Saturday, October 27, 2007

Re: The Insult Ann Coulter Challenge

Duration: 03:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-05 19:47:33
User: cortmeister262
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Ann Coulter calls herself a Christian, She is a truly evil woman. I never even knew that John Edwards HAD a son who died, I knew Al Gore's son had been hit by a car or something, but nothing about Wade Edwards. The reason Ann's sick behavior is so shocking is that you expect the woman to have some kind of empathy for another woman who's lost her child. What's so humorous about joking about people's DEAD relatives? Remember what Ann said about the 9/11 widows? Ann Coulter is a pathetic harpy who will never know what love is and will therefore never know what it's like to lose a husband or child. Ann Coulter will never have love and she resents people who do. BTW, even though I think that some people are tools, I'd never cheer on the terrorists.


cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
OMG, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are the biggest name-callers out there! You should look up 'liberal' in a dictionary sometime. It was a 'liberal' idea to establish a democracy, rather than have a King, it was a 'liberal' idea to free the slaves, it was a liberal idea to give women the right to vote. I'm PROUD to be called a liberal, and YES I AM GLOATING! We kicked your ass in 06 and we'll do it again in 08. The Rape-publican party is imploding, I'm enjoying the death throes.
07-10-11 22:45:24
noliberals123 ::: Favorites
Typical liberal debating tactics-namecalling. Namecalling is the first sign a person has no argument. Gloating? More like a combination of wishful thinking and nonsensical liberal prognostication.
07-10-11 11:46:28
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
She has the freedom of speech and I have the freedom to tell people that she's a filthy lying whore. I have the right to DISAGREE with Ann Coulter MORON! Enjoy your well deserved upcoming political oblivion. Now I'm gloating!
07-10-11 01:06:43
noliberals123 ::: Favorites
Another post by a whiney liberal. Cort, since you CLAIM to support the Constitution, you should DEFEND Ann Coulter's freedom of speech. But, you are like ALL whiney liberals, you only support people that agree with YOUR agenda. Ann has many fans and that fact is reflected by the smile on her accountant's face. Quit pouting.
07-10-10 10:52:04
eatmejesus ::: Favorites
Ann Coulter The Voice of The Republican Party. Thanks for the spot for a video response Scott.
07-08-29 06:09:36
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
LOL ! Thanks for the kind words Penguinsquishy. It amazes me that these Conserva-tards on the right still believe anything that Cruella De-Coulter spews. She's been proven to be a liar so many times, only an idiot would put any stock in her propaganda.
07-08-08 07:55:20
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
We Progressive/Liberal/Democrats are the keepers of flame of TRUE CONSERVATISM. We are the ones who are upholding the Bill of rights and the Constitution. There has always been an element of 'Socialism' in every 'Society', that doesn't mean that I don't LOVE capitalism too. You don't see MY side pushing for the 'Unitary Executive'! Ann Coulter is a fascist tool of the 'out of control' Multi-National Corporations, she's a whore who does whatever her many pimps tell her to do. GOP=EVIL!
07-08-08 07:17:34
penguinsquishy ::: Favorites
Haha a pimp stick
07-08-08 04:09:58
penguinsquishy ::: Favorites
I loved this video hahaha especially the ending :D Sometimes I wanna renounce my white skin too when I see people like Ann Coulter... by the way your house looks almost exactly like mine. Spooky.
07-08-08 04:09:11
c0ns3rv4t1v3 ::: Favorites
WalkingMajority, the liberals are the socialists. If you say Ann Coulter is a socialist is like saying Bill Clinton is a conservative.
07-08-05 16:43:12

