Saturday, October 27, 2007

Obey The Constitution - or What? 3/30/07

Duration: 03:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-01 16:13:57
User: carolmoore
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March 30, 2007. We the People Foundation [] sponsored a "Right to Petition" Vigil with 50 plus "V for Vendetta" characters who came to say "Obey the Constitution or Else." One protester showed to remind them -- or else we'll obey the Declaration of Independence's urgings to "alter or abolish" government. Recognize the background music??


skyfangkillr1 ::: Favorites
07-10-01 20:06:46
neothomist1275 ::: Favorites
"A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire." -- Cornwallis to Washington(quoted by Jonathan Williams in 'Legions of Satan', 1781)
07-09-26 10:02:28
takadi ::: Favorites
The three candidates willing to adhere to the constitution right now are Senator Mike Gravel, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, and most strictly and adamantly, Congressman Ron Paul.
07-09-26 03:24:23
Vesta20 ::: Favorites
When the people fear the goverment there is tyranny, when the goverment fears the people there is LIBERTY! Thomas Jefferson do you want to return to our constitution and our rights GOOGLE RON PAUL ON YOUTUBE the only persidential candidate that supports our constitution and our rights. ronpaul2008DOTcom Wake up america this is our country
07-09-25 17:51:36
travisalger ::: Favorites
Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul 2008!
07-09-12 15:31:19
Barbisatin ::: Favorites
In this day speaking of our Constitution is a radical act. Consider me a radical.
07-08-27 16:53:22
einsteinian ::: Favorites
The presidency is a contest no good man can win. It should be a contest of intelligence, a contest of wit, a competition of compassion, to find a TRUE LEADER OF MEN. This contest doesnt exist, you cannot pull this GREAT man from a selection of 3-5 stuffy, out of touch, corruptable uppercrust, but instead from the cream of the crop. It takes the blatant misuse of power for us to see clearly, what we all have secretly known.
07-08-27 16:39:05
einsteinian ::: Favorites
YEP, and that worked for the first 100 years... After that CERTAIN companies got so large and wealthy they decided to make laws themselves, and the greedy fatcats have been sucking down the "funding" since. Some may have good intentions, but a new house in the hamptons will surely change their minds. Its a well oiled machine, feasting on the blood of the average man.
07-08-27 16:31:26
mickjagoff ::: Favorites
If what you're trying to say is that it encompasses this administration, than you are correct, but it would be remiss to omit stating that it encompasses every other administration in American history as well, because they have all been guilty of such censorship. The only difference is that people cared enough to fight about it in the past, now people just complain about it. The point was that this demonstration is not representative of a solely anti-Bush agenda.
07-08-25 02:10:34
mxslip ::: Favorites
in my city i keep bumping into a wtp gentlemen. i asked him for information today at an establishment that me and him were. he gave me pamphlets to givemeliberty and a map to get to a WTP meeting in my town. I feel it is time we the people took back our government. Long live liberty!
07-08-21 00:23:53

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