Sunday, September 2, 2007

Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Smiley Face...

Duration: 05:52 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-02 01:56:22
User: kentdoddsproductions
:::: Favorites

This is the second Smiley Face™ (ha ha just kidding on the ™, but still, don't completely copy me) that I have made. This Smiley Face™ ... all » promises to be a pretty big hit. I decided to create a second one because of all of the positive feedback I was getting on my first one (just search "Kent Dodds Smiley Face..." in Google Video and you'll find them all, there will be more soon). I've always loved Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams and so I thought it would be a good choice for a second video. If you have a really good idea for a song, go to my website ( and e-mail me. Thanks!

neopetsgirl150 ::: Favorites
sweet! xD smiley faces will rule the earth!! xD good job! =3
07-09-01 21:24:25
SegaMegadriveMic ::: Favorites
:-) ;-) :-D :OD X-D :-O :-@
07-08-31 18:06:34
panic148academy ::: Favorites
see. THIS is waht youtube is for.
07-07-30 14:49:57
23grifftheriff ::: Favorites
Awsome! Man this rox! I think its soooo cool the way they make the smiley sing i wonder how they train it!
07-07-27 16:03:48
thekid365 ::: Favorites
07-07-23 00:56:08
Ad3EnAh ::: Favorites
lol funny
07-07-21 18:02:22
aaronb1992 ::: Favorites
lol atleast he has a brain unlike u
07-07-03 10:44:04
doggiepaddle ::: Favorites
Let's arm wrestle.
07-06-29 10:25:21
ixlovexhimx311 ::: Favorites
OMG! thats funny!
07-06-28 20:19:42
rokito1990 ::: Favorites
COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
07-06-24 15:17:23

Funny Beer Commercial

Duration: 01:03 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-28 12:46:43
User: webmatthijs
:::: Favorites

Realy funny commercial!!!!

fghfgw381 ::: Favorites
Not bad. This site is pretty cool for nekkid girls - <B> _SUNNYFIRE.NET_ </B>
07-08-29 16:44:32
segal145q701 ::: Favorites
The video is hot.. you can get the full version on CAMSJUNGLE DOT COM -segal145q701
07-08-28 01:11:24
johnrv272 ::: Favorites
Theres a lot of cute camgirls at <B> _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ </B>
07-08-22 03:06:51
TheDevilsTeardrop ::: Favorites
Dude, totally not a commercial. It is a sketch from the short lived comedy "The Sketch Show" which was aired in Australia in 2001. Check out the website, "thesketchshow-.-tv", or "imdb-.-com-/-title-/-tt0295819-/-". Not sure if they only did the two seasons, but they were defiantly not the best going around at the time down here in aus.
07-08-02 17:03:45
roygbiv330 ::: Favorites
was this in canada?
07-07-29 10:10:33
Cyberg101 ::: Favorites
07-07-27 00:33:30
Deathowl1990 ::: Favorites
and they would have been finished in 2 days
07-07-20 15:52:48
john3360 ::: Favorites
hahaha if that was in japan then they would better have tweezers with them.
07-07-18 06:09:48
kamazu1991 ::: Favorites
hell yeah is FUNNY
07-07-06 17:10:56
deycallmesam ::: Favorites
07-07-02 17:06:00

Lonestar- Amazed (Naru x Hina)

Duration: 04:55 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-26 01:29:30
User: xfallenloverx
:::: Favorites

comments?! -thanks

jodanmun ::: Favorites
you sooooo got that riiiiiight!!
07-08-29 19:51:26
halosinper101 ::: Favorites
xfallenloverx you are the best video artist for naruto i ever seen you should keep doing this your awesome at it really awesome at it love song for the song for far away i cried in every video !!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-29 13:02:47
exbf4eva ::: Favorites
07-08-23 21:57:00
ryogo1112 ::: Favorites
sorry for the question but... you are a woman? sorry yes?
07-08-22 13:08:50
helound ::: Favorites
can u tell me were to get that pic at 2min. 59 sec. into movie clip?
07-08-21 15:10:47
Johannyman3510 ::: Favorites
Hinata and Naruto, as always a cute couple - wish they would make an episode with Naruto realising that Hinata is in love with him. That would spice the episodes up whenever there together
07-08-20 08:43:30
mickeyslippers ::: Favorites
like hinata? check out my background
07-08-20 00:18:05
lionel25 ::: Favorites
Keep them coming .
07-08-19 15:59:03
Prencuela ::: Favorites
Whic episode is from 1;04?? Must know :O
07-08-19 06:03:22
gohan888888882 ::: Favorites
amazing song + best naruto couple = AWESOMENESS!
07-08-18 19:58:05

