Thursday, September 20, 2007

Big Brother 8 Blue Ball Veto w/SloMo

Duration: 03:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-08 17:52:28
User: Skeetergirl
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Big Brother 8 Blue Ball Veto w/SloMo

dps782 ::: Favorites
September 18, 2007 by a vote of 5 to 2 Dick wins it all. BB8 and $500,000.00 Congratulations to the best of the best
07-09-19 15:46:18
minutrax ::: Favorites
Occam's Razor (rule): the simplest explanation is probably the right one. You figure it out!
07-09-19 02:06:05
ToddToddToddToddTodd ::: Favorites
02:01 Jam puts a ball in her tube..Dick lunges in her direction and says something inaudible. I think to distract her from noticing the blue ball he put in there. 02:04 Jam says Who put that blue ball in there? 02:07 Jam now has 5 balls one of them being blue..DQ. If this was a court of law I'd say insufficient evidence...but I'm sure Dick cheated. This wouldn't even be a debate if BB8 would just show the overhead wide angle shot in its entirety.
07-09-18 20:06:28
animegamer80 ::: Favorites
So what have we learned? A: what Dick put in his pocket was not a ball. B: Dick got rid the blue ball he was holding. C: Danielle was not used as a distration for Dick to put the ball in the tube. D: DICK DIDN'T DO IT! PS: on the 0:26 part, I meant to say that dick DIDN'T put a ball in his pocket. (my bad)
07-09-18 17:52:46
animegamer80 ::: Favorites
1:59- danielle yells out "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" dick is near danelle during that entire scuffle. 2:01- first time dick has been anywhere near Jameka's tube since the blue ball bit, jameka is currently putting the 5th ball in her tube. 2;14- we see a blue ball in jameka's tube
07-09-18 17:51:19
animegamer80 ::: Favorites
0:26- dick is picking up something and putting it in his pocket, but if you look at how he's hold his hands, you know that it was a ball because it almost looks like he's holding his hands together. jameka has 1 ball in at the time. 0:53- jameka has three balls 1:33- the blue ball conspiracy bit 1:41- the hand that was hold the blue ball is now empty 1:49- both of dicks hands are empty and it's clear that his pockets are not bulging.
07-09-18 17:44:29
jenningsd ::: Favorites
Not buying it.. Dick didn't do it!
07-09-18 16:33:19
stewieaddict13 ::: Favorites
jamekas tube was next to zachs so if was either him or eric wen eric ran behind all the tubes
07-09-18 13:06:37
josephblotowski ::: Favorites
Was there any reason why someone couldn't put a ball in someone else's tube? Maybe that was an allowable strategic move? Then again, Julie stated Jameka put the ball in herself, and clearly someone else did it.
07-09-18 03:06:01
emmbee01 ::: Favorites
I don't remember you have details or video?
07-09-17 20:43:54

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