Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nelly Furtado - All Good Things (live world music awards 06)

Duration: 04:33 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-30 06:52:14
User: FuglFoeniks
:::: Favorites

Nelly Furtado - All Good Things (live world music awards 06)

Vsynchro ::: Favorites
easy sex.
07-08-09 18:22:32
Vsynchro ::: Favorites
actually brazil's capital city is Buenos Aires, too. lol
07-08-09 18:26:16
BitorS ::: Favorites
NO!She didn't born here....she was born in Canada but her parents are from Azores(portugal)duh! why dont you search about it?!
07-08-09 19:40:33
BitorS ::: Favorites
nao m digas =O....e eu a pensar ke era brasilia afinal brasilia e a capital da argentina...-.-''
07-08-09 19:41:37
d3qLii ::: Favorites
she sings good but she should learn how to do something else than just move her arms in a regular repeating pattern.
07-08-09 20:42:03
eduvc123 ::: Favorites
She has beauty she doesn't need to do something else. weird moves usually are used by monkeys like you to distract the attention from their ugly faces. LOL joke. ...Give me a break. You tell me now you can't see the Difference between Michael Jackson and Kurt Cobain?!
07-08-09 22:01:22
bellamonde ::: Favorites
She is great!!! and this song is pure love!!!
07-08-12 22:44:29
alba79 ::: Favorites
ole ole y ole
07-08-13 08:58:02
lucious13thespider ::: Favorites
you so beautiful i want meet you . a fun from greece come to see greece an give a consert
07-08-13 14:33:35
windsweptrose ::: Favorites
I agree with her, all good things come to an end :(
07-08-14 15:00:41

VIENE GENTE - Pavel Nuñez nominado al Casandra

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-13 17:26:53
User: HoracioOntiveros
:::: Favorites

Este video muestra una posición en contra de la mentira y la hipocresía de mucha gente que viene y no sabe que la vida es corta. Dir.Horacio Madrid Ontiveros, Prod. Patricia Romano. tel.: (809) 221-7949

pina7521 ::: Favorites
Para mi es un menjase excelente ¡Tremenda Cancion! Pavel Te Felicito
07-01-25 21:11:51
iban1976 ::: Favorites
hermosa cancion y tremendo mensaje me encantan las canciones de pavel, solo que el video pudo haber sido mejor.
07-02-09 09:47:02
franmontas ::: Favorites
Muy bien! No me gusta la musica de Pavel, pero si el trabajo que has venido haciendo como cinematografo... Sigue ahi!
07-02-15 00:49:05
elpapados ::: Favorites
Felicidades por la nominacion ajala y ganes, sigue tirando pa' lante q nos queda mucho por hacer como dijo un politico, pero nosotros somos artista asi q cumpliremos con esta promesa Nin G.
07-03-14 13:23:14
toyo5891 ::: Favorites
Adoro esta canción!... No conocía el trabajo de Pavel, pero q bueno ha sido escucharlo... (thx Andrew!)
07-04-05 22:32:05
latinrascal1 ::: Favorites
alguien tiene el video "Te Di"????
07-04-17 12:46:30
lidapatricia ::: Favorites
07-04-30 13:13:10
Pamy2606 ::: Favorites
excelente cantautor dominicano. Despues de JLG de lo mejor que tiene este pais y el mundo
07-06-20 00:49:42
DaniellahSpice ::: Favorites
wow! tanto talento que tiene ese hombre y no lo esta promoviendo como es, pero este video esta como es te felcito bastante Horacio
07-07-25 13:10:34
elmario02 ::: Favorites
Me alegra saber q tanto sentimento sale de un musico, pero no de cuarquiel musico... si no de uno que es dominicano de ''pura sepa'' muy bien!!!! Felicidades Pavel.... Me encantas
07-08-03 19:45:10

Royal Rumble '06-'07

Duration: 72:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-30 17:32:25
User: Nobre19
:::: Favorites

