY PEOPLE WE DA BEST
07-07-30 16:16:52
ycabal ::: Favorites
casi lloro riendome en este capitulo de elpidio .... me vienen tantas memorias de cuando era niña .... WOW !!
07-07-11 10:26:05
ultramarcartagena ::: Favorites
I know that the comunist government of the island trys to portray Elpidio like one of them...but nothing more further from tha truth since Elpidio was a Mambi a warrior with dignity to fight the Spaniard ocupation..That is what we need now days more Elpidios to fight the Cuban Cominist regime
07-07-09 04:20:53
GeoCloaking ::: Favorites
Siempre me ha gustado ese acento, cuando dice "lo hicieron pure de tarco, cayo el desgraciao" XXXDD jaja, da risa... de todas maneras ya quería ver otro cuento, y este esta muy bueno
07-07-02 22:56:03
jennydiazt ::: Favorites
hola..estoy fascinada con estos muñequitos..... lo mejor....Mavelyn como es que los tienes?? de que manera los puedo tener?? no me acordaba del nombre del caballo ..PALMICHE
07-06-15 18:25:29
blackflame100 ::: Favorites
tremendos animados man, jajajaja Los borrachos siempre me dan risa!!!
07-06-07 04:24:27
villasd ::: Favorites
elpidio valdez es lo maximo y lo unico bueno q an dado en cuba
07-05-03 15:13:13
olichca9 ::: Favorites
viva cuba libreeee
07-04-29 18:20:09
poonjoonoob ::: Favorites
ROFL, en espanol! hahaha, hablan bien chistosos.
07-04-06 02:16:54
rukiakagome ::: Favorites
elpidio es lo me canso de decirlo! la cancion al final es una de mis favoritas el tipo disparando con los pies...jaja no me acordaba de eso!
07-01-19 21:35:13

Make Me Bad ~ SakuIno

Duration: 04:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-17 01:19:48
User: YukiandKyouarelovers
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I was bored, and I picked random Naruto characters to make a video for. xP The song is 'Make Me Bad' by KoRn and the credits song is 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by Green Day I DO NOT OWN NARUTO OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN KORN OR ANY OF ITS SONGS.

AnimeAwesomness ::: Favorites
07-08-16 16:45:37
FuzzyGhekko ::: Favorites
Agreed. Nice vid. :3
07-07-19 23:54:41
chaos0987654321 ::: Favorites
guy on guy, eww girl on girl yes
07-07-16 17:58:00
musicdivanc123 ::: Favorites
omg awsome vid evan though iam not big on this pairing it was awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! better than most pairing vids its true love knows no gender
07-07-10 16:19:23
maxxximumxx ::: Favorites
YURI not yaoi
07-07-04 22:37:53
NyuuNyah ::: Favorites
This isn't Yaoi this is Yuri, Yuri is Specificlly GirlxGirl while Yaoi is specificaly GuyxGuy. And there is nothing wrong with it either love heeds no gender, so you are a rather close-minded person
07-06-20 15:16:19
kyoneko85 ::: Favorites
07-06-10 09:07:03
yukisohmasama ::: Favorites
I still love this video! :D
07-06-08 01:34:37
yukisohmasama ::: Favorites
There's nothing wrong with liking a girl/girl or guy/guy pairing. GTFO, homophobe.
07-06-06 01:46:17
yukisohmasama ::: Favorites
I don't see what's so wrong about it. They were close childhood friends and there were a few hints thrown into the series here and there. :/
07-06-06 01:45:47

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Meeting 4 - Break up

Duration: 10:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-29 14:23:25
User: xForeverMinex
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hey guys! after i have been last monday in the insurance office (krankenkasse) to ask some qustion, and after they (the insurance office) told me few thing which i didn´t know before, i decited to visit the therapst once more to see what will happen.but i just feel the same like i allways do and time is money AND HE is just wasting my time and the money i will break this up, sending him a letter this monday (july, 2, 07) and hopfully i will find a better one soon as possible. if any question comes up, feel free to ask. Thank You, Forever Mine

