Saturday, August 11, 2007

Damage Boostin' skills

Duration: 154 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-02 15:16:10
User: kirby8943
:::: Favorites

yes I know, I know I'm the king, yeah thank you very much.

PichutheSSBM ::: Favorites
at 2:19 link said fuck off
07-04-13 19:24:57
NintendoDARKNESSLINK ::: Favorites
Wtf lol at 2:05 Link was Yellow...Was it a code?
07-04-22 16:53:02
Flario93 ::: Favorites
no it wasnt a code it was that fairy stuff that you drink
07-04-24 20:22:43
TheNdoki ::: Favorites
Wow, I beat that game in, like, three days and I thought I didn't have a life...
07-05-01 00:57:02
Blackdrake1 ::: Favorites
Damage Boostin' over Epona. Woo there it is! There it is folks that's how you Damage Boost over Epona without Goron Mask. I am using one sloppy hand. Whatever.
07-05-12 15:02:20
kirby8943 ::: Favorites
Well you were wrong.
07-05-12 22:06:56
InfernoNova4 ::: Favorites
lol i laffed at the first one
07-06-24 23:23:18
TheNDSGamer ::: Favorites
Fairy Tears.
07-07-01 23:11:51
misterite ::: Favorites
this video sucs
07-07-07 19:19:46
kirby8943 ::: Favorites
you suck goron ass
07-07-08 11:31:56

!!!- Spetsnaz in action -!!!!

Duration: 220 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-20 06:23:46
User: solovey12
:::: Favorites


GeneralLevy100 ::: Favorites
I cant wait for the day when you traitor muslim scum openly declare war. I will enjoy slitting the throats of turk muslims dearly.
07-08-02 18:28:51
ambasador2067 ::: Favorites
07-08-03 08:41:56
Adragil ::: Favorites
yes it is. so shut up and fuck off!
07-08-03 12:18:34
ambasador2067 ::: Favorites
shit Spetsnaz killes so many children in Beslan...
07-08-05 17:35:40
luisfiori ::: Favorites
Adelante amigos, sin piedad contra los enemigos de vuestra Patria.
07-08-06 01:47:39
xkgb ::: Favorites
Check again,idiot
07-08-06 17:42:23
Garundak ::: Favorites
i agree :D
07-08-09 07:03:06
omarjan52 ::: Favorites
InshaALLAH at that time, you will be the first one who hides himself behinde his mam.
07-08-09 13:15:36
gambitraven ::: Favorites
lol send thease guys after gangs in la lol
07-08-09 22:16:21
GeneralLevy100 ::: Favorites
Muslims dont deserve to be called humans.
07-08-10 02:09:55

sk8 vid

Duration: 134 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-17 05:49:29
User: dpallot
:::: Favorites

heres a little video of me n my m8s

blink182aregreat ::: Favorites
kl i like it.
06-07-13 10:28:14
skatefilms ::: Favorites
no offense but that was hella ugly shit
06-09-16 00:25:41
dpallot ::: Favorites
ha! thats cos it was a pisstake vid! lol
06-09-16 02:56:31
beverageskate ::: Favorites
Why did you all do the same things on the same obstacles?
06-09-26 13:21:08
dpallot ::: Favorites
mayb cos jersey is the shittest place 2 sk8 n we have like a 3 set 2 sk8 on the whole island and thats it! :(
06-09-27 09:05:30
alexlem16 ::: Favorites
hahahahaha pallot when u go "yes that was shit" ahhhh cracks me up
06-12-08 19:43:27
Artdissaray ::: Favorites
Okay guys listen to me, the first lot of footage was good but the last lot was pure shit! anyways nice-ish vid but try some more flips instead of all those ollies!
06-12-17 08:04:03
dpallot ::: Favorites
and when exactly did i ask 4 ur advice cock?
06-12-17 12:14:26

Böhse Onkelz - Flammen

Duration: 305 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-03 09:44:21
User: Bahma
:::: Favorites