案發現場躲貓貓 - 楊宗緯 part5

Duration: 11:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-19 13:33:02
User: hahahaheb
:::: Favorites

周日八點黨 - 20070819 來賓:楊宗緯

eekeeper ::: Favorites
07-08-31 19:26:18
markchanggz ::: Favorites
i'm not trying to find excuses for him, but these stuffs in the house are hard to find! We might think it's easy as audiences since we have a broader view of the area. But try it yourself in that house! It is extremely hard to find these things, especially in such intense situation with pressures from other ppl.
07-08-28 20:11:44
kayteeW ::: Favorites
hey cunts, try cooling the fuck down. it doesnt matter if he let the family won on purpose or he is pure dumb. oh by the way, do you know its just a show?
07-08-28 07:51:17
cjlu24 ::: Favorites
07-08-28 03:19:00
lydia940 ::: Favorites
that house just has several rooms and bathroom......
07-08-28 01:53:18
xcamui ::: Favorites
I wouldn't notice the last one too..maybe i am dumb?:0
07-08-26 21:06:09
atvantung ::: Favorites
07-08-26 14:15:16
lilianekiss ::: Favorites
07-08-25 14:52:37
fakeyme ::: Favorites
he should be more observant to the the things...^ ^
07-08-25 06:10:13
joyyang88 ::: Favorites
He just pretended to be a little dump. He wanted the family to have the award of NT$60,000 in the end.If he had found all the faults, the family would not get the money. Don't be too serious, just a game. I support him.
07-08-23 07:18:43

Reasons not to ride power tower

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-28 00:32:51
:::: Favorites

well its a crudely drawn stick figure flash of the chick on the superman or wut ever and its funny so stfu and watch it

xrockxerx ::: Favorites
trithia chicachicachica wa wa
07-09-01 14:46:40
irishlatino07 ::: Favorites
lol fucked up. but funny. people need to chill the fuck out. Its america. Last time i checked we loved pain and violence
07-08-25 23:46:10
starburstzz ::: Favorites
Lol thats the lady is the other video (The real one).
07-08-24 19:59:19
SAKTHEMOVIE ::: Favorites
Everyone, you really hate me because of a funny video about an accident? she didnt die, shes prolly gonna be fuckin rich for the rest of her life. shes fine so chill out and have a laugh
07-08-12 21:38:15
Patrick3222 ::: Favorites
SAKTHEMOVIE is a stupid bastard who has no feelings
07-08-05 13:54:48
laysoul ::: Favorites
wtf ur an ass hole
07-08-04 22:52:18
Darthjamie10 ::: Favorites
You MOTHERFUCKING retard!Getting your feet cut off isn't funny in any way at all!Let's all see how you like it!
07-08-04 14:26:12
HersheyFog11 ::: Favorites
You disgust me! If that was U, how would U feel if someone made fun of U like that? Go cut your feet off with a wire and let someone make fun of you! I was on that last ride and saw it ALL! That is the worst feeling in the world!
07-08-03 10:39:58
blazakin87 ::: Favorites
she didnt bleed retard
07-08-03 10:16:41
sp45ih ::: Favorites
sick piece of shit
07-07-31 05:41:40

The Simpsons - The Hardest Button to Button

Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-05 14:24:14
User: TamaDemon
:::: Favorites

From Season 18 Episode 2: Jazzy and the Pussycats. The music is from The White Stripes. The songs name is The Hardest Button to Button

Expl0rati0n ::: Favorites
07-08-20 17:04:12
OprahDust ::: Favorites
that was awesome haha
07-08-20 12:07:49
looploop22 ::: Favorites
bahahaha awsome^^^^^
07-08-19 22:39:11
bryce123193 ::: Favorites
only thing i noticed is megan kept losing her crash and getting it back while drumming. bart did too.
07-08-12 17:12:14
bryce123193 ::: Favorites
07-08-12 17:10:32
wheresmychainsaw ::: Favorites
OO! trippy!
07-08-07 20:51:23
grungecake ::: Favorites
this is so good! hahaha
07-07-28 09:59:59
barrentree ::: Favorites
i havent laughed so hard in aaaages!! favourited!
07-07-28 00:58:11
insanepieceofshis ::: Favorites
this thing's funny!!! Hahahahahha!!!
07-07-19 16:29:18
SuperMonkey139 ::: Favorites
My favorite parts were Otto said Oooo trippy and when Meg White said Let's kick his ass
07-07-09 16:24:39

Crash Test

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-28 19:44:40
User: peoplerstupid
:::: Favorites

