Sunday, August 19, 2007


Duration: 02:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-04 13:28:50
User: thehotline
:::: Favorites

Riffles and flourishes for Mitt Romney

ProfessorMarvel ::: Favorites
Fuck Romney. I hope he dies!
07-01-07 21:33:05
ravagetime ::: Favorites
wooo, Inflammatory hate speech. Makes you look so tough and clever.
07-02-21 16:42:19
aloag ::: Favorites
Professor natty-mouth needs bar of soap.
07-04-05 14:52:30

gatoso Vs del piero [ AC Milan 3-2 juventus ]

Duration: 00:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 01:27:03
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

copa Berlusconi 2006/2007 milan-juventus 3-2 in sansiro

What if? no, really...

Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-12 06:23:23
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

This video is served best by not detailing it's content.

spartin619 ::: Favorites
Nice Bum time index 1:04 lmao sorry just thought i would post a funny comment lmao
07-06-19 11:29:28
Serwayset ::: Favorites
Three cups of sugar?! Thats not tea anymore then is it? =) Otherwise, great video.
07-06-29 14:08:24
johnnycracksniffer ::: Favorites
hehe if someone else did this their would be no "nice" comments lol gj
07-07-03 01:38:06
Asteao ::: Favorites
very well made
07-07-09 18:43:26
CheezyDreamz ::: Favorites
Honestly, someone message me whether or not putting milk in tea is normal. I drink tea all the time here in california, but im to afraid to put milk in it. i need to know whether its good or not, seriously.
07-07-21 04:19:07
Blunty3000 ::: Favorites
It won't kill you. I drink tea with milk in it all teh time.
07-07-21 05:27:25
rechtschreibteufel ::: Favorites
Milk is best in Black tee, And quite normal in Europe. A frend of mine however does not dink the black tee with milk, she blends in fresh orange Juce. Milk aside ... Huh ? I dont get it :( (shame on me)
07-07-23 12:38:26
teammark ::: Favorites
I swear at least half of this must be like a joke video with your friends, just to see if people would spend their time watching you make tea...and then to congratulate you on the innovativeness(if thats a word) of your video.
07-07-23 15:43:52
cheesestickmafia ::: Favorites
I got only the last part of it but the rest was... well.... erm......... different to say the least
07-07-23 16:14:38
VelikajaKatja ::: Favorites
yeah i thought about the three spoons of sugar also...i usually put only one, but some even put four O_O
07-07-24 20:33:42

Michael Ware responds to Joe Lieberman

Duration: 03:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-29 20:15:46
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

(3/29/07) From CNN's The Situation Room.

coms2 ::: Favorites
i trust this guy
07-07-08 07:12:47
jmlakes ::: Favorites
This guy is real
07-07-20 17:45:03

oddo skills 2 [ AC Milan 2-2 Bayren Munchen ]

Duration: 00:5 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-05 06:41:41
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

Champions League 2006/2007 UCL Quarter Final in san siro

Jedinica-CEO Serijal part 20 of 24

Duration: 07:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-03 18:38:48
User: sanjin84
:::: Favorites

Ko su "Crvene beretke"??? "Frenkijevci" su ostavili tragove u boji svojih beretki od Knina do Kline. Medu mnoštvom vojnih i policijskih specijalnih jedinica tadašnje Jugoslavije ne postoji tajanstvenija grupa od Jedinice za specijalne operacije (JSO), borbene formacije Resora državne bezbednosti, poznate i pod "narodnim" imenom "Crvene beretke" ili "Frenkijevci". Ova jedinica je bila toliko tajanstvena da prvih nekoliko godina nakon formiranja zvanicno nije ni postojala i prakticno je delovala izvan svakog sistema; tek pred kraj rata u Bosni dobila je svoje zvanicno ime i kolikotoliko definisano mesto, ali je ostala obavijena velom tajni. U ovom serijalu mozete videti stvaranje jedinice i njen put od ratu u Bosni i Hrvatskoj pa sve do Kosova i atentata na premijera Srbije. Prava je steta sto je jedna elitna formacija kao ova bila toliko zloupotrebljena od strane vlasti sto je na kraju i "presudilo" Crvenim Beretkama kada je ova formacija raspustena povodom izjava da je njena vrhovna komanda direktno ucestvovala u ubistvu Dr.Zorana Djindjica tadasnjega premijera Srbije. dusan spasojevic zemunski klan tigrovi srbija serbia croatia hrvatska bosna bosnia srebrenica bihac velika kladusa knin glina kosovo Milorad Ulemek Legija, Zvezdan Jovanovic, Jovica Stanisic, Franko Simatovic frenki, Kapetan Dragan Vasiljevic, Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan vukovi sa vucijaka skorpioni joca bih 5 corpus autonomna pokrajina zapadna bosna republika srpska krajina pauk slobodan milosevic franjo tudjman alija izadbegovic vojislav seselj vukovar