Ugly Girl - Sakura

Duration: 01:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-26 14:47:26
User: linafary
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THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS IN NO WAY ASSOCIATED WITH THE MUSICAL ARTIST OR ANIME COMPANY IN ANY WAY. Sakura Fans who don't understand some Fun shouldn't watch this!!! Jaa schonwieder ein neues Video von mir!Dieses Mal hab ich meinen Hass gegen Sakura aus Naruto ausgelebt^^.Ja ich bekenne mich als Sakura-Hasserin!Ich hoffe euch gefällt es und Sakura-Fans,nehmt es nicht so ernst^^ Yeah here is another Video from me!This time I made an Anti-Sakura Video. Jep I hate Sakura!!I hope you like and comment it and Sakura-Fans take it easy xD Music:Ugly Girl-Weird Al Yankovic Charas:Sakura and Special Quest Naruto^^ Anime:Naruto Speacial thanks to:I found some Clips in the Net and don't know the owner.If you find Clips from you in this AMV contact me and I will write you to the credits.I'm Sorry! Honors:27.3.07-#26 - Most Discussed (Today) - Film & Animation - German 27.3.07-#31 - Top Favorites (Today) - Film & Animation - German 28.3.07-#40 - Most Viewed (Today) - Film & Animation - German 28.3.07-#39 - Top Favorites (Today) - Film & Animation - German 28.3.07-#28 - Most Discussed (Today) - Film & Animation - German 2.4.07-#40 - Top Favorites (This Week) - Film & Animation - German AMV for: Sachi (Luchi94) She hate Sakura like me xD HDGDL


Fanstasy ::: Favorites
"its my face makes you hurl...."I'm a ugly girl my face makes you hurl that i had it i should bag it acne everywhere unwanted facial hair im a relation to frankenian's creation...your so ugly you discust me"
07-10-18 09:33:16
nakeboyu212 ::: Favorites
Awesome movie. Try _GREATTIMEZ.COM_ for wild camgirls -nakeboyu212
07-10-09 03:26:50
ILSasuke ::: Favorites
THIS IS FUNNY!!! 'Oh let's go out and have some fun' sorry,but your too damn ugly. OH SCREW YOU KEN!! XDDD SO FUNNY!!!
07-10-05 23:16:24
mommahguru ::: Favorites
'i'm an ugly girl... my face makes you hurt...' 'were you hit by a train?' unbelievably cool.
07-09-15 10:03:20
Klonoastalked ::: Favorites
XDDDD Heh, I wish I knew where to find this song.=3
07-09-08 09:46:38
ReminiscenceRain ::: Favorites
I absolutely hate sakura.. the most annoying anime girl I know... =_= She's better in Shippuden though.. ^_^
07-09-03 11:40:52
ihatekagome78 ::: Favorites
hinata rocks! i dont realy care for sakura
07-08-28 21:57:43
meg90795 ::: Favorites
we all hate sakura grrrrr i mean she an anoying billbord bro
07-08-09 11:30:42
animexchick1993 ::: Favorites
Don't we all!? xP
07-07-29 00:41:10
animexchick1993 ::: Favorites
1:14 is.....really really scary Sakura...0_o Seriously, pause the screen. Same with 1:12.. *Shivers* lol.
07-07-29 00:38:55

Obey The Constitution - or What? 3/30/07

Duration: 03:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-01 16:13:57
User: carolmoore
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March 30, 2007. We the People Foundation [] sponsored a "Right to Petition" Vigil with 50 plus "V for Vendetta" characters who came to say "Obey the Constitution or Else." One protester showed to remind them -- or else we'll obey the Declaration of Independence's urgings to "alter or abolish" government. Recognize the background music??