MY friend (Jake) dies in a horrible accident =(

LAsh09 ::: Favorites
07-05-29 15:38:48
sentry73 ::: Favorites
honestly chase, kinda stupid
07-05-30 20:27:43
LAsh09 ::: Favorites
I'm not siprised by his username.
07-05-31 02:28:13
PonesNuebs ::: Favorites
Ya i no ppl are stupid
07-05-31 20:47:20
jpc5548 ::: Favorites
you suck
07-06-06 16:21:55
hiphophottie77 ::: Favorites
wow... jake is relly hott!!!!!!!!
07-06-07 15:19:27
beelzenef123 ::: Favorites
whoa there hiphophottie.... .... ya, stick with dancing chase....
07-06-09 13:57:00
sencasa ::: Favorites
you ass!
07-06-22 17:34:21

Wes Clark, George Bush - a Rookie Pitcher

Duration: 07:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 20:35:33
User: WesleyClark
:::: Favorites

Wes Clark gave a Keynote at Yearly Kos on August 3, 2007. He said, "George Bush reminds me of a rookie pitcher who thinks he's got a no hitter going in the 7th inning, and he's just trying to skate through so the loss can be given to the relief that's coming in." Check out more on what Wes had to say about the current state of affairs in America.

SergioMomarsh ::: Favorites
Run for President!
07-08-06 20:57:42
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
it's about the religious. the sunni and shiia have been killing each other for 1400 years as to who is the rightful heir to mohammad.
07-08-06 21:28:27
haaretz2 ::: Favorites
hey, eliminate poverty in america.
07-08-06 21:28:53
Phalanxpursos ::: Favorites
When America gets a new president, then they can talk about a new strategy. With all respect to Wesley Clark's strategy.
07-08-06 22:33:32
SaintVengeance ::: Favorites
If only we were so lucky!
07-08-07 00:55:32
grazon ::: Favorites
He's a great guy but a lousy politician. Best we can hope for is that he runs for VP.
07-08-07 13:22:18
cammcharg ::: Favorites
President Clark in 2008!!! Go to securingamerica dot-com!!
07-08-07 16:30:21
chrisbigbroadrf ::: Favorites
One night stands and no strings sex at > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <
07-08-19 00:00:10

jebus card magic 2

Duration: 03:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-01 17:46:04
User: staircapades
:::: Favorites

if anybody wants to trade card tricks with any of me

staircapades ::: Favorites
voodoo zone was created by roy walton...warp one by david ren jenkins. in other words two different tricks. at what point did you see the rip?
07-08-09 13:51:48
Cardtrickster87 ::: Favorites
not bad but i saw the rip! lol sorry its called voodoo zone but you do it with 2 cards... looks cooler this way though good job
07-08-08 20:35:29
revealor ::: Favorites
well i can give u my website and the password to go and watch it
07-07-13 13:12:04
staircapades ::: Favorites
alright fine are we gonna do this
07-07-13 00:38:05
revealor ::: Favorites
well i have a poker trick
07-07-12 18:05:02
staircapades ::: Favorites
i learnt that trick just by watching it...great trick no doubt...but it's obvious for people like you and me
07-07-12 15:40:23
revealor ::: Favorites
i have the homing card trick where a card vanishes under the spectactor's hand, and if u know it, let me know cuz i have more for u.
07-07-11 09:13:50
staircapades ::: Favorites
what are u willing to give for that trick
07-07-10 18:18:23
revealor ::: Favorites
i know all your tricks except for the version summer sault
07-07-10 11:08:15
revealor ::: Favorites
no i have some knew tricks and i did not reveal it, i'll trade with u, i'll show u the trick then reveal it.
07-07-10 11:05:44

Bridge To Terabithia

Duration: 03:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 00:40:23
User: OfficalJoshHutch
:::: Favorites

heres some pictures of me in Bridge To Terabithia song: Wanabee By: The Spice Girls

JoshHutchLover89 ::: Favorites
You were so great in that movie josh
07-08-13 14:49:33
yayayoyo34 ::: Favorites
great song i luv the Spice Girls!
07-08-12 17:38:35
MrsJoshHutch ::: Favorites
lol =]
07-08-11 23:50:09
OfficalJoshHutch ::: Favorites
thx i did too lol
07-08-11 23:29:19
clemsongurl92 ::: Favorites
love it and the movie
07-08-11 18:10:21
NataliaF02 ::: Favorites
love th vid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<33333
07-08-11 16:03:33
CelebFanatic1320 ::: Favorites
cool songg!
07-08-11 15:20:49
MrsJoshHutch ::: Favorites
lol well it came out great! i faved =]
07-08-11 13:30:59
OfficalJoshHutch ::: Favorites
I had a hard time choosing the song, I was gonna choose baby its you by Jojo but I already did one with one of her songs so I just randomly chose this one lol
07-08-11 13:10:24
OfficalJoshHutch ::: Favorites
thank you!!
07-08-11 13:08:21