This is the MNWL first ever royal rumble. 30 superstars entered and there were many dramatic scenes and none other than a very dramatic finale.

paullondon2 ::: Favorites
spfan68 get lost you looser matt nobre is top class
07-08-10 04:29:24
huntervzero ::: Favorites
a little boring
07-08-10 14:45:11
PrestonxPunk ::: Favorites
that kid in the backround don't ever use him again he was really annoying!
07-08-10 23:00:47
Damernick4 ::: Favorites
wow he used guitar hero for that song
07-08-11 03:38:48
Gjmix617 ::: Favorites
cool the royal rumble but why did jeff win and not kurt angle angles the best
07-08-11 04:32:02
wtfboy10 ::: Favorites
hold on just a sec gjmix617 kurt angle sucks and jeff rules
07-08-12 05:18:42
wtfboy10 ::: Favorites
do u no wot a green bay plunge is? it is wen u get ur opponent in an f-u position then he gets on the top rope and jumps off
07-08-12 05:34:19
JLSda3 ::: Favorites
wat the hell u want him to do make i real lookin
07-08-15 14:45:10
spfan68 ::: Favorites
well at least make it look realistic not crappy done moves that fat kid makes the moves look very crappy and unrealistic
07-08-15 17:29:35
dxdude99 ::: Favorites
that was awesome, where did you get your ring thanks if you anwser it keep it up bud!
07-08-15 17:32:49

Fountain of Dreams

Duration: 04:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-07 06:53:49
User: jimmyking200
:::: Favorites

To download this song, click the following link:

deidarakatsuki5 ::: Favorites
freakin love this song
07-06-17 12:42:15
QuietAsian ::: Favorites
hey does anyone have an Ensemble of this song?
07-06-18 18:21:15
CheshireNinja1 ::: Favorites
I know where you an upload it. search for Super Smash Brother's melee mp3's, exactly like that, in google then go to the first link. the whole album of ssbm is there.
07-06-18 22:00:02
DKFan4Life ::: Favorites
Even the victory themes? DK and Link's were cool.
07-06-19 00:43:36
jettythesunfish ::: Favorites
HAHA! Dedede's theme rocks!
07-06-26 11:20:53
CheshireNinja1 ::: Favorites
yup! lmost every thing is there. I can't find the theme for Onett...
07-07-16 23:00:41
luckyx777 ::: Favorites
I believe the CD is called "Smashing Live!".I think it's really hard to find.
07-07-17 01:47:19
kideinstein442 ::: Favorites
The orchestra that did this song and all the songs on the Smashing Live! is called the New Japan Philharmonic.
07-07-19 11:03:08
josiah17 ::: Favorites
This is my absolute favorite tune in Super Smash history!!! =D
07-07-20 01:18:12
BlueMoon3113 ::: Favorites
That song is Uber Awsome when played by an orcastra.
07-08-01 12:14:21

As Close to Area 51 as You Will Ever Get

Duration: 11:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-16 21:09:20
User: Chinodavis
:::: Favorites

This is as close to Area 51 (Groom Lake, Dreamland, etc.) as you will ever get without clearance.