skyfangkillr1 ::: Favorites
07-10-01 20:06:46
neothomist1275 ::: Favorites
"A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire." -- Cornwallis to Washington(quoted by Jonathan Williams in 'Legions of Satan', 1781)
07-09-26 10:02:28
takadi ::: Favorites
The three candidates willing to adhere to the constitution right now are Senator Mike Gravel, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, and most strictly and adamantly, Congressman Ron Paul.
07-09-26 03:24:23
Vesta20 ::: Favorites
When the people fear the goverment there is tyranny, when the goverment fears the people there is LIBERTY! Thomas Jefferson do you want to return to our constitution and our rights GOOGLE RON PAUL ON YOUTUBE the only persidential candidate that supports our constitution and our rights. ronpaul2008DOTcom Wake up america this is our country
07-09-25 17:51:36
travisalger ::: Favorites
Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul 2008!
07-09-12 15:31:19
Barbisatin ::: Favorites
In this day speaking of our Constitution is a radical act. Consider me a radical.
07-08-27 16:53:22
einsteinian ::: Favorites
The presidency is a contest no good man can win. It should be a contest of intelligence, a contest of wit, a competition of compassion, to find a TRUE LEADER OF MEN. This contest doesnt exist, you cannot pull this GREAT man from a selection of 3-5 stuffy, out of touch, corruptable uppercrust, but instead from the cream of the crop. It takes the blatant misuse of power for us to see clearly, what we all have secretly known.
07-08-27 16:39:05
einsteinian ::: Favorites
YEP, and that worked for the first 100 years... After that CERTAIN companies got so large and wealthy they decided to make laws themselves, and the greedy fatcats have been sucking down the "funding" since. Some may have good intentions, but a new house in the hamptons will surely change their minds. Its a well oiled machine, feasting on the blood of the average man.
07-08-27 16:31:26
mickjagoff ::: Favorites
If what you're trying to say is that it encompasses this administration, than you are correct, but it would be remiss to omit stating that it encompasses every other administration in American history as well, because they have all been guilty of such censorship. The only difference is that people cared enough to fight about it in the past, now people just complain about it. The point was that this demonstration is not representative of a solely anti-Bush agenda.
07-08-25 02:10:34
mxslip ::: Favorites
in my city i keep bumping into a wtp gentlemen. i asked him for information today at an establishment that me and him were. he gave me pamphlets to givemeliberty and a map to get to a WTP meeting in my town. I feel it is time we the people took back our government. Long live liberty!
07-08-21 00:23:53

Saddam Hussein

Duration: 05:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-07 23:57:13
User: freeegypt
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Saddam Hussein


letlovebeurenergy87 ::: Favorites
لك المجد و الخلود ياسيدي
07-09-28 17:46:10
mariejoe5555 ::: Favorites
allah yer7amo..
07-09-14 17:21:39
dromycatcher ::: Favorites
07-09-11 15:01:51
noureddin1981 ::: Favorites
We will never forget you sir,...
07-06-09 14:04:27
hassanalbanna ::: Favorites
Saddam Hueyin for ever
07-05-12 08:33:58
isam63 ::: Favorites
draej66 الزباله الحقيقيه هي الحكيم ومقتدي واختك
07-04-10 08:52:29
draej77 ::: Favorites
لعنك الله يا زباله التاريخ هدام العراق
07-04-09 22:34:05
relat1 ::: Favorites
3ala rasi abu 3ody , wallah rejjal , ALLAH yer7amak
07-03-29 22:35:08
saddam7 ::: Favorites
ya 3azeez 7ayyan w mayyetan r7 teb8a bel 8loob
07-03-09 08:14:13
bleibeta ::: Favorites
God bless you Saddam. You will be in our hearts and will continue the way you started.
07-03-03 20:36:47

Storm Vid

Duration: 03:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-15 20:18:32
User: NarutoGOD97
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Storm Combos/Resets Video also includes psylocke


theBucketofTruth ::: Favorites
at the 51sec mark why the hell did you make it blurry and shit? i rly want to know the point of that. looked like a SCRUB effect to me.....scrubs also FUCK SNAKES
07-10-21 02:02:19
all4uial ::: Favorites
dude how did you do the storm infinite at 44 sec to 48 or something like that??
07-10-13 22:34:21
youknowmystyle ::: Favorites
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NASTY! That fucking Storm is ridiculous.
07-09-06 22:43:23
NarutoGOD97 ::: Favorites
Delayed Hyper Combo Hyper Sentinel Force
07-08-26 02:58:19
BrAnDoN919 ::: Favorites
aye u on stick or pad. Nasty video
07-08-18 13:48:02
rylai ::: Favorites
what dhc and HSF mean?
07-08-11 05:58:34
NarutoGOD97 ::: Favorites
I'll upload some videos to teach you why Magneto is more difficult than Storm. Storm is a better character because she can also run away while attacking and dhc to HSF.
07-08-10 13:09:44
rylai ::: Favorites
no,i beg to disagree...there were many players who play as fast as Magneto since it was easier to learn than learning the moves of Storm...
07-08-09 08:21:17
NarutoGOD97 ::: Favorites
Storm is easier to learn than Magneto.
07-08-08 21:36:56
AgentSpinhead ::: Favorites
yo its like strom combos on acid lolz
07-07-22 18:17:51