c197373 ::: Favorites
I have found CBT to be highly effective especially working with juvenile drug addicts.
07-07-19 00:39:50
lilvoyce ::: Favorites
Your therapist sounds like he is all about the money. I don't like it when I ask a question and they do not answer me. I would not have bought the book from him either. I have gotten rid of a few therapist that I do not care for. I have no regrets.
07-07-01 04:04:15
xForeverMinex ::: Favorites
well, he dosen´t looks like that he´s all about the money, but with his offer to buy the book he made me upset.and then saying "come on, you get the therapy for free, so you can buy a book" made me really upset.but luckyly i´m not the type of person who says allways yes if someone wants something.and so i bought the book online and he made no extra cashxD.
07-07-01 08:09:37
peaches927 ::: Favorites
It can take a long time to find the right therapist sometimes. Just follow your heart!
07-06-30 17:12:59
xForeverMinex ::: Favorites
well, i really really hope to find the ONE as fast as possible.but i will give my best and hopefully being successfull.wish you a nice weekend, dear peaches.
07-06-30 17:51:55
edewasseige ::: Favorites
You are very persistent and goal oriented, I think you have made very good decision and I agree with you in what you are doing in your personal recovery : professional therapy, self education (books), gym subscription and YouTube video therapy (ha..ha..) . Thanks again for sharing your journey to recovery. Take care.
07-06-30 16:10:31
xForeverMinex ::: Favorites
hey buddy!to be honest, i wish i could start my life all over again without my mistakes from my past.i´m sure i would be wehre i want to be without my mistakes.and yes, i´m oriented because i have to.i´m going to be older and older and if i do not change my life now, i will probably never make it.but i´m really curios where i will be in months, maybe christmas or so.let see.wish you a nice weekend.
07-06-30 17:49:25
xForeverMinex ::: Favorites
ups i forgot something.selfeducation is in many ways important for me.i wish i could visit a school and get some englis lessons.but i can´t.maybe in some months or so.but first i want to learn how to deal with my fears and maybe then.thank you for your comment.
07-06-30 17:55:05
Pippilly ::: Favorites
I hope you're having a good weekend too! thanks for the note. You have lot's of support : )
07-06-30 16:07:03
xForeverMinex ::: Favorites
well i´m thinking about to try to find a female therapist, maybe they i feel better and more comfortable while meetings.anyways, i will try as fast as i can to find the ONE to learn how to deal with my fears.thank you for your comment.
07-06-30 10:28:35

Video Game Addictions (ICT Assignment)

Duration: 00:49 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-03 04:18:34
User: jasoncrisp17
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Heres an ad for an assignment about the symptoms for video game addicts. I'm no stranger to the syptoms so this wasn't hard to make and only took an hour.

whatdouwant909 ::: Favorites
thats soooooo me at :18 LOL!
07-09-10 22:40:39
gamefilms0 ::: Favorites
lol that was funny
07-09-10 17:18:48
whatdouwant909 ::: Favorites
07-09-09 16:25:21
Rodawg84 ::: Favorites
ROFL @ Those wall hits haha classic well done dude! Oh and what grade did you get for this assignment?
07-09-03 19:07:38
cnsomen ::: Favorites
07-09-02 07:51:34
xsvmaster ::: Favorites
I have all those simptoms. I am a gamer, I might be an addict but I have got cash and a girlfriend. What else do I need
07-08-09 21:28:23
resistanceunion ::: Favorites
Heheh great one mate :D cheers
07-07-26 16:37:23
Jordan100 ::: Favorites
That was good, like the Aussie touch at the end hahah. Nuh!
07-07-22 07:14:24
FallenJW ::: Favorites
I can't believe you can do this kinda thing in an hour. I'm so slow...
07-07-13 08:32:19
regaz93 ::: Favorites
07-07-10 20:26:56

brand new studio diary

Duration: 11:47 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-08 17:21:06
User: gunfighting
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deja entendu studio diary

musicforever27 ::: Favorites
What songs would you be referring to? Because they all sounf familiar to me.
07-08-15 09:48:39
EpyonNova ::: Favorites
no shit, but theres songs in this that arent on the cd.
07-07-31 16:22:20
JacobFleming ::: Favorites
buy the cd...>.<
07-07-27 11:37:15
EpyonNova ::: Favorites
does anybody know if theres any way to get the songs they were recording?
07-07-27 00:58:54
McNutterbutter ::: Favorites
girls just wanna have fun! ^_^
07-07-24 02:55:58
aep0425 ::: Favorites
this video is really old [it was on brand new's old web site when d.e. had just came out]. vin is incredibly good looking and all the guys are uber nice in person.. and hilarious! :)
07-07-06 23:05:44
bnsowingseason ::: Favorites
haha brian with a movielife tshirt!
07-06-20 23:14:56
mkamadi ::: Favorites
best ever soooo funny! thankyou!!
07-06-12 01:45:15
thelovveofyrlife ::: Favorites
=DD made my day.
07-05-13 16:17:49
o6caligal ::: Favorites
i just came like 9 times!!!! thank the lord thT you were born and posted this video!
07-04-16 20:38:21

This One's For The Girls (Lives of the Hogwarts Girls)

Duration: 04:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-20 00:39:16
User: CarolinaGal91
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Please rate and comment!!!!

CarolinaGal91 ::: Favorites
07-09-14 17:41:53
cosmicchik ::: Favorites
Awesome! *scoots video to favorites*
07-09-13 19:43:28
CarolinaGal91 ::: Favorites
thanks alot!
07-09-13 17:59:13
VampGuru101 ::: Favorites
I love this song. The vid fit with it perfectly. Nice job!
07-09-10 22:50:41
CarolinaGal91 ::: Favorites
07-09-09 13:21:04
lilacxoxdancer ::: Favorites
I love it :D
07-09-09 11:26:04
DisneyChic63 ::: Favorites
yeah i figured it out last night. but i luved the video!! and i LUV martina mcbride
07-09-01 12:46:02
CarolinaGal91 ::: Favorites
thanks!!! it's by martina mcbride
07-08-31 20:54:35
DisneyChic63 ::: Favorites
who sings this song?? shania martina mcbride faith hill i can;t remember it was great though!! 5/5
07-08-31 17:08:53
CarolinaGal91 ::: Favorites
07-08-20 23:56:31