shooter058475034 ::: Favorites
07-07-21 14:35:21

I'm going to Comic-Con... *squee*

Duration: 06:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-11 09:23:11
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

EDIT: I'm now going to be there Thursday through Saturday. YAY! I'm winging my way to the U.S of A to San Diego at the end of July for Comic-con! Sometimes, it just doesn't suck to be me.

gentletouch1 ::: Favorites
I guess I'm one of the really lucky ones. I will be working at the Marriot hotel at the gaming room at the Comic-Con. This is the fifth time I'll be working there. So, maybe I'll see Blunty or others there. It's a lot of fun. I'll be one of the staff members. I'll be taking photos also, so I'll check back in and let you know the webpage.
07-07-27 01:53:01
weirdlover ::: Favorites
Hopeing 2 see you there!!!!
07-07-27 18:04:14
kabutolover16 ::: Favorites
I went,it was fun!!
07-07-28 03:56:11
SourMilkReborn ::: Favorites
...peeps send me pm's of ur comic con experience....send me pics or video links.
07-07-29 20:06:33
tigerdude12 ::: Favorites
save ur money and go to blizz con eh.
07-07-30 13:11:23
Nirvanaluver ::: Favorites
it really WAS the shizznit!
07-08-01 03:58:13
ravenfan205 ::: Favorites
awesome i hope u had fun!!!!!!!!!
07-08-03 22:37:07
chaloner ::: Favorites
DOH! I just pre-registered for next years Comicon hehe but damn! they raised the price $10 damn damn! every year they freakin raise the price UUUGGHH!
07-08-04 00:07:48
glcostanza ::: Favorites
I wish I could go to the comic-Con!! And when I finaly do I'm dressing as Harley Quinn!!
07-08-09 01:48:19
Blunty3000 ::: Favorites
WOOT Harley Quinn! :D
07-08-09 03:32:37


Duration: 09:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 12:56:22
User: timwestwoodtv
:::: Favorites

There ain't no party like a Westwood party!

pirlo pass and ronaldo skills [ Siena 3-4 AC Milan ]

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 03:53:58
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

calcio 2006/2007 siena-milan in sansiro

ronaldomilan99 ::: Favorites
El mejor delantero del mundo !contra tres y aun asi habilidoso!99
07-03-22 23:19:24
necrid ::: Favorites
tremendo cambio de ritmo
07-03-25 11:41:16

August 13, 2006 Sunday Snapshot

Duration: 05:49 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-27 16:24:23
User: thehotline
:::: Favorites

Hotline's weekly summary of the Sunday political talk shows. This episode: London Terror Plot, CT Senate Elections, White House 2008 Guests: Pete Hoekstra, Tom Kean, Lee Hamilton, Howard Dean, Ken Mehlman, Russ Feingold, John McCain, Jane Harman, Pat Roberts, Ned Lamont, Chuck Hagel, Jack Reed, Michael Chertoff

Gonzales: "I Don't Recall"

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-21 19:48:11
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

Goznzo doesn't remember much.

