Wednesday, December 5, 2007

El extraño mundo de Jack - Oogie Boogie (LATINOAMÉRICA)

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-25 22:23:29
User: MerylSnake14
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Video de la canción de Oogie Boogie de la película "El extraño mundo de Jack" o "Nightmare before Christmas"


MerylSnake14 ::: Favorites  2007-07-25 22:50:33

Hola!!!!!!!!!!! Este es el video latino-americano de la canción de "Oogie Boogie" de la gran película "El extraño mundo de Jack" Si quieren que suba más videos solo tienen que pedírmelo :) Porfavor, califiquen y comenten mi video, y si pueden visiten mi canal. Saludos y gracias 8D
MerylSnake14 ::: Favorites  2007-07-25 22:51:31

Hello!!! This is the Latin-American video of the "Oogie Boogie" song of the great movie "Nightmare before Christmas". If they want that it raises more videos only they have that to ask for it me. Please comment, qualify my video and visit my channel 8D. Regards and thanks
Terra14ipzel ::: Favorites  2007-08-02 00:30:07

HoLA!! mE EnKnTa eStA KnCióN!! Te pOdRiA PeDiR Un fAvOrSoToToToTe??? mE GuStArIa qUe sUbIeRaS La kNcIÓn dE LoS 3 NiÑoS QuE RaPtAn a sAnTa cLaUs La kNcIÓn kE CaNtAn cUaNdO Lo vAn a rApTaR, PoRfA!! BuEnO, GrAx!!
MerylSnake14 ::: Favorites  2007-08-02 15:19:17

hmm creo saber a cual te refieres... bueno , revisa mi canal en unas horas y tal ves ya este el video. Saludos 8D
Managardenia ::: Favorites  2007-08-03 23:30:24

Hola ^^ me encantan las canciones de esta pelicula ^O^ y queria pedirte que si porfavor, puedes subir la de: "Hoy es Halloween" si?
MerylSnake14 ::: Favorites  2007-08-04 00:06:14

claro que puedo. esperalo pacientemente, no debería tardar mucho en subirlo :)
XXXgangrenXXX ::: Favorites  2007-08-14 19:20:33

o q canciones tan geniales gracias
gotiklok ::: Favorites  2007-08-28 15:00:23

jeje se que Oogie Boogie es malo pero me encanta no tanto como Jack pero es chevere jeje ( ^ ; ^ )
lunitawentz ::: Favorites  2007-09-05 23:18:16

aww me encantan las cancioones del oogie boogie (: plzz subi masss xD en la q el oogie pelea con jack :P besow!
ZhikoAzidEmoOPuUnk ::: Favorites  2007-09-11 00:31:03

Eaa ! Oogiie Boggiee !
bulesma ::: Favorites  2007-10-26 13:04:24

pesadillas antes de navidad en castellano le da 3000 vueltas
Ira294 ::: Favorites  2007-10-26 19:18:14

Hola!!! me encanta esta cancion...pero no encuentro otra q me gusta la del rapto d santa atroz, d los chicos de oogie boogie, en español latino :(
jlhgomez ::: Favorites  2007-11-01 19:24:44

Esta cancion es una Mierda y Oogie Boogie tambien porque en Kingdom hearts esta chiingon de matar y el puto de jack solo le jala un hilo y le salen los gusanos y ya lo matan y en Kingdom hearts esta bien dificil de matar.
diegosusana ::: Favorites  2007-12-02 22:37:56

se escucha chido en latino tambien me late en ingles pero la traducciondel oggie boggie quedo chida


Duration: 01:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-27 15:58:44
User: tedthepantythief
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plzplzplzplz desu desu desu desu desu heil megatron


Masamunecb ::: Favorites  2007-10-27 18:21:50

Haha, What's that Microsoft Sam? Fear our Blitzkriegs! ;P
tedthepantythief ::: Favorites  2007-10-27 18:28:09

It was this program I have, IMO, sounds 20x worse than Microsoft Sam. Mission accomplished. Mmm... Blitzkriegs...
Ricky156 ::: Favorites  2007-10-27 19:01:04