Onkelz Auftritt^^

joljw3li ::: Favorites
ich mag die onkelz eig nich so aber das lied is einfah nur hammer ud wird glob ich zu meinem lieblingslied^^
07-07-30 23:25:45
6574893 ::: Favorites
Da ist wohl jemand so ein kleines Licht,daß er/sie sich irgendwie wichtig machen muß!!!Bevor du zu Anderen sagst sie sollen was verstehen,versteh du erstmal das die Onkelz net da geringste mit irgendwelchen Nazi-Combos zu tun haben!!Blindgänger!!
07-08-03 01:42:43
emeez13 ::: Favorites
Ewige Legenden und der lebende Mythos Onkelz! so Vollkommen und doch noch Menschlich! Viva Los Tioz !
07-08-05 11:27:33
juliehasapenis ::: Favorites
wann war dies ?
07-08-05 23:06:39
Helsing300 ::: Favorites
Helden Leben Lange Legenden sterben nie ONKELZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
07-08-06 08:44:50
xKiLaZ ::: Favorites
dumme nazi band :P
07-08-06 13:51:12
Helsing300 ::: Favorites
xKiLaZ tu du dich erst infomiren dann reden wir weiter ich würde mal googeln oder in wikipedia schauen du Spaden
07-08-06 18:30:04
hastrich ::: Favorites
Die onkelz sind keine nazis du volltrottel
07-08-07 15:20:21
mopsi537 ::: Favorites
du bist vielleicht ein nazi... onkelz waren nie rechts... du wichser!
07-08-10 06:45:30
ejrksnf ::: Favorites
an alle idioten die die onkelz immer als nazis bezeichnen:würdet ihr net immer einfach so ohne einen hintergrund und völlig uniformiert irgend welchen scheiß über die onkelz schreiben, sondern mal mit den onkelz beschäftigen wüsstet ihr es besser!sowas ist für mich intolleranz!die onkelz waren zu dem NIE nazis!sie waren skins und das OHNE politische bedeutung!ihr versteht die texte und die darin enthaltenen botschaften nicht
07-08-10 08:52:29

HHH + Stephanie - Shut up and kiss me

Duration: 220 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-31 08:54:33
User: granow66
:::: Favorites

This is at the 10th Anniversary of RAW. And they became a price for the Category Shut up and kiss me, very funny ant the end

mysterio0685 ::: Favorites
07-08-01 14:21:30
SledgeHammerShot ::: Favorites
It was January 2003, a week before the Rumble? It wasn't what I was expecting, but it was an entertaining show nonetheless. I have it on tape, you can buy it on DVD. Go to amazon.
07-08-02 17:30:31
kyle122394 ::: Favorites
ppause at :25 so funny
07-08-02 17:33:45
familyguylover222 ::: Favorites
It was funny
07-08-02 23:27:51
coolman511 ::: Favorites
he sounds hysterical
07-08-03 00:34:17
bleedingrosesx ::: Favorites
he has a niceee ass!
07-08-03 16:39:11
AKAKingJames ::: Favorites
Stephanie is FINE.
07-08-05 01:49:55
JayRod607 ::: Favorites
the King was right all that can ONLY happen on RAW! lol
07-08-05 06:13:27
MwRWrestling ::: Favorites
LMAO!! (speekin of ass...)
07-08-08 01:21:59
didosoccerdollm ::: Favorites
The TOP webcam dating site at CAMAZONDATING dot COM
07-08-08 11:28:29

Neri Castillo 1-0 Brasil

Duration: 51 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-27 22:09:37
User: greekchampion04
:::: Favorites

Neri Castillo of Olympiakos fucks brazil in the 2007 Copa America. AMAZING GOAL! GOLAAAAAAAAAAAAASO!!!!