lonelygirlI5 ::: Favorites
rock on!!!
07-06-04 19:20:01
snare01 ::: Favorites
/salutes Kokesh /salutes IVAW
07-06-06 13:04:03
grozlz ::: Favorites
One has to admire this whitewash. The tone of this 'reporter' is so haughty, that it almost made me puke. The reason why this man still has a job and why he won't get fired is because he is very good at fooling you idiots, who side with his lies. He's very good at keeping his mouth shut, and firing opposition.
07-06-14 00:24:33
grozlz ::: Favorites
This man wrote that it's perfectly legal to torture children in front of their parents. He surely won't recall anything like that, not until we put a noose around his fat little neck
07-06-14 00:24:45
Scotty7617 ::: Favorites
You know there was a reason Gonzales kept saying "I don't recall." It was very clever of him. He was under oath, and as long as he just kept saying that he didn't recall, he couldn't get in any trouble. Watch Bill Moyer's interview with Jon Stewart.
07-07-13 03:24:52
capsource1 ::: Favorites
I just found a google on Hillary. During a deposition and under oath for the investigation of the ROSE LAW FIRM she said I DON'T RECALL 53 TIMES. Bush scandles don't come close to the enormous list of Clinton SCANDLES. Google this: CLINTON CHRONCLES SCANDELS clowns are nothing but a bunch of lying frauds yourself - he learned it from the clintons.lololol
07-07-27 10:00:23
makkertje ::: Favorites
Get lost!! The REAL CRIMINALS with blood of thousands of people DRIPPING FROM THEIR HANDS are BUSH, CHENEY, RUMSFELD, GONZALES, RICE etc!!!!
07-07-27 14:50:53
Galaor55 ::: Favorites
Even if AG Alberto Gonzalez were found innocent of firing 7 US Attys., he's shown to be mentally challenged to keep the job. He suffers from senility & amnesia; he sounds like Oliver North and the late Ronald Reagan, he recalls nothing. His brain is "full of emptiness," hollow just like the Bush's and his Admin. I'm from Mexican background and the American people should know most of us do not support his behavior as AG. If he had any honor, dignity & self-respect, he would've resigned long ago.
07-07-28 12:21:07
ed69805 ::: Favorites
u compare clinton with bush??? how many people hate clinton & and how many hate bush?? u can believe me bush will not be celebrated in the history books just like nixon
07-07-31 21:58:13
marcprolife ::: Favorites
IMPEACH Gonzales!
07-08-09 17:36:08

Seedorf goal [ Catania 1-1 AC Milan ]

Duration: 00:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-16 11:54:12
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

calcio 2006/2007 catania -milan

Paquirrín frecuenta prostíbulos en la Guerra de las Medias

Duration: 05:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-13 08:20:09
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites
Description: El repaso a la prensa rosa que hace Quequé cada semana viene cargada esta vez de noticias subiditas de tono... Beckham le regala a su esposa un vibrador de platino y diamantes, mientras pillan a Paquirrín saliendo de un prostíbulo. Noche Hache, de lunes a jueves a las 00:45 horas