WOOT GO YOU. That was great.
tedthepantythief ::: Favorites  2007-10-27 19:26:27

Danke. These are srs bsnss politics here.
GuildofOnfir ::: Favorites  2007-10-27 22:10:29

Our great leader Jetfighter380...How a great leader he is. lol
tedthepantythief ::: Favorites  2007-10-27 22:54:50

no u
radiwav ::: Favorites  2007-10-28 13:50:33

Henada ::: Favorites  2007-10-29 23:16:51

You're my fucking hero.
RedBaroness ::: Favorites  2007-11-01 20:49:05

XD I nearly laughed my ass off. You rock.
tedthepantythief ::: Favorites  2007-11-02 13:45:27

"reichs foo her" "luhft waffles" Oh text to speech.

Airsoft gun to the Balls

Duration: 02:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-16 15:55:20
User: BxrayX
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Airsoft Gun+Despiration=Prostitution



Duration: 03:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-22 09:56:01
User: paulosergio
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A grande presença nos 29 anos de Carol Dieckmann é justamente de José, seu filho mais novo. Veja como foi.


artavia89 ::: Favorites  2007-09-26 18:56:29

carolina te amo!!

ND Trigger + Virtue Board! Bam It's On!

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-12 17:04:10
User: italofm
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Check it out the new trigger i got for my PM6. Plus the Virtue Board on PsP mode. Fell in love for my gun!


mxrider6190 ::: Favorites  2006-11-26 21:01:23

either the sound was messed up or ur gun was shooting on its own lol
mrben0000 ::: Favorites  2006-12-20 20:37:35

pfizerreg ::: Favorites  2006-12-23 19:39:03

Congrats, your gun is illegal on all fields.
fatalft1 ::: Favorites  2006-12-31 20:05:33

Omg you guys are nubs. Read the title, he has a virtue board and it's on ramping. Its not bouncing and its not illegal, rofl.
emarti3419 ::: Favorites  2007-02-07 15:48:04

IF it's ramping, it shouldn't shoot after he let's go.
bron1c ::: Favorites  2007-02-15 13:38:28

it is the fucking camera retard
rizzi7 ::: Favorites  2007-02-18 10:13:48

illegal gun lol..have fun playing on ur own
TravisandSam ::: Favorites  2007-02-24 10:13:27

if its on ramping it can shoot afte re lefts go arew u a noob my friends got a fucking shoocker nxt with a virtue and when he useing ramping he can let go and it still keeps shooting wow dude i bet u know nothing about virtues
adam125zzz ::: Favorites  2007-02-28 19:51:03

its psp 30 bps and thats not a virtue
Paintballkid1212 ::: Favorites  2007-03-02 19:19:50

il buy it 6oo? message me 1
motocrossfreak3 ::: Favorites  2007-03-04 01:32:46

no it doesnt shoot that fast with paint and air it just clicks like that on the psp mode...
ion42691 ::: Favorites  2007-03-13 19:51:07

yea it is a virtue board nice gun man props
ArielCaboob ::: Favorites  2007-03-26 20:33:43

why is it illegal ? is virtue board illegal?
PainTbaLLFReaK1321 ::: Favorites  2007-04-19 17:06:14

no, but it has to be capped at 15bps
gabereal1 ::: Favorites  2007-04-21 21:28:19

its not illegal but you do have to cap it at 15 bps and put on tourney lock

Kalayaan National High School

Duration: 04:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-14 23:13:35
User: jomsandchevs
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Magic Pro Tour Kobe 2006 Semi Finals Part 4

Duration: 10:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-08 10:09:56
User: Alicabob
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Magic Pro Tour Kobe 2006 Semi Finals Part 4


Krillious ::: Favorites  2007-09-09 18:08:34

wheres part 3
Alicabob ::: Favorites  2007-09-09 23:04:38

Fuck!!!I will have it up within the next day or two.