VagnerLovex ::: Favorites
Nery Castillo sucesor de Cuauhtemoc Blanco incluso con mayores facultades solo necesita aprender a usar mas su perfil derecho y compartir un poco mas el balon.
07-07-04 16:11:17
loutsos77 ::: Favorites
siga to palto re karoto kai mastigio sto neri to kastigio
07-07-11 08:07:41
acfarrel18 ::: Favorites
Como BRASIL le va a ganar a argentina se puede decir que humillamos al CAMPEON de la copa america aparte tercer lugar 3-1 a uruguay estuvo bien este torneo de preparacion ahora al 2010 con los de la sub 20 VIVA MEXICO CABRONES
07-07-14 23:58:34
mesportylili09 ::: Favorites
Neri Castillo is AMAZING hes doing great playing with MEXICO!!!!
07-07-18 15:30:40
xxsm13xx ::: Favorites
no mames como sucesor de camelloc no digas mamadas
07-07-22 01:53:27
VagnerLovex ::: Favorites
Sucesor de Camelloc "el hombre sin cuello" o sea tu papa y hasta de tu puta madre para ke se la coga como ves??!! JAJAJAJA me cago!!
07-07-23 13:02:52
SaxonBeatrixPippa ::: Favorites
Welcome to Manchester Mr. Castillo.
07-07-27 13:19:18
xxsm13xx ::: Favorites
no digas mamadas tenias q ser puto americanista... hay q aceptar que el camelloc es buen jugador.... pero ustedes los americanistan lo ven como un dios... y ahi es donde la cagan ...
07-07-29 23:43:34
ssgDeS ::: Favorites
Welcome to Shakhtar =p
07-07-31 10:03:43
javafreak10 ::: Favorites
that goalkeeper Doni sucks. Maybe it was just that he had a bad tournament but still, he didn't impress me. Thankfully he still managed to be a part of the winning team.
07-08-04 21:42:58

Fuse Whitest Kids U Know -- Burglar

Duration: 33 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-06 20:30:45
User: BrienTA
:::: Favorites

Sometimes it's best to wear a suit and tie to a courtroom..especially if you're the defendant. Check out this funny sketch about a stupid criminal. For more info, check out

Kitteh2006 ::: Favorites
07-07-25 05:57:46
Kitteh2006 ::: Favorites
whats the good word
07-07-25 05:57:55
Kitteh2006 ::: Favorites
whats the good word
07-07-25 05:58:00
UmmWTFman ::: Favorites
07-07-27 21:17:49
c1rcask8erk1d ::: Favorites
wtf that was a waste of time i want my 23 seconds back
07-08-01 01:07:56
ifyouronfirescream ::: Favorites
really wish you hadn't worn that today... LOL
07-08-04 21:58:17
xmanditoryhostilityx ::: Favorites
>.< plz. die
07-08-05 13:25:41
randomness716818 ::: Favorites
that was hilarious so why dont you just shut up loser
07-08-07 00:11:56
duckhunt9 ::: Favorites
stfu or gtfo fgt
07-08-08 14:30:47
r3retry9 ::: Favorites
shut up c1
07-08-09 22:10:14

No More Room In Hell Teaser

Duration: 51 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-03 02:13:15
User: SoupMan2312
:::: Favorites

A teaser trailer for the upcoming multiplayer Half Life 2 zombie mod that has been in development for 2 years, and will be released in Mid October (hopefully), check their website out at

