Thursday, September 13, 2007

EMINEM (When im gone) Iraq tribute

Duration: 05:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-13 20:15:14
User: Jamsie567
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Dedicated to the people of IRAQ! The American people can not give back any lives that were taken from Iraq. All we can do is pray for forgiveness and know that were brothers even though were seen as occupiers. My opinions are based off talking to numerous Iraqis through their distress. I created this video for the hope and future of all the Iraq people. Too the American soldiers (coalition) know that we think of you everyday and we pray for you all get too home safe. We know that your out there putting your lives on the line for this country. Your will and conviction is what has made USA a great country. Lead by example and make the difference that can change lives. I want to Thank Hometown Baghdad for opening up my mind to the Iraqis opinion and giving me the opportunity to laugh and cry with them. Thanks for watching "Be safe and God Bless"

pamulahousten8235 ::: Favorites
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07-09-10 07:22:14
miguelmcdavid ::: Favorites
welcome to the new reality 2 super powers, one with thousands of years of war experience and one with the hopes of one button to solve it. The fact is Iraq qas never an issue and the US is backing itself into a corner that people will applaud when the bully gets its ass kicked and not feel pity for its people. I too never wish to see nukes used but seriously what's the chance of that not happening when you look at a US vs most of the world war???
07-09-09 16:36:58
miguelmcdavid ::: Favorites
No no my brother you misunderstood, when terrorist like acts begin in America and they make a mistake with Iran who is a vested interest of China's the only solution should Iran (China backing) go to war is pushing that button. China will dominate a ground war with ease. They have all and some technologies that the US currently has and Russia as there comrade,
07-09-09 16:34:54
Jamsie567 ::: Favorites
You say finger on a button meaning you want a nuclear attack against America?? I wish that against no country just because we got an asshole dictator does not mean people should suffer. That holds true with our foreign policy also no more nation building or policing the world. We must both take a step back and forgive or the wars will wage on forever. I believe Ron Paul is the man to bring stability and justice back to America.
07-09-09 13:30:50
miguelmcdavid ::: Favorites
Terror will be on America's doorstep's soon enough as payback for their lies, injustice, ignorance and greed, what can be done, nothing we just wait, finger on a button as the only relief from the onslaught to come!!!
07-09-09 11:40:27
larteyjen ::: Favorites
it never gets old . i loved it
07-08-18 14:54:14
astridprettychickvj ::: Favorites
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07-08-06 13:30:20
izeemee ::: Favorites
james, i'm still amazed and impressed that you are at your views and opinions of the world when you are only 17. good job on the video. I recently was made privvy to an article about Ron Paul that was a bit disconcerting: chron com/content/chronicle/aol-metropolitan/96/05/23/paul html (replaces the spaces with dots) what do you think?
07-06-13 09:59:12
Jamsie567 ::: Favorites
I stopped believing in the Iraq war after I spoke to count less Iraqis. I use to think the way u did I still support our troops but we brought Al Qaeda to Iraq and 700K people have died in this conflict. I don't care if we build 100 schools were hated there and loved by few. 75% of the Iraq population want us gone so why stay? We removed Saddam, helped train troops, police and a new government its time to leave. It's in gods hands now, we did our job!
07-06-12 00:18:12
XXSHAX22 ::: Favorites
This war was so mismanaged and it's hard to see Americans die it tears me up.But we are doing good for these people building schools for the children.Those soldiers did not die in vain things will get better.We just need a leader who can lead McCain 2008
07-06-11 22:58:46

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