Monday, October 29, 2007

El zaletas en la playa te mueve la panza

Duration: 00:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-02 01:19:05
User: emouse18
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Mi primo de Jalisco Cesar te mueve la panza por 10 pesos, jaja video tomado en playas alvaradeñas


mrtvman ::: Favorites
07-08-07 05:33:47

James Randi and a Graphologist

Duration: 05:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-13 11:31:01
User: UncleFeedle
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Graphology is the claimed ability to identify personality traits by analysis of one's handwriting. Here, a graphologist give a demonstration of this supposed ability and fails. From episode 6 of 'James Randi - Psychic Investigator' (1991)


zuzugopal ::: Favorites
duncan u lied n busted.
07-10-24 01:44:27
jeywoo ::: Favorites
poor me if they use graphology...
07-10-21 01:57:37
tvargan ::: Favorites
I agree about the lady who is a farmer- she did "look the part". Its hard to say what the others do by "look" alone. EG someone who works with computers might be younger, and artist might look a bit "bohemian" etc.
07-10-20 05:49:12
UncleFeedle ::: Favorites
He was given the handwriting samples to analyze before he met the people who had written them. It does seem possible to pick up clues from their appearance, particularly the woman who is a farmer. She is older, dresses more conservatively, etc and just appears more likely to be in that profession.
07-10-20 04:06:15
tvargan ::: Favorites
This was a biased experiment. He shouldn't have been looking at the people, just the handwriting. Although, actually, it does look like he made his decisions before seeing the people.
07-10-16 05:01:11
tvargan ::: Favorites
They weren't very accurate! But whats this idea of Duncan's- we are in the "wrong career?" Do we live in a Utopia where we all get the ideal job? NO!
07-10-16 04:47:48
tvargan ::: Favorites
I actually think that this isn't a psychic skill, to some extent. You can sometimes tell thing about a person based on a LOGICAL analysis of their handwriting. EG a scraw might suggest a quick thinking brain, whereas slow, deliberate writing might suggest a slow thinker. I'm NOT saying it works, just that it could be considered to be logical rather than scientific.
07-10-16 04:42:26
mmollina ::: Favorites
Good point!
07-10-11 00:34:56
pudking ::: Favorites
"Well, what about number B here?" - Quality stuff 40% of us are in the wrong job - I should be a Sean Connery impersonator!
07-10-08 20:03:09
UncleFeedle ::: Favorites
The Benny Hill theme would also have worked well!
07-09-24 09:25:21

Log off

Duration: 02:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-05 17:04:05
User: Rikkusan
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Final Fantasy X X-2 music video using the song, log off, from the movie Avalon. Enjoy! :)


keeperofdestiny ::: Favorites
07-08-21 10:46:51
Sandera ::: Favorites
It was good :33
07-08-12 13:19:41
SmoshRocker ::: Favorites
Yo Nice one, it was really good towards the end. Heh, I know my comments aren't interesting, but at least left you one =]
07-08-06 11:23:11

Jake Brown Big Air Accident

Duration: 00:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-02 23:36:13
User: tiedie001
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He was attempting a 540 on Big Air and didn't make it (the things you see flying are his shoes) I had to record it on a reply, I didn't have my camera during the live show (if you want to know what it sounded like when he hit think Bowling Ball being dropped from 20 feet high onto wood) Sorry for the quality/sound i dont have a capture card so i used my digital camera (background noise is my computer)


pronoobex ::: Favorites
this guy are coooooooool!
07-10-09 15:35:40
rwtf86 ::: Favorites
i love how he said 520
07-10-04 22:00:19
lopaka73 ::: Favorites
Damn I seen some stuff like that at az-hi-az-I-am dot com
07-08-27 17:34:17
Hardrawker ::: Favorites
then he crashed trying a 540
07-08-21 21:46:35
Man3man4 ::: Favorites
is 40 feet tall fool ???? yes it is DURRRR i am sure you could care if you fell that high
07-08-06 22:04:57
everall23 ::: Favorites
hahah I love that his shoes just pop right off!
07-08-06 17:01:43
magicpony123 ::: Favorites
thats bullshit that guy is a pussy its not even a high fall
07-08-05 03:12:33
volcomxyz ::: Favorites
how high is dat?
07-08-04 20:58:02
OneWholeBullet ::: Favorites
07-08-04 20:21:42
Lekid23 ::: Favorites
Dane Cook's comments on Jake's accident. watch?v=fflM5r3oOLo
07-08-04 15:14:31

St Paul Bridge

Duration: 05:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-03 09:28:53
User: VonHelton
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No bridge falls perfectly level!