Napoleon Chili - It's Dynamite

Duration: 11:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-02-23 19:30:39
User: erwlsar
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My company has an annual chili cookoff, and awards are given for best chili, hottest chili, best ad campaign, etc. My co-worker and friend, Rodney Champaco, declared that our department would win the prestigous "Best Ad Campaign" award. But we needed a good idea to market our chili. Since at the time, Napoleon Dynamite was our favorite movie, we decided to pay tribute to it by making a video ad campaign based on the movie. What resulted in that was a five part short movie that I'm posting here, which was so much fun to make. Rodney did a really good job the editing and direction, not to mention the acting. We were really satisfied with what we accomplished, yet, we are planning to finish it up with credits and outtakes at the end. Thanks to all who were involved: Cesar Mayor (camerawork, outdoor scene, production), Kathy King & Monica Porter (chili-tasting scene), Sonja Smith (keycard scene, use of her vidcam), Eunice Gong (use of her tripod)... and special thanks to the creators of the movie Napoleon Dynamite, Jared and Jerusha Hess! We did win the Best Ad Campaign award... Thanks to the Hess duo for inspiring us with a great movie.


llcoolchae ::: Favorites
hey look at me! i'm a youtube hater! i go to other people's hard work and take the time out of my tremendeously busy day to comment about how horrible their videos are! i have no life what-so-ever! man! thats for you thunda1986! but i have to agree... this is one of the worst videos ever! KIDDING!! good job! the comment is about 2 years late
07-06-23 05:01:56
slidji ::: Favorites
that was great! loved it!
07-06-10 20:02:23
4780732 ::: Favorites
greatt dancerr my friendd heheheh excellent job for everybody,, bravoooooooo
07-05-10 18:21:59
Wymora ::: Favorites
U guys were awesome this was like almost exaact to the movie.
06-12-17 02:30:56
miwako07 ::: Favorites
06-11-21 17:40:40
gregorysharp ::: Favorites
06-08-13 03:06:46
bmwolgas ::: Favorites
Like anyone could even know that.
06-07-26 03:22:32
radrico ::: Favorites
good job you guys. glad to hear you won. just to let you know tho jerusha hess is jareds wife., not his brother hehe.
06-05-23 07:48:58
Thunda1986 ::: Favorites
Thats pretty much the worse video i've ever seen
06-05-09 04:17:21
sharingan6686 ::: Favorites
omg i love u guys!!!!!!!u guys sound almost exactly the same like napoleon&pedro!!and i gotta say that's the best napoleon dance moves immitation ive seen ;) awesome!!!!
06-04-23 01:53:59

Diam's - Par amour

Duration: 06:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-11 12:26:02
User: LiLLoveuz
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gennaioclinton ::: Favorites
This year, I hope we'll start a new tradition: sharing birthday wishes from thousands upon thousands of her supporters. Will you help me get this started by sending Hillary your birthday message today?
07-10-26 18:54:41
gennaioclinton ::: Favorites
This year, I hope we'll start a new tradition: sharing birthday wishes from thousands upon thousands of her supporters. Will you help me get this started by sending Hillary your birthday message today?
07-10-26 18:54:34
gennaioclinton ::: Favorites
This year, I hope we'll start a new tradition: sharing birthday wishes from thousands upon thousands of her supporters. Will you help me get this started by sending Hillary your birthday message today?
07-10-26 18:54:26
gennaioclinton ::: Favorites
This year, I hope we'll start a new tradition: sharing birthday wishes from thousands upon thousands of her supporters. Will you help me get this started by sending Hillary your birthday message today?
07-10-26 18:54:12
MichaelchiantFR ::: Favorites
Je deteste le rap d'ordinaire...Mais ce texte est vraiment pas mal... Bravo Diam's
07-10-26 07:19:50
thrgreengirl ::: Favorites
trop magnfike chanson ! le téxte é tro magnifike diam's ta vrament assurée !
07-10-24 09:50:43
eths6664 ::: Favorites
tin jadore cte chanson elle est tro trist a chake foi ke jlecout jai tro envi de pleurer
07-10-20 14:40:44
69bilbao ::: Favorites
TAPER RASPAT c'est la plus grosse blague de l'histoire du reggae et le mec ce la raconte rastaman laché vos com surtout!!! c'est un grand moment youtube!! specialement déniché pour vous mesdames et messieurs et en plus en direct sound-system de limoges c'est pas rien quand méme a kan dunkerque ou chateauroux! et faite copié collé partout il gagne a etre connu !ahahahahah
07-10-20 11:43:11
LordFF ::: Favorites
j'aime pas diams mais cette chanson ... elle é magnifique faut avouer
07-10-18 13:35:25
Tiiana95 ::: Favorites
Jla Kif De Tr0w' !!! A Chak Foii Ke Jléc0ute Jpleure xD
07-10-14 15:36:08

Kevin Rudd gets an ear full...