Fubar0606 ::: Favorites
no.... I did not say they took out Coop as a whole they took out some Coop vs Coop game play types, as in 2 teams fight to see who can burn the most corpses in a certain amount of time, and what not, I give up ure an asshole and I hope your penis is taken removed by a pack of rabid dawgs...
07-05-24 13:46:31
SoupMan2312 ::: Favorites
wow...nice family guy ripoff
07-05-24 15:25:57
Fubar0606 ::: Favorites
yeah I thought so, but it is very true... cockbite
07-05-24 15:27:05
SoupMan2312 ::: Favorites
oooo 0 subscribers I see, wow. New media release this weekend as well
07-05-24 15:49:56
Fubar0606 ::: Favorites
you are the biggest bitch its just a fucking game!
07-05-24 15:51:01
metalnecromancer ::: Favorites
Personally I would prefer to see ingame footage than a trailer. Im looking forward to it though
07-05-27 17:34:09
m0pt0p ::: Favorites
Is it talking about Zombie Panic: Source?
07-06-14 16:52:21
DashTH ::: Favorites
I would've been more impressed if this actually had game footage, not a bunch of fancy editing.
07-07-09 08:17:01
alebak ::: Favorites
Anyone have any idea when this comes out?
07-07-11 16:22:28
bwcw46 ::: Favorites
i love zombie master i hope this will be better :)
07-08-04 19:26:27

The Avatar - The Siege Of The North Trailer

Duration: 97 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-16 20:30:17
User: kakman23
:::: Favorites

A video i made from the last three episodes of Season 1 Book Water. There's more to come so tell me if u like it. This is completly fan based!

cRSness ::: Favorites
She died. She gave up her life to save the Moon Soirit, but she said goodbye to Sokka one last time... ...Well, that sounded romantic. I'm hanging around my friends to much...
07-05-11 22:26:56
pyrohoboy ::: Favorites
thanks but ididnt realy need to know about your personal life
07-05-12 03:20:24
cRSness ::: Favorites
I know. I just don't want people thinking I'm the "Love is the coolest" people. I'd get booed out of my mind. ^_^;;
07-05-13 16:08:31
pyrohoboy ::: Favorites
07-05-14 13:26:10
wraithsrock5 ::: Favorites
Great, I rated it 5*, but i think the avatar thing when they go past aang and into the sun should be at end. And it couldnt be a trailor cuz it gave like EVERYTHING away. it was still great tho, and i enjoyed it so 5*
07-05-16 19:34:27
billy2757 ::: Favorites
yeah everyones been asking this, what movie is the music from?!
07-06-20 18:51:21
billy2757 ::: Favorites
the beggining music i know is the beginning of the song Dont wanna miss a thing by aerosmith i dont know about the other music in it
07-06-20 18:53:24
makemepop ::: Favorites
If you dont copy and paste this a giant crocodile will eat up your socks, a fire will destroy your entire collection of Magic (trademark) cards, and your pet whale will suffocate while trying to swallow your house... gosh I hate those posts. Nice vid, check out mine ^^
07-07-07 14:26:41
sushidude95 ::: Favorites
i love this song!!
07-07-21 03:16:22
sushidude95 ::: Favorites
that makes no sense... and where am i gonna paste it to? F*** YOU PEOPLE WHO MAKE UP THOSE SHI++Y THINGS!
07-07-21 03:18:56

lipstick sling shot to head

Duration: 52 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-04 07:01:13
User: jessica10961
:::: Favorites

dude take lipstick in sling shot hits friend in face while he sleepin

adidas22205 ::: Favorites
some friend you are.............
07-07-25 08:43:40
crazyjb11680 ::: Favorites
you cant punch sum1 with a knife dumbass, you can stab sum1 if thats what you mean.
07-07-27 02:35:18
GoreandMetal ::: Favorites
That was fucking awesome. Great work
07-07-27 10:03:03
rb373 ::: Favorites
hey crazyjib tryin to make a lil joke but i guess people like you dont have the brain capacity to process it
07-07-27 16:22:02
davis0142 ::: Favorites
lmao nice
07-07-28 07:01:41
jungleland0912 ::: Favorites
That's to hurt like sh*t! I feel sorry for the guy.
07-07-30 21:13:24
studdlybunns ::: Favorites
I don't think i have laughed that hard in a while. Sucks to be that guy getting hit, but one man's pain is another man's laugh
07-08-01 18:55:04
saskatoon32 ::: Favorites
yea u guys r stupid go jerk off too some snow boarding videos u faggots
07-08-06 22:14:45
jandjawesome ::: Favorites
wow thats original you fuckin fruit
07-08-08 02:15:41
ahmadx892 ::: Favorites
Great video. There are a ton of awesome webcam girls at <B> _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ </B>
07-08-09 20:21:52

Tokio Hotel - Monsoon (English version)

Duration: 250 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-29 13:07:14
User: jemigdepemig11
:::: Favorites

Tokio Hotel - Monsoon, the english version.