zxcasdewq1 ::: Favorites
5/5 there either hiding alians or nukes
07-08-14 19:06:38
MushrumeHedd ::: Favorites
nukes definitaly and possible ufo crafts and extra terestrial life forms
07-08-14 19:12:01
rbwannasee ::: Favorites
I lived in the Southend-on-Sea area for the first 26 years of my life. To the East there is an island called Foulness Island. It is an MOD proof and experimental facility, and although it has towns, churches, pubs, etc. you cannot get on without an invite and destination. Armed guards at checkpoints make sure of that. Oh yeah, "coincidentally" the place is rumored to have nukes.
07-08-14 20:32:12
rbwannasee ::: Favorites
...AND UFO's.
07-08-14 20:44:14
rbwannasee ::: Favorites
UFO's being the smoke screen for nukes. Thought I'd mention that in case it wasn't apparent that that's been the jist of my other postings to this thread.
07-08-14 20:46:26
roccojoco ::: Favorites
You pussed out dude, search "Area 51 Trip 08/15/2001". This guy was out of his vehicle, climbing hills, taking video of the fearsome "cami dudes" and gunships.
07-08-15 00:17:44
rbwannasee ::: Favorites
No kidding, the other guys vid is great and has the cammy dudes running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Probably because he went back again. Maybe they figured he planned something and was returning to execute. I'm pretty sure every license plate is logged that goes up that road.
07-08-15 01:28:24
Ollied ::: Favorites
exacally what i was thinking... dude did a great job on filming this
07-08-15 10:59:57
tonebone8 ::: Favorites
did you have to be eating when you filmed this goddamn it!! now i'm hungry..
07-08-15 13:07:08
rbdevon4 ::: Favorites
07-08-16 02:02:02

Kelsey Shelton Briggs "Daddy's Little Girl"

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 03:12:00
User: shonyakay
:::: Favorites

I made this video in honor of Little Kelsey Briggs who lost her life due to child abuse. Please Read her story below... Kelsey Briggs was born in Oklahoma on December 28,2002 after her parents Lance Briggs and Raye Dawn Smith were divorced. Raye Dawn Smith started dating a man named Michael Lee Porter. The first reported incident of child abuse regarding Kelsey was made on Jan.17,2005,and many more were to follow. Raye Dawn Smith married Michael Lee Porter on April 18,2005. On May 3,2005 Kelsey was taken out of her home by OKDHS. May 4,2005 Kelsey was moved to her maternal Grandmother Gayla Smith. In mid June 2005,after months of documented abuse which included a broken collarbone,multiple abrasions,new bruises and faded bruises from head to toe,and two broken legs,the doctor said Kelsey's legs were not just broken they were spiral fractions,which means someone twisted her little legs forcefully.There were numerous court hearings but after it all on June 15,2005 Judge Craig Key sent Kelsey back to her mom and stepfather.The judge said "Kelsey's abuser was unknown." She remained in state custody and was to be supervised by state agencies. Her biological father Lance Briggs was in Iraq fighting for our country while his little girl Kelsey was here fighting for her life. On October 11, 2005 she was murdered by her Stepfather Micheal Lee Porter. The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the abdomen it was ruled a Homicide. Kelsey Briggs died just days before her father was to return from Iraq. Two weeks later Porter was arrested on first degee murder. Her mother was later charged with two felonies of Child Neglect and Enabling Child Abuse. In April of 2006 Kelsey's body was exhumed for a second autopsy where sexual abuse was documented. Not only was this child brutally beaten over a 9 month period she was also sexually assaulted. The Stepfather's charges were amended to add the sexual abuse. Porter and Smith divorced after Kelsey's death. On February 2, 2007 a plea negotiation was entered and approved by the paternal family. The stepfather plead guilty to a reduced charge of Enabling Child Abuse and received 30 years in prison. He has no possibility of parole for 25.5 years. Kelsey's mother Raye Dawn Smith went on trial July 9, 2007.She has since been found guilty of enabling child abuse,she will serve 27 years in prison.Without the possibility of parole for 23 years. The court says she knew or should have known about Kelsey's abuse. Alot of people failed Kelsey.Remember her story the next time you think a child is being abused.Please report it,if you don't, that child may suffer the same fate as Kelsey.Please don't let that happen. A new law has been named for Kelsey in Oklahoma to prevent this type of failure in the Oklahoma State System. Song:"Daddy can you see me?"-Anita Cochran - KELSEY SHELTON BRIGGS - Rest in Heaven you beautiful little angel.You will never be forgotten.

