Thursday, September 20, 2007

Chilldogg Charms a Dangerous Snake!

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-14 13:14:03
User: Chilldogg
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:::: Top Videos of Day

Watch Chilldogg fearlessly handle the dangerous yellowstriped black mamba (just kidding about the mamba part).

runningbackronnie ::: Favorites
hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha rofl
07-08-28 18:35:56
panda2621 ::: Favorites
How would u like a swift kick to the nuts ^_^ jk
07-08-06 15:01:02
JerseyBoy83 ::: Favorites
lol funny vid, check out this water snake stealing my bait youtube. com/watch?v=oXCaOWP8cuA
07-07-01 01:43:39
DyLaN12346 ::: Favorites
hehe, love the voices!
07-06-26 22:38:56
cheetahsrock22 ::: Favorites
lolz "ok lisa oput him down"!!! lolz i9 almost pissed my pants
07-06-02 10:18:53
FeynmanMH42 ::: Favorites
Chilldogg on a plane? :D
07-05-10 20:10:01
ReviewDatabase ::: Favorites
ur cool! cuz ur a youngtuber person
07-05-07 17:30:23
purplepalooka ::: Favorites
Am glad that you were gentle with the little fella Australia, even if the snake is that big you stay the hell away from it !
07-04-01 14:39:14
purplepalooka ::: Favorites
this is pretty funny even though its a garter snake
07-04-01 14:35:24
dayoyomasta ::: Favorites
for me being a herpatologist that was fudging hillarius!
07-03-22 18:50:00

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