Clubpenguin Stuby Pingu Show episode 1: Magic Trix

Duration: 06:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-19 23:38:48
User: coolpenguinmandelux
:::: Favorites

The first ever episode of the Stuby Pingu show, i got the idea for this movie in december 2006 but i couldnt record it.. but then i got a hypercam and now i can record it! lol so i did then i added music and other stuff well anyway, ENJOY!! (or else)

corrybigchickad ::: Favorites
Get a hot date at > WEBFLINGTODAY . COM <
07-08-10 18:12:56
coolpenguinmandelux ::: Favorites
yep everyone does! lol its just a simple fun video
07-08-09 20:57:57
Masha108 ::: Favorites
that's really kewl. i have a club penguin too. But i nkow how u did it.
07-08-09 20:57:11
coolpenguinmandelux ::: Favorites
07-08-02 15:01:27
dedanmix ::: Favorites
07-08-02 14:51:04
coolpenguinmandelux ::: Favorites
i told you how to hack....? when and where?
07-07-29 19:12:05
DakotaSeirra318 ::: Favorites
Thank you for telling me how to hack! But where is the button to download it
07-07-29 16:32:55
63628094 ::: Favorites
not bad
07-07-22 03:33:32
coolpenguinmandelux ::: Favorites
those arnt hacks.. but yes the muic is from bettlejuice i love that movie..:)
07-07-15 14:52:24
Xxxbabyygurlxx ::: Favorites
JOIN MY BAND: Club Penguin Star Performers of '07 1) IF YOU KNOW THAT YOUR PENGUIN AND YOU ARE GREAT PERFORMERS AND HAVE EXCEEDED MORE MOVIES THAN OTHERS, COME AND JOIN, ITS GREAT(: 2) Type in keywords "club penguin" if you are not able to find the group. 3) Other stars are there so join(: 4) I'm not much of a star myself but i enjoy watching your clips. just write a comment here about you clip and i will add it in the band and my channel.
07-07-15 10:02:19

HSM2 "Bet On It" *with lyrics* including movie clips

Duration: 04:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-24 23:40:28
User: funpun7
:::: Favorites

I decided to remake this one with actual movie clips in it. This (of course) is NOT the official music video for "Bet on it" from High School Musical 2, and it has actual scenes from the movie in it. Some of the clips are not very good quality. This video features Zac Efron. It includes the lyrics so you can sing along. *All Credit goes to Disney.* clips are from trailer, the other music videos, other various interviews, and movie clips. *No Copyright infringement intended.* Please rate and comment.

filamor2007 ::: Favorites
COOL SONG!!!am I the tipe of guy who means what I say? BET ON IT, BET ON IT, BET ON IT, BET ON IT!
07-09-01 23:29:03
kagomeinuyasha1292 ::: Favorites
luv it thumbs up lol :P
07-09-01 21:12:26
boxerbaybi ::: Favorites
i love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-09-01 15:01:45
fannumba1 ::: Favorites
this is the best song from HSM2, BY FAR! i love zac
07-09-01 12:28:41
curlyQds ::: Favorites
this is my fave song in HSM2, but no offense i think zac I mean troy dances like a girl. luv this song tho!
07-09-01 09:26:21
galuqgile ::: Favorites
it very funny when 2.32
07-08-31 22:05:19
msthang14 ::: Favorites
i luv this song troy is so damm hotttt! him and vanessa make a good couple
07-08-31 19:59:33
hairsprayfan82695 ::: Favorites
i love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-31 19:25:34
pinkydinkydo11 ::: Favorites
139 is the best part
07-08-31 16:52:36
nono195 ::: Favorites
love it and its one of my favorite song
07-08-31 16:24:31

bleach "riot" three days grace

Duration: 04:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-04 05:59:28
User: iluvanime123
:::: Favorites

A three days grace amv with the song riot. bla bla bla the title says it all and dont be retarded and say my video sucks because you cant get anything you fucking ASSHOLES!!!