myzciva08 ::: Favorites
aww she soo pretty and cute! i dont know what the fuck is wrong with dat fucking white dude beating her up das fucked up fucking shit! fuck him!
07-08-15 02:43:57
xXxEllie22xXx ::: Favorites
What happened to her legs? They were in casts like they were broken or something. Is that from the child abuse? I don't understand what happened really. How did she die? And who killed her? Whoever they are, I hope they have to suffer the same suffering as Kelsey did for the rest of their rotten lives. R.I.P Kels xx
07-08-15 07:35:06
shonyakay ::: Favorites
Her little legs were broken due to child abuse the doctor even said that they were spiral fractures which means someone twisted her little legs forcefully.The stepfather has been charged and convicted.Read the video description it has all the info.
07-08-15 07:42:01
squidswife97 ::: Favorites
Her stepfather killed her. Her real father was serving in Iraq when Kelsey was murdered. Kelsey's mother knew of the abuse, and instead of leaving, chose to stay. Both she and Kelsey's stepfather deserve to fry.
07-08-15 14:12:53
RaelynnM ::: Favorites
What a good little girl. Rest In Peace Kelsey. <3
07-08-15 14:40:05
patschuit ::: Favorites
That is sooo sad..i just don't see why someone would want to do something like to such a beautiful little girl..this is sooo sad..
07-08-15 16:26:46
jurtleli ::: Favorites
Even if the little girl was ugly, it's still unbearable that she went through child abuse.
07-08-15 17:40:23
danielle9406 ::: Favorites
this is so can anyone hurt a lil kid.....she is so damn pretty.....R*I*P KELSEY......
07-08-15 19:18:58
squidswife97 ::: Favorites
Her father doesn't deserve to be in jail. He was on his way home from a 6 month deployment in Iraq when Kelsey was murdered. Kelsey's psycho bastard stepfather and mom are the ones that abused her and murdered her. The stepfather got 30 yrs, and her bitch of a mom got 27 yrs.
07-08-15 23:36:28
FargoMarc ::: Favorites
2:11 The casts on her legs and the look on her face...I'm biting my lip to keep from crying right now...
07-08-16 00:12:24

Police Interceptor

Duration: 03:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-30 09:10:11
User: scnermn2004
:::: Favorites

Cool little video I threw together of me and my buddy's car! Song Title: Highway Patrol Artist: Junior Brown

scnermn2004 ::: Favorites
cc10266, You Nailed it, thats the movie that turned me onto this song!!!!Thanks For Watching!!!!!
07-07-02 06:50:29
HilarioBarron ::: Favorites
nice cars homie
07-07-08 16:49:48
infobelow ::: Favorites
Great video
07-07-08 19:06:10
Hearsesrock427 ::: Favorites
Those are SICK!! I love Crown Victorias!!
07-07-20 13:49:47
luisitotototo ::: Favorites
dude did ur car come whit the flasing headlamps alredy?
07-07-30 00:26:48
umpalumpa555 ::: Favorites
no siren on these?
07-08-02 19:16:57
jo5567 ::: Favorites
did it came with the strobe lights too?
07-08-04 19:33:03
rabidjade ::: Favorites
My guess is no. Real police don't need to cover their plates to shoot whacker videos in apartment parking garages and deserted back roads. Also POV lights are for the most part illegal in CA, especially red and blue.
07-08-09 20:37:38
co19ff ::: Favorites
hahaha f*&$in right
07-08-09 21:39:31
j8mnt ::: Favorites
hahahah..thats cool dude..u security or somethin?
07-08-11 19:18:34

Cream - Toad - Drum Solo

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-24 17:19:23
User: piaipapai
:::: Favorites