DepletedUranium238 ::: Favorites
I have been pondering why the bridge fell too. My initial theory was metal fatigue of the steel girders but bridges are inspected for that as per routine maintainence. You are definently right about redundancy. Every structure has a measure of redundancy. If one structural member is broken the remaining ones take up the load.
07-08-06 02:41:54
VonHelton ::: Favorites
It should not've come down. Simple as that. :/
07-08-06 06:20:01

Re: God less America

Duration: 02:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-05 23:19:00
User: VonHelton
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Are you INSANE?


pinochet222 ::: Favorites
"The Netherlands is mostly an atheist country" bullshit u have a buncha mosques; Rotterdam is fucked others will follow ...
07-09-25 19:05:36
YadaYadaguy ::: Favorites
christains have added all the in god we trust oh yadayada we dont have freedom if we have to be christian to hold office in 7 of the most powerful states.thats right freedom of religion is a little deffernt then what you believe.freedom of speech is a little deffrent when you cant stand in arkansa and say god is bullshit in front of churches yep its a blue law look it up then come back with a real awnser
07-09-13 15:13:57
HOWZZZ ::: Favorites
Translation? Did the voices in your head translate that for you? I see you truely have no clue. Religious freeks like don't need the truth or facts. You only need the voices in your delusional head. When the truth confronts you, you babble some preschool drivel and dodge the facts. So...I was right, you are an idiot.
07-09-04 04:37:25
VonHelton ::: Favorites
Translation: "I have no fucking clue, so I'll baffle him with bullshit". :)
07-09-04 04:13:55
HOWZZZ ::: Favorites
That is irrelevant!!! The constitution was not designed to make any religion supreme. I was written the way it was so that no specific religion was dominant...this country was founded because of religious persecution. Would you like to go back to the dark ages? What happens when what you "believe" is found to be immoral or wrong? Time will tell and logic will prevail.
07-09-03 23:38:54
VonHelton ::: Favorites
What religion was George Washington? (And if you say "deist", I'll laugh at you). :)
07-09-03 21:27:50
HOWZZZ ::: Favorites
You Sir are an creator was my mother (and dad after he got off)!!! The constitution does not define a creator as "GOD", nor should it. I think you should think a bit more for yourself. Religious faith is a mental disorder and there is medication for it. Were you brainwashed by invisible rabbits or something?
07-09-03 21:24:58
evTom14 ::: Favorites
i wasent being rediculous i was asking the questions that, well the questions alot of people dont care to ask, you put a good question, but how do we even know for sure there was a big bang?we dont!!
07-09-03 10:29:36
VonHelton ::: Favorites
What created the elements that caused the Big Bang? See, I can be just as rediculous as you. :)
07-09-03 06:38:17
IcyNami ::: Favorites
It was a metaphor you theist idiot.
07-08-21 23:05:25

Reliance's Entry into Mangalore's Retail Market Opposed

Duration: 09:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-13 09:32:03
User: daijiworld
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Ted Kennedy

Duration: 05:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-15 23:43:38
User: VonHelton
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All in favor of lower utility bills, say Aye!


JakeandElwoodBlues ::: Favorites
Great video! Ted Kennedy, or as I call him the Pirate of Chappaquiddick, supports every energy officiant bill that comes his way except this one because it's near his multi-million dollar mansion. I've always hated the Kennedy family and I always will. I am for wind power not because it's good for the environment, I'm not one of these Al Gore losers, I'm a Republican. I like wind energy because it's cheaper! Ted Kennedy, get your head out of the sand and vote yes and stop being so damn liberal!
07-09-09 21:47:51
JewishRage ::: Favorites
Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy
07-08-17 00:03:24
brouhajoe ::: Favorites
Hear hear. Just heard this story yesterday, he killed it because people whined that it sullied their nice ocean view...these fucking people amaze me, Ted Kennedy is scum.
07-08-16 10:03:01
VonHelton ::: Favorites
Vote the bums out!! :/
07-08-16 15:36:13
Alphawolfgang ::: Favorites
guns dont kill people! I DO!!! lol i like cheap electricity, the hippies up here in washington is sending like, 30% of our electricity from the dams to their buddies in... CALIFORNIA!!! lovely huh? also, von, i love your straightforward true american style. i also wanna see the other guns ya got! i should have an ak47, but my uncles friend stole it when he died.
07-08-16 09:45:50
libNOT ::: Favorites
More people died at Chappaquiddick than died at Three Mile Island!
07-08-16 01:05:42
Adept99871 ::: Favorites
LOL Good 1!
07-08-16 01:18:06
Adept99871 ::: Favorites
My Gun Has KIlled Less People Than Ted Kennedy's Car!
07-08-15 23:54:24
VonHelton ::: Favorites
LOL! :)
07-08-16 00:10:12