iluvanime123 ::: Favorites
ummm i made this a couple months ago and those episodes wernt out yet and i had only one episode cuz my sister didnt have anymore and she was taking too long with downloading them
07-07-03 03:21:40
itchigo569 ::: Favorites
I totaly agree this AMV could have been alot better if you would have used scenes from when the arrancar went to earth and started fighting the captains and vice's especially since it was kinda a roit. you could have done so much with this video I would have given it a 3/5 if it weren't for the bathroom talk scene just sitting in the middle of the video when there was some beat to work with.
07-07-01 22:10:49
Kamidana ::: Favorites
and ur a @#$@# head, shut the @#&% up @#$@&$
07-06-26 23:26:05
ACsChick ::: Favorites
This is pointed to Meteora1994
07-06-17 22:34:42
ACsChick ::: Favorites
Hey it wasnt very good but still take it make somthing better!
07-06-17 22:33:45
lophybondfire ::: Favorites
your being invired into a bleach contest! you can view the details and join by clicking groups on the top of my channel. i hope you enter. if you do want to enter it has to be done by june 29. good luck. oh and anyone can enter if they meet the qualifications
07-06-17 19:34:29
3853t ::: Favorites
what are all of their names?
07-06-14 15:23:13
pheanix18 ::: Favorites
and peaple start protesting because youtube is deletin every anime vidie anime lovers please protest we have to protect anime videos like this cool one sorry to put this comment
07-06-12 21:09:22
pheanix18 ::: Favorites
their soul reapers that died and became holows
07-06-12 21:05:08
3853t ::: Favorites
who are all the ppl in the white outfits can you plz tell me? the olny one i know is Grimmjow.
07-06-11 12:11:48

Fall Out Boy-A Little Less Sixteen Candles Chipmunk

Duration: 02:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-23 22:10:24
User: d00mzday007
:::: Favorites

FOB chipmunk version.A little less sixteen candles a little more touch me.PLEASE COMMENT! Lyrics(only a lot faster...=) lol) Please Comment!!!! I confess, I messed up Dropping "I'm sorry" like you're still around And I know you dressed up "hey kid, you'll never live this down" You're just the girl all the boys want to dance with And I'm just a boy who's had too many chances I'm sleeping on your folk's porch again, dreaming She said, she said, she said, "Why don't you just drop dead?" I don't blame you for being you But you can't blame me for hating it She said, "What are you waiting for? Kiss her! Kiss her!" I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late Write me off, give up on me 'Cause darling what did you expect I'm just off a lost cause A long shot, don't even take this bet You can make all the moves, you can aim all the spotlights Get all the sighs and the moans just right I'm sleeping on your folk's porch again, dreaming She said, she said, she said, "Why don't you just drop dead?" I don't blame you for being you But you can't blame me for hating it She said, "What are you waiting for? Kiss her! kiss her!" I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late Always on (always on) You said you'd keep me honest Always on (always on) But I won't call you on it Always on (always on) I don't blame you for being you But you can't blame me for hating it She said, "What are you waiting for? Kiss her! Kiss her!" I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late

Starzz37 ::: Favorites
07-07-03 12:32:17
boothymc ::: Favorites
in english please !! pete looks great as ever n i have bout a million posters of him
07-07-07 13:45:12
jaide333 ::: Favorites
hahaha i love itititit
07-07-12 13:48:05
IceKream69 ::: Favorites
haha cooool!
07-08-05 01:17:59
XxLetsPanicxX ::: Favorites
Lmao! Its hilarious!
07-08-13 20:11:14
stasi6 ::: Favorites
lmfao can you do sugar were going down?
07-08-15 14:45:32
KuchikixxRukia ::: Favorites
it is in English. Everybody gotta love Fall Out Boy mixed with chipmunks. Thanks for uploading this!
07-08-18 17:26:49
futuremisswentz ::: Favorites
07-08-23 15:42:38
CuteTeddy10 ::: Favorites
Omg I had this up so high on my speakers i got scared when the vampires came if they are called vampires lol!
07-08-31 19:16:20

Robert Hanna

Duration: 00:13 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-25 09:10:29
User: Ninooo
:::: Favorites

Robert är en Riktig Artist !!!! !!!ThE KinG!!!

milica29 ::: Favorites
skiit heet:D
06-09-30 17:20:36
YingyingZhou ::: Favorites
fattar inte hur han inte kom med =( ja bojkotta idol eftersom han inte kom vidare...<3 him
06-11-04 15:07:29
utubesucks2003 ::: Favorites
06-11-29 18:36:07
Ninosss ::: Favorites
grym dansare är han!!!
07-01-01 22:25:22
kriiiistiiiina ::: Favorites
aa de håller ja verkligen me om han e Ruggit Bra på Att Dansa!
07-01-02 09:26:22
Loisa86 ::: Favorites
Het som fann!
07-02-05 06:46:54
shayan9 ::: Favorites
SKönn e han
07-02-11 16:40:05
Ninooo ::: Favorites
Grym !
07-06-12 11:52:59
Siva1000 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 06:25:57