RonnieAndresDio ::: Favorites
Valla Mariconas más baratas
07-07-24 19:22:32
Lenatjj ::: Favorites
Wihaa ;; they're HOT xD x333 *
07-07-26 03:06:34
gerardluvforever ::: Favorites
This is a good song
07-07-28 09:07:04
NinjaKeybladeMaster ::: Favorites
wow..i didnt think Tokio Hotel were THIS good! My sister allways goes on about them, and i was like pfft, yeah. But ive been proved wrong *pouts* XD
07-07-28 13:05:05
emptyspace07 ::: Favorites
i now offically heart tokio hotel.... lol they r brill :P
07-07-30 12:55:44
Mangaboy1910 ::: Favorites
damm the singer REALLY REALLY REALLY looks like a girl:P anyway their awsome
07-08-07 13:04:35
zetaforever ::: Favorites
Bill Bill Bill is fit! his hair is awsome an sos this song =D
07-08-07 17:38:38
rosentarts ::: Favorites
if u fancy bill then ur basicly fancyin a woman
07-08-08 12:24:39
zetaforever ::: Favorites
welll he carnt be a women can he if hes got a dick lol
07-08-10 11:06:15
zetaforever ::: Favorites
p.s but i anit disagreein that he looks abit like a girl
07-08-10 11:08:32

Latest International Harry Potter 5 Trailer

Duration: 132 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-22 16:17:10
User: NinaEtPierrot
:::: Favorites

Comment and rate ! This is the latest video released by the WB about the fifth movie of Harry Potter

Comedian101 ::: Favorites
same here. it was too dark. then again the book was even darker. harry's too emotional.
07-07-29 06:21:43
magiamisteriosa ::: Favorites
I saw it yesterday ^^ I have read the book and it's true that they cut lots of parts, but, somethings can't feet that much in the film as in the book, the question is that as a film it's amazing. And it's really sad when Sirius dies..:( I did know that it was gonna happen but I can't believe it, it's too sad...
07-07-29 11:55:29
badjoker1 ::: Favorites
i take a test in google that shows in what house you are and other stuff, my score were this: my house will be Ravenclaw,best position in the ministry is an auror,my light side will be Harry Potter,strangly my dark side will be Voldermort and the girl that should date is Hermoine
07-07-29 18:20:38
urmovies ::: Favorites
Long clips from the simpsons movie, harry potter 5, and transformers on my channel!
07-07-30 23:59:41
relevantsoccer ::: Favorites
liveharrypotter(.)com! here you can see many video with harry potter and his friends!
07-08-01 07:10:55
DTACAPTCAVE ::: Favorites
ware can i donwload this trailer (i dont can find it on limewire)
07-08-02 09:57:26
fan2seri3 ::: Favorites
j'adore l'ordre du phenix tro bien comme film rien na dire
07-08-03 03:30:16
femke009 ::: Favorites
i saw the movie and its realy awefull chec it in the cinea!
07-08-03 07:45:48
anastassiahotchickj ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-03 08:34:30
osnapitzari ::: Favorites
i met daniel radcliffe probably 2 weeks ago hes really sweet! it was ah-mazing! i have a video on my page with the pics from when i met him! :]
07-08-04 01:06:45

Jorden Hacky Sack (Huge Tricks!)