Late Show: Jackie Chan 2/8-07

Duration: 10:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-16 10:56:52
User: glamphugger
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Jackie Chan 2/8-07


metalhead1010101 ::: Favorites
07-10-17 17:28:56
nutrii ::: Favorites
who cares about his language sheesh...he ROCKS living legend!!
07-09-07 14:26:17
braundiealte ::: Favorites
silly person
07-08-28 23:08:32
hartkhor ::: Favorites
his english still needs improvement huh? i thought he was pretty good in the movies...but u can see that he is working hard on it...if u compare with his first english movie, he's doing really his age, to learn a new language is pretty hard..kudos
07-08-27 17:14:22
ANNABECKDK ::: Favorites
oh because im danish ha ha ha ha ha ha.
07-08-24 13:59:49
braundiealte ::: Favorites
then you're silly
07-08-19 14:30:16
NazriB ::: Favorites
Man, the finger thing must be painful. Ha ha. The plane incident is funny. Man, the tooth thing is disgusting.
07-08-19 08:46:42
sshhhhhhhhh ::: Favorites
hes sooo funny didnt expect it lol
07-08-19 08:08:54
ANNABECKDK ::: Favorites
its danish, i know beacause im danish.
07-08-18 19:57:33
braundiealte ::: Favorites
silly subtitles
07-08-18 17:24:57

Sanguina (kids shot a kids)

Duration: 00:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-06 17:05:05
User: sanguina555
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this is were my friends from junior high school. thx -sanguina555


gagalzzz ::: Favorites
lol they look real men...try to make With The real Weapon..... By:Vtr_88
07-10-05 09:37:50
FranklinCrew ::: Favorites
ia video ini bodoh sedikit sih..... tapi ia agree ia nampak sedikit benar. sorry my bahasa is a little lousy.
07-08-19 01:57:41
sanguina555 ::: Favorites
no wories, they are my friends, yeah a lil bit real just a lil i want to make it funny
07-08-19 13:18:34
sanguina555 ::: Favorites
hahahaha its looks like real
07-08-06 23:27:43

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Vision - Part 2/3

Duration: 09:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-01 23:15:26
User: halfawake45488
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Strange Days at Blake Holsey High - Vision - Part 2/3


frenzy28 ::: Favorites
poor lucas....
07-09-08 11:48:57
calamityconfirmed ::: Favorites
Why didn't he change his glasses back? He had two pairs, didn't he? :\
07-08-21 21:25:13
jtbaby14 ::: Favorites
great show
07-08-16 17:46:16

Requiem for a Dream Hip Hop Remix

Duration: 05:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-15 12:39:58
User: Sandozen
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This is a remix I made based on the Theme of Requiem for a Dream. Besides that, I'm challenging the video "Requiem for a Tower Remix (Hip-Hop)" made by Sphinx625. So guys make up your mind and tell me which one is better. Thanks


blueselite4 ::: Favorites
this fucking owns
07-10-19 00:39:58
skatealot05 ::: Favorites
07-10-09 14:09:07
mehdiTube ::: Favorites
good job man , im feelin it yaw
07-09-19 08:28:15
Carnatics ::: Favorites
07-09-10 17:56:11
wmata2710 ::: Favorites
does anyone know the real one someone made a real one.
07-08-22 13:52:59
catch02217 ::: Favorites
yeah this one is much better than the other one, i can see this verson being use on a movie tralier good work
07-08-21 05:06:52

Jerry reading a poem -Later in Life

Duration: 04:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-10 02:42:02
User: BrokenChair88
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Jerry reading a poem. This may seem boring if you aren't into poetry, but if you are going to watch it, see it all the way through.