Planets and Stars to Scale

Duration: 02:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-02 11:17:27
User: FreeScienceLectures
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Description: The video shows how each planet scales in size relative to each other. The exploration begins at the smallest planet Mercury which has diameter of just 4880 km, then comes Mars (6794 km), Venus, Earth (12756 km), Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter (142984 km), Sun, Sirius, Pollux, Arcturus (4177500 km), Rigel, Beteigeuze, Antares (1108430000 km), My Cephei, VV Cephei (288194 times bigger than Earth). Pretty impressive! --- It's Never too Late to Study: --- Notice: This video is copyright by its respectful owners. The website address on the video does not mean anything. ---

bassboombottom ::: Favorites
oh shi-
07-09-16 13:54:14
TeenageAznBoy ::: Favorites
I never seen anything bigger than the sun. O_O
07-09-14 12:31:58
addinan ::: Favorites
Glory be to God
07-09-11 02:39:54
revilo178 ::: Favorites
Like when u release hot gas or vapor from a bottle into a larger room, it gets colder.
07-09-10 12:38:40
revilo178 ::: Favorites
I think you're right. That big stars have a colder surface does make sense: when the stars blows up the gas gets rarefied and therefore colder, the warmth being dispersed on a larger volume.
07-09-09 21:11:06
Mcmur ::: Favorites
ok so, dont more massive stars actually have a lower surface temperature then smaller ones but hotter cores (which doesnt seem to make sense to me, perhaps i misread something) and doesnt that mean that more massive stars are at later stages of their life because since their cores are hotter they have finished converting hydrogen into helium and perhaps even reached a hot enough temperature to start converting helium into carbon.
07-09-09 19:19:28
kylem2904 ::: Favorites
i feel so small :'(
07-09-09 13:38:25
bannehzita ::: Favorites
lol could be...but mine sounds more interesting hehehheheh gaints from space lol;)
07-09-09 11:44:52
revilo178 ::: Favorites
Big stars are said to have a short life compared to the sun and to be too unstable, thus changing their dimensions an their brightness too quickly. Not very good for the evolution of life as we know it.
07-09-09 09:01:51
revilo178 ::: Favorites
I don't think so. Maybe they have normal planets like earth around them at a damn big distance so that they are not burnt to slices.
07-09-09 08:59:03

Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up (Live)

Duration: 05:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-02 03:56:31
User: thespyderdude00
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Omaha NE

grobanitegirl17 ::: Favorites
I am so sad that I missed this. This is my favorite song .
07-09-09 11:56:29
hzlidrdhd ::: Favorites
AHHH...many great memories...Than You for posting
07-09-05 11:29:14
ZANESSALOVE ::: Favorites
OMG I WAS HERE!!! Right in the very front up against the really Josh grabbed my hand and sang to me...TWICE!!!!!!!!! (melts into a puddle of mush)
07-09-04 00:42:53
MissSara121 ::: Favorites
Thank you so much for posting. I was there too but i ran out of memory on my camera before this song. I just love it. I was up there by the stage and it was just so amazing.
07-09-02 16:12:48
butchscorner ::: Favorites
Very Nice Video. The Qwest has a good sound system thats for sure. Nothing like Omaha.. is there?
07-09-02 15:57:32
thespyderdude00 ::: Favorites
Thanks!, Yep Qwest is an awesome venue
07-09-02 17:46:11
LilyPeters1540 ::: Favorites
07-09-02 17:46:43
LilyPeters1540 ::: Favorites
OMG OMG OMG I WAS THERE!! thanks so much for posting this I thought nobody would post his ancores!!!
07-09-02 15:38:21
thespyderdude00 ::: Favorites
Ther're the best part :-)
07-09-02 17:45:49

David Gilmour Licks

Duration: 03:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-24 14:29:41
User: Imitationnigger
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Licks in the style of Prog-Rock Genius David Gilmour!

if3lix ::: Favorites
1:43 ouch! poor fingers thats a very difficult bend
07-09-11 02:08:42
qzdfth ::: Favorites
very sweet ^^
07-08-27 08:46:15
Darinor ::: Favorites
Whats the setup? Fender (US?) strat with lace sensors? And maybe a fender amp too? Nice tone anyway!
07-08-23 18:31:06
themann810 ::: Favorites
anyone have the tabs for the first riff?
07-08-09 20:52:29
Imitationnigger ::: Favorites
Cmon man... you have it even slowed down afterwards, it shouldn't be that hard to figure it out...
07-08-11 09:22:00
davidgilmour1234 ::: Favorites
Thought you might be interested in some of my floyd renditions.. im especially proud of my money guitar solo, but i also have others. just click on my name.. thanks
07-07-21 22:25:35
fyerfytr ::: Favorites
Sweet thanks!
07-07-19 23:42:10
shwarznegher ::: Favorites
07-06-27 16:47:35