zrodriguez008 ::: Favorites
son la polla. para mi los mejores. ojala tuvieran mas audiencia
07-04-13 10:29:48
nacho0 ::: Favorites
zrodriguez008 Noche Hache no tienen mala audiencia, muchas veces se quedan bastante cerca de Buenafuente y eso para una cadena como Cuatro es un mérito
07-04-13 19:35:26
pocavoz ::: Favorites
Hay que reconocer que tiene merito. Y además tienen gracia. No me extraña que tengan audiencia, yo mismo, pero lo hacen cada dia a una hora, y además muy tarde, sobre la 1 a.m. Las risas grabadas me hacen mucha gracia y me molaria que se le vieran las orejas a la hache. Al Castella lo sacan cuando la cosa es muy dificil de lidiar o seria, pq el queque no tiene huevos. Pero mola!
07-04-15 22:11:19
joaquinito29 ::: Favorites
este programa es la polla!!!, ese paquirrin tu polla ahi, ya es hora...
07-04-16 08:53:47
xsJota ::: Favorites
Solo que "Dolce Vita" se emite en telecinco, no en A3, ejjeje.... Soy yo, o "la guerra de las medias" es muy parecido a cierto programa de laSexta?
07-04-16 13:44:59
gemmapalaciosnick ::: Favorites
Noche Hache es el mejor programa nocturno español con diferencia, atrás se queda su rival Mierdafuente que es de lo peor que se puede ver en television (a parte de ser un catalan con cara de simio gafotudo acomplejado, sin gracia, creyendose gracioso) Eva Hache tiene gracia y ella no es creida. Sin duda antes que ver a Mierdafuente, prefiero ver Salsa Rosa aunque trate de las miserias de los famosos, pero por encima de eso sin duda me quedo con Eva Hache como la 1ª opcion.
07-04-17 13:43:30
careto ::: Favorites
Catalanes, catalanes! AAAAAH!
07-07-24 09:14:59
hartodelpp ::: Favorites
viva kiko-paquirrin !!! si se va de putas pos mu bien.
07-04-17 16:43:43
paymogo ::: Favorites
Paquirrin deberia ser un ejemplo a seguir para esta juventud falta de valores.
07-05-03 15:04:07

pirlo pass 2 [ AC Milan 3-1 Reggina ]

Duration: 00:7 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 01:43:52
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

ac milan - reggina in sansiro 2006/2007 calcio

Shameless Chris Shays

Duration: 03:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-28 12:04:44
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

Rep. Chris Shays of Connecticut shamelessly exploits the Iraq war and those who serve. From his 'concession speech' of Nov 7/06.

George Bush visits Walter Reed

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-31 18:05:49
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

(3/30/07) Raw footage.

janpauwels ::: Favorites
The message is... I care... Is the camera still running? no? OK lets go..
07-03-31 19:45:07


Duration: 03:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-17 20:40:18
User: chirinpancenita
:::: Favorites


ErikitaMA ::: Favorites
Yo no estoy en Peru hace buen tiempo, pero recuerdo los ejercicios que haciamos en mi colegio, y luego en mi trabajo para estar preparados en caso de terremoto. He podido ver tranquilidad en gran parte de la gente cuando salia de los locales e incluso algunos trabajadores guiando a los clientes... Creo que es optimo que esto se siga haciendo. Pues si hubiese reinado el pánico sin control, hubiesen habido victimas tambien en estos grandes centros públicos.
07-08-18 04:11:01
dtcer ::: Favorites
esos simulacros sirvieron mucho aquel dia..
07-08-18 14:16:52
amigoperu76 ::: Favorites
ke momentos tan dramaticos..parecia ke no la contabamos mas...gracias a Dios estoy vivo pa contarlo..pero hay que ayudar a los demas hermanos peruanos...arriba mi Peru!!!!!
07-08-18 23:25:25

Las palabras de Zapatero confrontadas con las de Aznar

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-07 06:33:39
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

Las palabras de Zapatero confrontadas con las de Aznar el día que ETA rompió su anterior alto el fuego, hace 8 años.