Cream Live at Royal Albert Hall 2005 - Ginger Baker Drum Solo

KyleMarathonDrums ::: Favorites
As for Baker's solo: I enjoy its consistent groove, and how he uses ghost notes on the snare as a basis for travelling around the kit and giving nice triplets. His eclectic approach (including African-like beats) helps give the solo good variety. And that's quite interesting, because he's really not playing anything too difficult. He's just well-relaxed and making a good groove. Drummers who can take something simple and make it sound golden with imagination are good drummers in my book.
07-07-29 12:15:06
KyleMarathonDrums ::: Favorites
The fact of the matter is, Baker is actually just a very simple drummer, who uses lots of basic rudiments and eclectic beats (i.e. African) to give his solos power. Really, I don't think he's that skilled a drummer, but I think he's aiming more for ideas than technique, and just gets a good groove going. I don't think a solo has to have a bunch of tricks to make it sound good, but that's just me.
07-07-29 12:25:16
KyleMarathonDrums ::: Favorites
Why are people so shocked because he's in his 60's? Let's remember that to achieve good drumming you have to learn how to relax. Baker has learned that, which is why he's still doing so well. You don't have to have a lot of energy to drum well. If you happen to no longer be able to drum well enough while your old JUST because you're old and don't have as much energy, you've been drumming the wrong way.
07-07-29 12:32:28
rushfan30 ::: Favorites
I agree with the statement that we should all just enjoy. Guess having won so many competitions as a drummer I have a tendancy to critique every drum solo I hear. Sorry. It's a tasteful solo, but it should have been much shorter because it's quite repetitive.
07-07-29 22:55:56
1musiclvr ::: Favorites
Well said levaci. I'm 57 and couldn't have said it better myself. Rock on!
07-08-01 16:16:56
cutis1000 ::: Favorites
Compared to his solos from the late sixties, this solo is pretty short!!
07-08-05 23:05:23
deltoao ::: Favorites
wel its not that large drum solo maybe because well hate to say it bu hes a little too grown up don´t ya thik?
07-08-06 14:21:27
debbigwifeje ::: Favorites
One night stands and no strings sex at > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <
07-08-07 17:22:59
Spiderpig619 ::: Favorites
yea it is kinda short but think ehs pertty old not likes hes gonna remember it all haha
07-08-12 22:02:55
Jolby32 ::: Favorites
Toad doesn't really compare to the live moby dick. There both great solos but bonzo's is a little faster and less repetative.
07-08-15 09:23:07

Chris Griffin laugh, pee & poo

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-19 17:43:45
User: xOmyKusanagix
:::: Favorites

Meg, I pay you a dollar if you smeel my sneakers

youreface1234 ::: Favorites
thats the episode where they said the Fword and it was uncensored
07-08-05 22:05:21
TheRockHBKfan ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHA look at Chris when he is laughing and runnig around xD HAHAHA LMAO so funnie x)
07-08-06 18:17:57
GavyOly ::: Favorites
07-08-07 08:42:31
yingyanggardian ::: Favorites
0.0 ok... but still LOL
07-08-08 21:25:21
metalgod2347 ::: Favorites
life would be so much more happy if we were all as simple as chris
07-08-08 21:27:06
woopdeedoodle ::: Favorites
07-08-09 11:06:38
starfuzzy2 ::: Favorites
ha ha opps i peed and pooed lol :'
07-08-10 20:43:55
Tofux333 ::: Favorites
07-08-12 17:56:20
crazygalsrock123 ::: Favorites
o i peed and pooped XD XD XD
07-08-14 12:55:02
Zaraxion ::: Favorites
Its not that funny \=(
07-08-14 13:48:29

Ivan Urban Action Figure Wipes Out on America's Got Talent!

Duration: 02:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-10 21:52:14
User: legraham
:::: Favorites