Duration: 00:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-26 06:02:44
User: newmediax
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What a classic!


o0oMiSHkAo0o ::: Favorites
07-10-27 07:52:08
phantom772001 ::: Favorites
Some people need to get their facts straight!!
07-10-27 05:35:54
phantom772001 ::: Favorites
Thats all Howard speaks!!!!
07-10-27 05:33:06
phantom772001 ::: Favorites
I want him to be Prime Minister!!!
07-10-27 05:26:48
steelgear ::: Favorites
LOL what a moron
07-10-27 05:15:08
TheAussie00 ::: Favorites
Hmm he makes a good point about leaflets....
07-10-27 03:16:51
tessaaaaxx ::: Favorites
07-10-27 03:06:00
ThisIsGonnaBeCool ::: Favorites
07-10-26 23:45:53
cjason406 ::: Favorites
LMFAO ruddy looked like he enjoyed that.
07-10-26 23:23:48
eyewrenchee ::: Favorites
Also if you check all his friends and subscribers they are all Liberals, some are even Young Liberals and some are even Liberal Party members, one link leads all the way back to the Liberal Party website. Also the video is about 3 to 4 years old as Rudd is not even on the front bench in it. Also its not from ABC TV as there is no logo on it. It could only have come from someone at parliament House.
07-10-26 21:32:02

The very first episode of The Price is Right

Duration: 01:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-06 21:16:06
User: antdude
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Watch the boring crowd, contestants standing up, Bob Barker as a young host, etc. This was from 9/4/1972.


antdude ::: Favorites
OK, someone needs to post Drew Carey's first episode!
07-10-15 18:17:57
MICH067 ::: Favorites
07-10-15 15:19:45
raiders1967 ::: Favorites
You are exactly right and I thought that was a neat touch to do that on Bob's final show.
07-09-29 17:11:14
DarkRyeU ::: Favorites
LOL! Boring crowd indeed.
07-09-26 21:08:55
yeti98277 ::: Favorites
he lounds the same
07-08-17 19:39:53
FaysalAA21 ::: Favorites
That has me wondering what it was like if it was on NBC or ABC!
07-08-17 01:25:14
OA276 ::: Favorites
You know bill cullen's price is right.
07-07-25 16:58:37
spunsugar2002 ::: Favorites
"the old price is right" ???????
07-07-25 12:21:19
ooadjudantoo ::: Favorites
OMG he look so young
07-07-23 01:48:34
YouTyler8014 ::: Favorites
gf bob
07-07-15 00:14:13

Jebidiah OWNS James Cameron!

Duration: 10:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-03 15:30:12
User: cortmeister262
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Jebidiah Cortmeister lays the smackdown on that Evil Hollywood Liberal James Cameron for his blasphemy and heresy! And he exposes the conspiracy behind the geo-synchronous orbit satellites!


MeLikeGuns ::: Favorites
Bite you with my good tooth!!
07-08-06 20:22:08
frid9999 ::: Favorites
07-03-04 16:53:21
curt344 ::: Favorites
LOL! You could easily sell tons of those hats on eBay, ya know.
07-03-04 14:41:21
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
Well you can blame it on that Blasphemin' Heethin' James Cameron! "Get away from my Lord and Savior You BITCH!"
07-03-04 14:03:05
friendofdarwin ::: Favorites
Nooooooo! Not Aliens! That was the last good movie in the series!!
07-03-04 12:31:14
Terminator20 ::: Favorites
FU**** Halarious!!! ahhhhh hahahahahahahahaha LOL :)
07-03-03 23:16:28
proudfootz ::: Favorites
"I'm a God-warrior!" Total classic.
07-03-03 21:27:39
wayman29 ::: Favorites
07-03-03 21:07:34
mylifeislikeasitcom ::: Favorites
yeah, i thought cameron directed Alien 3, although i dont think either top Alien resurrection for me that was the total destruction on the Alien films!
07-03-03 20:19:44
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
Thanks a lot, and I agree. Although T3 wasn't as bad as Alien3, now THAT was really really BAD, where as T3 was just kind-a bad.
07-03-03 20:05:13