wiirevolusion ::: Favorites
eres un pipa!!! ¿libertaje juvenil? asi va España que los fachas hasta os inventais las palabras...como los vascos
07-06-12 15:43:36
wiirevolusion ::: Favorites
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, pero has de admitir que cuando Aznar hizo su "tregua" también llovía sobre mojado
07-06-12 15:47:04
wiirevolusion ::: Favorites
1-la política antiterrorista la dicta el gobierno, no la oposición; 2-Juana Achaos esta en la carcel (lo cual me parece mal, ese hombre ya ha cumplido su condena) y por cierto, la lista de etarras liberados por Acebes durante la legislación poular es de 3 folios machote,3-bueno lo de que se han seguido reuniendo tras el atentado es de tu cosecha asi que no hace falta ni rebatirlo PD(no soy del PSOE nunca votaré a ZP, pero esque vuestra actitud me hierve la sangre compañero)
07-06-12 16:48:22
wiirevolusion ::: Favorites
Dios, ¿por que demonios no piensa todo el mundo como tu? dejad de tiraros los trastos a la cabeza de una puta vez!
07-06-12 16:51:37
wiirevolusion ::: Favorites
siento comunicarte que todos los presidentes que ha habido en España sistematicamente han desoido a la mitad de la población española, o en casos extremos al 80 por ciento de la poblacion (vease Irak), es decir han desoido a la mitad de la población que respalda al partido de la oposición y esto seguira así hasta los confines de nuestros tiempos, lo seguirá haciendo el psoe, luego lo volverá a hacer el pp, y luego lo volverá a hacer el psoe, y asi mucho tiempo...
07-06-12 16:57:00
nitz23 ::: Favorites
de juana cumplio condena pero luego, le volvieron a condenar. sobre lo de las excarcelaciones,debes de saber que el codigo penal aplicable en ese momento era ligeramente distinto al actual. y si el gobierno dicta la politica si es cierto.. pero por eso no podemos criticar a un gobierno si lo ha hecho manifiestamente mal.
07-06-13 08:41:46
pterodactilo ::: Favorites
Zapatero habrá copiado la declaración de Aznar tras la ruptura de la tregua, pero lo que no puede ocultar es lo que no hace para combatir a ETA, los hechos cuentan y no las palabras.
07-06-23 10:08:53
ikercapi ::: Favorites
madre mía vaya manipulación más burda. ¿frente a la propaganda la información? pero si esto es lo más panfletario que he visto en mi vida. Iñaki va detrás de zp recogiendo sus kakitas, que bajo has caído, paisano.
07-06-27 14:20:21
eldarmelancolico ::: Favorites
Grande video.
07-07-31 09:33:12
bagoas81 ::: Favorites
para pterodactilo: que es lo q hace zapatero segun tu para combatir a eta?
07-08-02 07:55:24

Duchess Gatsby Cambodia III

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-03 02:10:21
User: Elainer7124
:::: Favorites

Super Mutt. She is a darling. Although, right now she kind of pees all over the place.

Hypnotizing A Chicken (A Real One) - Mr.Safety

Duration: 02:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-18 22:52:17
User: smpfilms
:::: Favorites

"Officer Jacked!" is an action/suspence/gore film about a man who goes on a killing spree. To watch the trailer to the film, just check out:

truemarylander13 ::: Favorites
lol u looked stupid, arms wide open trying to catch a chicken and like waddling around
07-06-09 18:02:07
kariberi ::: Favorites
dude! I think I was almost hypnotized! Neat trick!
07-06-09 20:28:57
crazyfroggy55 ::: Favorites
lol you laughed so evil when that one chicken was trying to escape...but that was cool!!
07-06-09 22:34:11
GDonor ::: Favorites
07-06-13 13:04:06
seanac7 ::: Favorites
poor little chicken, that is so sad he was just trying to lay an egg! But you didnt do it the ozzy way! You have to lay it on its back (carefully) and draw a single line away from his head O> ------ You then tell him he is an Emu and he has no need to fear! Cos the dingo aint gonna eat his baby.
07-06-15 06:54:48
dix0nyt ::: Favorites
You actually don't have to make that noise going 'ohhhhhh', but as you did, that probably set as an anchor - if you made that noise again, the chicken might be brought back to a trance without having to catch it/hold it/draw imaginary lines
07-06-16 18:44:44
frantic0466 ::: Favorites
crazyfroggy55 - Actually that was me laughing. LOL
07-06-21 20:33:43
naruto110192 ::: Favorites
rofl!!! u were sooo funny tring to catch a chicken!!
07-06-23 15:59:19
luxsk8 ::: Favorites
hahahahhaah that was funny
07-07-23 10:45:34
katyagymnastgirlhv ::: Favorites
hot adults on webcam in your AREA! CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-06 08:40:29

skills kaka in AC Milan 1-0 celtic

Duration: 00:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-14 14:12:25
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

skills gatoso in AC Milan 1-0 celtic 2006/2007 Champions League

Lost - S03E10 - Tricia Tanaka Is Dead - Preview

Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-22 00:12:53
User: ea186
:::: Favorites

