Thursday, September 13, 2007


Duration: 04:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-15 08:58:08
User: MySecretPumkin
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WARNING: ADULT CONTENT, PROFANITY, AND SEXUAL SITUATIONS. An adults only parody of Westboro Baptist hack preacher, Fred W Phelps- a hateful old fart who has brainwashed his entire family to hate homosexuals and condemn them to die at God's vengeful hand. Honestly, Fred, when you point your finger at others, you must remember that you have three more fingers on that same hand pointed right back at you. I was thinking that Fred might just be projecting a little bit- he could most likely be a self-loathing repressed closet homosexual using his family and God to assist him in hiding his own gayness by attacking gays in order to draw attention away from his own desire to smoke sausage. I believe Fred Phelps is a closet fag.

MySecretPumkin ::: Favorites
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! That made my day, thank you.
07-09-12 08:24:26
Tetrodioxide ::: Favorites
The mocker and scoffer who made this clip is clearly a hater of God's message and a fag enabler if not a fag himself. The sodomite minded worker of the devil will doubtlessly one day burn in hell, where there will be much gnashing of the teeth and no cable TV.
07-09-12 03:23:03
markcohen6969 ::: Favorites
This is pure genius!! Fred just has to watch this!!
07-09-10 06:04:14
DontEatCabbage21 ::: Favorites
I hope the pastor himself saw this! Hilarious!
07-09-09 14:34:23
anishinaabe ::: Favorites
I LOVE IT!!!! You deserve and oscar for this one.
07-09-04 00:22:14
MySecretPumkin ::: Favorites
You flatter me into uncontrollable smile-spasms characterized by turrets vocabulus. I do wish I was in the UK, however.
07-09-02 09:51:15
Squmbumf24 ::: Favorites
You know something's special when you come back to it a few days later and you still cackle like a demented witch. "Unfashionable painter's pants". *roars laughing* Dude-for serious...tell me you live in the UK so I can buy you the beverage of your choice? xx
07-09-02 08:06:26
Socialist1 ::: Favorites
lol omfg dude u dont even need the damn audio n gay clips to make phelps look gay here just show the full vid without audio. phelps looks mad gay here WITHOUT the voiceover!
07-09-01 00:12:00
MySecretPumkin ::: Favorites
Yes, I saw this video a while ago, and it's beautiful. I think every straight homophobic man should watch this video. Maybe they will stop and think about the finger pointing at them before they talk hatefully and condemningly of gays.
07-08-31 09:22:28
bushwacka1980 ::: Favorites
Fred phelps may well be a closet fag Type "Middle Sexes - Experiment on homophobia" in the search box at the top of this screen and have a look. Says it all really.
07-08-31 08:31:24

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