Ivan Urban Action Figure Wipes Out on America's Got Talent

grmcbff ::: Favorites
i wanted to see the rest of his act it looked like it was gunna be cool
07-07-30 08:43:12
jwoodcould ::: Favorites
I agree, that was the funniest fakest knockout ever.
07-07-31 15:05:58
toddodias ::: Favorites
This just does not look right... If you look at it in super slow motion you see he rolled on to his head.. His head never hit the floor.. No chairs hit his head..also it looks at though the front legs on the trampoline gave out or something.. BBOy ivan has been around for years.. he should be able to do this move in his sleep.. the whole thing is fishy to me.. even if it is a set up which it probably is they probably paid him well and made him sign a disclosure never to tell.
07-08-03 12:20:15
CloudGeneral ::: Favorites
07-08-04 18:38:25
tigerzrule99 ::: Favorites
shoulda gave him 2nd chance...
07-08-05 01:08:18
nikidizzi ::: Favorites
yea he rolled back to his head hahaha and if he was wiped out why would he land straight like that
07-08-05 20:01:01
dfnwangek ::: Favorites
The trampoline messed up his jump, if you watch closely.
07-08-06 15:56:10
redmoth16 ::: Favorites
dood all staged...he landed weird tho
07-08-14 02:32:54
kelownafornia ::: Favorites
Thats the BEST trick!! Oh wait, I know, the chairs should be on fire! that would be awesome Also, He lays around for too long, maybe he was so happy with the trick, that he layed on his face, smiling, and just soaked up the glamour for while!
07-08-14 23:23:12
theeyesoftxs ::: Favorites
i agree with most here, this is fake! after looking several times you cant help but notice after the fall begins within the chairs, he falls down to the floor on his shoulders, if he were knocked out, at that point he would have just laid there, but NO...he then rolls up onto his head, does a head stand then falls down to a prone position. Impossible to do if you are knocked out! Good lord! Gimme a break!!!
07-08-15 15:01:11

La Noyee

Duration: 02:07 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-26 00:30:55
User: MantisSage
:::: Favorites

This amv was not made by me, but by FoxJones. This is a beautiful amv with music by Yann Tiersen with the anime Gunslinger Girl.

d4v3cs ::: Favorites
w.........o..........w........ your video is simply gorgeous. It shows there's more in GSG than just the firefights, sorrows, and bittersweet moments. Just like life, there's inherent beauty in it. A beauty that has always been there and sometime it takes a different life "soundtrack" to see it and appreciate it. Your video capture that beauty. BRAVO!!!! and thank you for a wonderful video
06-06-21 01:44:00
Jananae ::: Favorites
wow. the AMV didn't show anything really remarkable, but it really worked. it had a sort of day-to-day, life goes on feeling to it. nicely done ^_^. 5/5 and fave
06-08-11 06:26:04
ndoodles ::: Favorites
amazing!!!! That is just amazing and the MUSIC - I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that piece.
06-09-10 00:43:44
beerdrunk ::: Favorites
06-10-24 06:43:57
totoum ::: Favorites
it's brillant,gunslinger girl without the guns,shows that there's much more to this anime than guns
06-10-31 13:36:03
mrsoftware ::: Favorites
WOW echt das beste AMV was ich je gesehen hab...ersthaft! Sehr passend zur Musik geschnitten einfach perfekt:) Könnt es mir den ganzen tag anschaun..
07-01-11 21:59:19
XaioLoon ::: Favorites
The Yann Tiersen song fits the mood of the video well. Thanks for posting it up ^_^ ~Natsu
07-02-14 19:37:57
pikanari ::: Favorites
je suis d'accors avec tous le monde cette video est tres belle ce son est tres beau et ce yann tiersen est trop genial c'est ce qu'on appelle une sainte trinité.lol. Bravo pour ce resultat
07-04-02 18:05:39
ftenn2004 ::: Favorites
The music....can anyone tell me how I can get it on my iPod? Its not on iTunes, Limewire, or Morpheus....Please message me!!!!
07-06-19 22:02:33
MantisSage ::: Favorites
The piece is La Noyee by Yann Tiersen. I was able to get it off of Limewire. I believe it is also on some of his CD's which are available on itunes. I'm glad that you like it too. After I watched this I became addicted to his music and I had to buy a CD.
07-06-20 03:39:45

What I've Done (Harry Potter)

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-24 08:01:27
User: HogwartsHonorRoll
:::: Favorites