US Promo for the Next Episode of Lost Hurley's discovery of an old, wrecked car on the island leads him on a mission of hope not only for himself, but for a fellow survivor in need of some faith. Meanwhile, Kate and Sawyer reunite with their fellow castaways, but Kate is still torn about leaving Jack behind with "The Others."

kubek ::: Favorites
Can anyone see that logo on this blue car? (00:14) Is this a hydra or something new?
07-02-22 13:03:26
Chicken8Boy ::: Favorites
It looks like a Dharma Initiative logo on a VW van
07-02-22 13:15:31
starsky89 ::: Favorites
the blue van is a volkswagon
07-02-22 18:21:58
frodo94 ::: Favorites
hydra is on "the others" island what happend the car just drove on the sea? its "the flame" logo
07-02-24 09:21:36
1000dollarHotdog ::: Favorites
it does
07-02-22 15:08:12
frodo94 ::: Favorites
its "the flame"
07-02-24 09:22:51
ads876689 ::: Favorites
Lol at the Dharma Hippy bus
07-02-24 16:33:11
kerelektronik ::: Favorites
i wanna be surprised again
07-02-24 17:35:32
cora150892 ::: Favorites
We cant see Kate travel to another island in a hour so it must be a diffrent reunion that Jack comming back right ?
07-02-25 12:28:24
twelfbritain ::: Favorites
<b> World's largest sex and swinger personals with over 20,000,000 members looking to hook up with someone just like you! Enter [_SexDating4Free.com_] to Join for FREE </b>
07-07-28 05:12:05

PakPassion.Net on Venus TV with Mubashir [WC Final Pt 7]

Duration: 10:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-29 08:57:19
User: PakPassionVideos
:::: Favorites


Bleach Manga 287

Duration: 03:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-18 00:03:23
User: ninetailsharingan
:::: Favorites

sorry if the raw version suck so enjoy

Zylos509 ::: Favorites
Thnx for uploading =D
07-08-18 00:30:45
mo951736 ::: Favorites
second to comment lol
07-08-18 02:07:08
blacksnakehp ::: Favorites
3rd here as well
07-08-18 11:12:58
Theonewith1nose ::: Favorites
im new on watchng bleach sooo wtf a espada
07-08-18 21:20:56
ninetailsharingan ::: Favorites
i would tell you but i go really specific in details just to make it short an espada are really strong hollows, azien created 10 of them and they are known as espada. you should just watch bleach or read the manga
07-08-18 22:12:26
Theonewith1nose ::: Favorites
is orhime and ichigo like going out?
07-08-18 21:26:08
ninetailsharingan ::: Favorites
i don't think so
07-08-18 22:13:13
JohnMichaelBuBBa ::: Favorites
not to piss off anyone i'm juss saying this is kinda lame
07-08-18 22:33:13
ninetailsharingan ::: Favorites
hey this is my first or you just don't like manga
07-08-18 22:35:35
edgr87 ::: Favorites
everyon stop asking stupid questions. i dont mean to offend anyone but in order to understand thist story you should already have some basic knowledge of what an espada is.if not i reccomend you see the amime and for you to read the manga so that you do not feel left out whenever something new comes i said i hope no one gets offended by this but i feel that if you are already ready reading the manga then you should already know what is goin on in the story.
07-08-19 02:03:17
ninetailsharingan ::: Favorites
i know you don't want to offend anybody i apperciate that but i hope im not in that catagory of stupid questions'~'
07-08-19 02:19:37
edgr87 ::: Favorites
no of curse not. i was reffering to those people that aks "what is an espada". i mean if you dont know that by now then you have no bussiness here.
07-08-19 02:20:07
ninetailsharingan ::: Favorites
thank you very much im just messing with you like i said to him just watch bleach or read the manga
07-08-19 02:24:09