Saturday, October 27, 2007

Re: The Insult Ann Coulter Challenge

Duration: 03:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-05 19:47:33
User: cortmeister262
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Ann Coulter calls herself a Christian, She is a truly evil woman. I never even knew that John Edwards HAD a son who died, I knew Al Gore's son had been hit by a car or something, but nothing about Wade Edwards. The reason Ann's sick behavior is so shocking is that you expect the woman to have some kind of empathy for another woman who's lost her child. What's so humorous about joking about people's DEAD relatives? Remember what Ann said about the 9/11 widows? Ann Coulter is a pathetic harpy who will never know what love is and will therefore never know what it's like to lose a husband or child. Ann Coulter will never have love and she resents people who do. BTW, even though I think that some people are tools, I'd never cheer on the terrorists.


cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
OMG, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are the biggest name-callers out there! You should look up 'liberal' in a dictionary sometime. It was a 'liberal' idea to establish a democracy, rather than have a King, it was a 'liberal' idea to free the slaves, it was a liberal idea to give women the right to vote. I'm PROUD to be called a liberal, and YES I AM GLOATING! We kicked your ass in 06 and we'll do it again in 08. The Rape-publican party is imploding, I'm enjoying the death throes.
07-10-11 22:45:24
noliberals123 ::: Favorites
Typical liberal debating tactics-namecalling. Namecalling is the first sign a person has no argument. Gloating? More like a combination of wishful thinking and nonsensical liberal prognostication.
07-10-11 11:46:28
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
She has the freedom of speech and I have the freedom to tell people that she's a filthy lying whore. I have the right to DISAGREE with Ann Coulter MORON! Enjoy your well deserved upcoming political oblivion. Now I'm gloating!
07-10-11 01:06:43
noliberals123 ::: Favorites
Another post by a whiney liberal. Cort, since you CLAIM to support the Constitution, you should DEFEND Ann Coulter's freedom of speech. But, you are like ALL whiney liberals, you only support people that agree with YOUR agenda. Ann has many fans and that fact is reflected by the smile on her accountant's face. Quit pouting.
07-10-10 10:52:04
eatmejesus ::: Favorites
Ann Coulter The Voice of The Republican Party. Thanks for the spot for a video response Scott.
07-08-29 06:09:36
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
LOL ! Thanks for the kind words Penguinsquishy. It amazes me that these Conserva-tards on the right still believe anything that Cruella De-Coulter spews. She's been proven to be a liar so many times, only an idiot would put any stock in her propaganda.
07-08-08 07:55:20
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
We Progressive/Liberal/Democrats are the keepers of flame of TRUE CONSERVATISM. We are the ones who are upholding the Bill of rights and the Constitution. There has always been an element of 'Socialism' in every 'Society', that doesn't mean that I don't LOVE capitalism too. You don't see MY side pushing for the 'Unitary Executive'! Ann Coulter is a fascist tool of the 'out of control' Multi-National Corporations, she's a whore who does whatever her many pimps tell her to do. GOP=EVIL!
07-08-08 07:17:34
penguinsquishy ::: Favorites
Haha a pimp stick
07-08-08 04:09:58
penguinsquishy ::: Favorites
I loved this video hahaha especially the ending :D Sometimes I wanna renounce my white skin too when I see people like Ann Coulter... by the way your house looks almost exactly like mine. Spooky.
07-08-08 04:09:11
c0ns3rv4t1v3 ::: Favorites
WalkingMajority, the liberals are the socialists. If you say Ann Coulter is a socialist is like saying Bill Clinton is a conservative.
07-08-05 16:43:12

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