Another Harry Potter/Linkin Park video. I tend to think their songs work rather well with Harry Potter latley...*shrugs* I've got a lot of Harry Potter inspiration, so I'm going to be posting a lot more Harry Potter vidoes (but I have two Doctor Who videos in the saving process that will be up sometime soon) There were a lot of bits that I tried to match up with the change in the music (like the beats), and I hope that has the desired effect (the first of which is the Knight Bus at the very beginning...they're all little things that are hardly noticable, but took collassal amounts of time to put together) This is my 199th video!! *cheers* The song is by Linkin Park COMMENTS AND RATINGS PLEASE !! But no character bashing! #34 - Top Rated (24 July 2007) - Ireland #38 - Most Discussed (24 July 2007) - Ireland #25 - Top Favourites (24 July 2007) - Ireland #85 - Most Viewed (25 July 2007) - Ireland #33 - Top Rated (25 July 2007) - Ireland #83 - Top Rated (This Week) - Ireland #34 - Most Discussed (25 July 2007) - Ireland #35 - Top Favourites (25 July 2007) - Ireland #100 - Top Favourites (This Week) - Ireland #80 - Top Rated (August 2007) - Ireland #37 - Top Favourites (August 2007) - Ireland Close

mBlandford ::: Favorites
Brilliant. You've chosen the right clips for the right music perfectly. Brilliant video - You've got my subscription. M. Blandford
07-07-31 11:39:19
LayzeeQ247 ::: Favorites
meh. nothing special, except MY FAVE LINKIN PARK SONG EVER!!!!!! wow. that was AMAZING!!! THANK YOU!! now if you'll exuse me, i need to go bake you something. :] ~L
07-08-02 19:11:22
bakura6677 ::: Favorites
pretty cool.
07-08-02 20:51:38
HogwartsHonorRoll ::: Favorites
I wouldn't say no to random baked goods ;D
07-08-02 21:30:17
lalaliciousx101 ::: Favorites
this is bloody brilliant!!!!! i luv this vid everything fits in perfectly! great job! definitly in my favs!
07-08-03 18:17:17
DootJJ ::: Favorites
Great ViDeO!! I Love iT!! <333 I lOvE HaRry PoTteR, AnD I LoVe Linkin Park,, Great ComBinatiOn!! <333
07-08-06 09:08:32
clayj9 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 15:38:14
triliheart333 ::: Favorites
I think you did really well. It matches. I also picture Linking park songs fitting Harry potter 2
07-08-09 19:55:22
cinnimonrolls ::: Favorites
the music goes really well with the clips! awesome video!!!
07-08-11 12:45:49
ChrisCapulet ::: Favorites
Aww tht's amazing<33 The timing, the lyrics, everything is brilliant x
07-08-13 06:52:34

BMW M 536 Turbo. 700+hp! Best Quality

Duration: 07:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-08 16:04:06
User: bornaakrami
:::: Favorites

A BMW M 536 Turbo, over 700 HP! Great quality

gtlee16vt ::: Favorites
cool bmw . what was max torque?
07-08-08 12:25:02
pedrotski2007 ::: Favorites
Anything should be able to eat rice, its the imports you need to be worried about. :D
07-08-09 01:44:55
simaojrcosta ::: Favorites
How much they cost and where can i get mods like that?
07-08-10 04:37:15
bornaakrami ::: Favorites
gottsunda, in sweden.. =)
07-08-10 06:57:53
simaojrcosta ::: Favorites
Is the car yours? Can we speak on the messenger?
07-08-10 08:01:26
bornaakrami ::: Favorites
No its not mine, but i know one or two things about it.
07-08-10 09:19:20
simaojrcosta ::: Favorites
Can you tell me the right website address of the guys that tuned the bmw?
07-08-10 17:42:29
hectvill ::: Favorites
wow!!is awesome =D
07-08-13 01:33:57
hectvill ::: Favorites
is you car??
07-08-13 01:44:34
T3bb0 ::: Favorites
Super nice ride! what`s the name of the song starting @ 03 min.03 sec.?
07-08-15 18:35:16