Duration: 214 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-06 01:57:39
User: JordenM
:::: Favorites

Jorden Moir busting some massive freestyle footbag (Hacky Sack) tricks. Check out his MySpace page:!!

firefly154 ::: Favorites
Intense! he like dances and hacks at the same time
07-08-03 13:07:24
Sk8RbOi303 ::: Favorites
holy shit he's good!
07-08-05 20:57:46
iCamtSpel ::: Favorites
wow...i woulda broke my ankles trying that. :S
07-08-06 01:37:28
dean71091 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 09:24:02
madboobs ::: Favorites
WTF? holy shit
07-08-07 11:26:35
mezzij ::: Favorites
wtf.. small foot bag? Have you even played? lol
07-08-07 14:36:04
assmoose ::: Favorites
You can buy something similiar over at freedomfootbags dot com
07-08-08 12:11:23
taintbuster ::: Favorites
Ok, so you can "hack" better than Jorden with a "hacky ball", but can you do it with a baby??
07-08-08 15:00:50
taintbuster ::: Favorites
wait, that was supposed to go under the hacking douche :S
07-08-08 15:01:30
forry90 ::: Favorites
this aint hacky sackin, lose the footbag fag
07-08-10 05:01:20

A Insane Kid

Duration: 504 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-13 08:51:07
User: ohmysasasa
:::: Favorites

plz skip the scene that the video break up to the part where the guy go on building

GarBear13 ::: Favorites
the begining theme sounds familliar...
07-07-08 14:41:32
Egoporium ::: Favorites
its not russia! everything's in french! i would know!
07-07-11 22:08:06
therealmenace ::: Favorites
u gotta be kidding. those guys talk at the end and its damn sure russian or polish. u gotta be jokin if u think that was french. still crazy what they are doin though. doensnt matter which nationality...
07-07-12 16:58:28
rsmaster16 ::: Favorites
what great yamakaziasts
07-07-14 12:45:46
SlumphTehDirector ::: Favorites
garbear, its the matrix theme :P
07-07-25 16:12:06
SlumphTehDirector ::: Favorites
lol the hiphop was a bit dodgy XD
07-07-25 16:20:56
kaidakrusha ::: Favorites
if you liked this check out Urban ninjas, don t really know if this guy is one but, but excellent execution!
07-07-30 17:29:08
jogurtman ::: Favorites
nice, but try something more insane. then you can call video "insane kid" ... :D
07-08-02 17:01:14
lesbenterror ::: Favorites
07-08-09 13:42:01
shmico ::: Favorites
wtf french i dont think so buddy im on my 3rd year of french classes i no for a fact thats russain my friend from moscow is sitting right next to me
07-08-10 04:12:51

will young-leave right now

Duration: 216 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-09 07:32:27
User: thecrrow26
:::: Favorites

music video

alpsermet ::: Favorites
I think it's the best song that year but it can't good release i don't know this song is the coolest i've ever seen hımm Will Young's Turkey Site alpsermet.blogcu
07-07-31 05:25:17
saesarm ::: Favorites
love this song!
07-07-31 23:51:20
unrealtournamentguy ::: Favorites
yes he is gay but so what? he has an amzing voice
07-08-01 08:12:39
uncletomcobbley ::: Favorites
This man has a wonderful voice, and gives me 'goose bumps'! Love the beautiful tone to his voice.
07-08-02 13:26:53
pepperandbobby ::: Favorites
i love him so much! hes adorable ^.^
07-08-03 13:28:53
METAL4EVERMAN ::: Favorites
his music is gay too
07-08-04 06:30:26
jimikkkkk ::: Favorites
I Love Will:)
07-08-04 14:49:07
sostube ::: Favorites
shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!! no you cares
07-08-05 18:15:39
pinkerangel ::: Favorites
is the dark haired girl at the start of the vid Alexa Chung(popworld presenter)?
07-08-07 11:38:58
catrachito83 ::: Favorites
his voice sound like a michael jackson, when michael was young , what do you think about it,
07-08-09 22:59:41