Land of the Lost - Skylons

Duration: 23:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-24 11:14:42
User: akonius
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OK - this was one of my favorites as a kid! Never missed an episode mid Saturday morning...Marshall, Will, Holly, Spot, Alice, The Sleestack and of course - Chakka! Well, enjoy the episode ~ sure to bring back big time memories!


cha5 ::: Favorites
I think I remember one episode where they had a visitor to their cave and were talking with him, Suddenly there was that old Grumpy bellow from outside the cave and Grumpy sniffing at the entrance, The visitor was shocked and amazed, The family weren't really bothered, Marshall looked just annoyed "Excuse me" he went and tossed a crystal out the cave entrance like he was throwing a rock at a dog, BOOM! Grumpy screamed in pain, Just a typical day in the LOTL.
07-10-22 15:26:58
cha5 ::: Favorites
"Flyswatter" is that an episode title? There were at least a few episodes where Grumpy would stick his nose in their cave and he would usually get a spear stuck in his mouth or get an exploding crystal thrown in his face if they were too lazy to spear him. One thing about Grumpy he was a glutton for punishment when he got nosy around the Marshall's cave.
07-10-22 00:43:44
reversededges25 ::: Favorites
Cool. Haha, I must be the youngest LOTL fan ever (11 years old).
07-10-21 23:22:21
reversededges25 ::: Favorites
Spear? You mean "flyswatter".
07-10-21 23:21:04
akonius ::: Favorites
That's kewl - LOL! We all love LOTL!
07-10-20 02:16:57
cha5 ::: Favorites
Yeah although it's known these days that T-Rex's had pretty good eyesight and that they had an acute sense of smell for sniffing out prey, I always even thought it was a little funny how Grumpy would always keep sticking his nose in the Marshall's cave over and over and always get a spear stuck in his mouth.
07-10-20 02:05:00
kirkenbunken ::: Favorites
By the way are the dinosaurs Earth dinosaurs that got caught in the time doorways or are they alien beings that happen to resemble dinosaurs?
07-10-19 22:51:43
kirkenbunken ::: Favorites
Actually Grumpy moves quickly and often sneaks up on them. They take advantage of his poor eyesight to escape.
07-10-19 22:49:08
kirkenbunken ::: Favorites
I like how the Marshall's continuously cheat death, week after week.
07-10-19 22:44:33
VJGija ::: Favorites
They do not bring them back cause if they did they would ruin them like get Will ferrell to play the dad and Dakota Fanning to be Holly it would not be the same it was a great show :)
07-10-19 15:29:40

Banjo Boy - Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband

Duration: 04:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-22 14:32:45
User: blinkparty
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"Wow!!! The video is awesome!!" "[at the live show] I was amazed, and very entertained. These guys are good! They are one talented group." - About Entertainment, RS&RB message board


bina270 ::: Favorites
I LOVE CRAIG!!!! Go Banjo-Boy!!!! (Craig is the one that plays the banjo)
07-10-11 22:45:11
sexycheesecake ::: Favorites
I agree!!! Does any one want to upload the corndog song???
07-10-09 22:04:55
melkilmagerss ::: Favorites
cool song
07-10-08 17:05:01
okinawa31 ::: Favorites
Love them they are great.... wish they would do a video for the corndog song!!!!
07-09-27 02:21:22
musicmonster22 ::: Favorites
Awesome song!!
07-09-15 11:44:13
thatgeminiboi ::: Favorites
they have some big heads kinda creepy
07-09-13 19:11:31
revmajik ::: Favorites
always been a fav...
07-08-16 18:23:55
dangerdan4228 ::: Favorites
I love this song and video!
07-07-17 11:53:12
77mikepotato ::: Favorites
i play the banjo too. i am also a cross between bela fleck and eddie vedder, but not as good.
07-06-26 15:47:59
77mikepotato ::: Favorites
This song is awesome.
07-06-24 18:30:48