Class of 2004

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-20 17:19:07
User: 20mia07
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A video of us :)


ShePhoebz ::: Favorites  2007-07-25 18:25:18

OMG Mia this is amazing! xxx

Beatles - Hey Jude - Rehearsal - 1968 (UPGRADE)

Duration: 02:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-28 19:29:50
User: mlucifersam
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Compare this clip the other versions of the same footage on YouTube. Yeah, this is only HALF of the full 6 min rehearsal segment but this is all that was broadcast during a repeat of a documentary called 'MUSIC' one afternoon in the early 90s. I was watching nothing in particular when I saw loads of Beatles song titles coming up on the screen. I grabbed a video JUST in case and the following amazing Beatles footage was re-broadcast. I was inadvertently watching a re-screening of a mint condition copy of a 1968 documentary called 'Music' and managed to record all but a few seconds of the Beatles insert. It shows them rehearing 'Hey Jude' in the recording studio. I did miss the first few seconds of John goofing about, present in the circulating clip. Save for the 'fwip' at 1:16 of this clip it's brilliant quality. Now, where's the rest of the footage in this quality? Recorded: 30 July 1968


rainbowsandwar ::: Favorites  2007-06-15 17:50:51

Hehe, George is cute in this one... Okay, they all are! xD
Sappyspartan ::: Favorites  2007-06-17 16:39:33

is george smoking??
nataliadc95 ::: Favorites  2007-06-18 13:26:27

didnt george die from a lung cancer? does anyone know if he kept smoking during his whole life? xxx
chaddy91 ::: Favorites  2007-06-18 15:51:29

im a lennon fan...not mcartney.....what bout u guys...lennon or mcartney????
ellomate07 ::: Favorites  2007-06-18 21:46:23

OMG!! I love The Beatles, they totally ROCK!!!!!!
GonzoBillTong ::: Favorites  2007-06-19 13:36:05

They both rule, some days i like lennons stuff more some days mCcartney's solo careers also.
AdemK47 ::: Favorites  2007-06-20 03:00:19

McCartney Lennon's solo work between 1970 and 1975 was rather middle of the road - hardly revolutionary. 'Imagine' is the ramblings of a junkie - as soon as I get out of bed man, i'm gonna change the world...McCartney on the other hand was experimenting with instrumental weaves, synths and generally doing it to please himself. McCartney and Ram were pure extensions of the foundations he laid down with the Beatles.
Ghonkee ::: Favorites  2007-06-20 14:10:52

well george accully quit in the early 90s and and his lung cancer spread to his brain thats what killed him
Meatmyhousedotcom ::: Favorites  2007-06-20 16:11:59

Neither was as good alone as they were together so what does it matter who was better? G.B.
AdemK47 ::: Favorites  2007-06-20 21:00:06

I never used the word 'better', it's just how I see it. As far as the bit about the goat...well how old are you tarbell? 10? When your balls drop and you get yourself some schoolin', your replies might be a little more articulate. I came pretty close to writing Imagine when I found middle C.
FattyMcbitchtits ::: Favorites  2007-06-21 22:45:54

so do you like George's solo career because i liked his career very much. He did the Concert for Bangladesh which was like one of the first major benefit concerts
AdemK47 ::: Favorites  2007-06-21 22:58:06

Certainly did! George wrote some great songs in the 70's and also up until the Wilbury's. I really like some of Lennon's work too. They were all very different solo artists.
lazrpo1nt3r ::: Favorites  2007-06-22 01:19:33

God damn... McCartney can really get up there in vocal range...
lovelymess ::: Favorites  2007-06-22 20:21:03

Yup, He had an A above a man's high C when he was younger. Not falsetto, full voice! Nowdays there are FEMALE rock singers who would hurt themselves trying that. As for the John/Paul issue, I love John's Beatle Songs, but I like Paul better. He had a way beetter post beatle career, thoguh I think Inmagine is a fine song. I think that if Paul had REALLY died and John were still alive then Paul would be considered the mystic genius and john the burned out ex hippie who used to be talented.
BeatleStoneStripe ::: Favorites  2007-06-23 21:35:29

Absolute genius.