Sunday, August 19, 2007

Gonzales: "I Don't Recall"

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-21 19:48:11
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

Goznzo doesn't remember much.

lonelygirlI5 ::: Favorites
rock on!!!
07-06-04 19:20:01
snare01 ::: Favorites
/salutes Kokesh /salutes IVAW
07-06-06 13:04:03
grozlz ::: Favorites
One has to admire this whitewash. The tone of this 'reporter' is so haughty, that it almost made me puke. The reason why this man still has a job and why he won't get fired is because he is very good at fooling you idiots, who side with his lies. He's very good at keeping his mouth shut, and firing opposition.
07-06-14 00:24:33
grozlz ::: Favorites
This man wrote that it's perfectly legal to torture children in front of their parents. He surely won't recall anything like that, not until we put a noose around his fat little neck
07-06-14 00:24:45
Scotty7617 ::: Favorites
You know there was a reason Gonzales kept saying "I don't recall." It was very clever of him. He was under oath, and as long as he just kept saying that he didn't recall, he couldn't get in any trouble. Watch Bill Moyer's interview with Jon Stewart.
07-07-13 03:24:52
capsource1 ::: Favorites
I just found a google on Hillary. During a deposition and under oath for the investigation of the ROSE LAW FIRM she said I DON'T RECALL 53 TIMES. Bush scandles don't come close to the enormous list of Clinton SCANDLES. Google this: CLINTON CHRONCLES SCANDELS clowns are nothing but a bunch of lying frauds yourself - he learned it from the clintons.lololol
07-07-27 10:00:23
makkertje ::: Favorites
Get lost!! The REAL CRIMINALS with blood of thousands of people DRIPPING FROM THEIR HANDS are BUSH, CHENEY, RUMSFELD, GONZALES, RICE etc!!!!
07-07-27 14:50:53
Galaor55 ::: Favorites
Even if AG Alberto Gonzalez were found innocent of firing 7 US Attys., he's shown to be mentally challenged to keep the job. He suffers from senility & amnesia; he sounds like Oliver North and the late Ronald Reagan, he recalls nothing. His brain is "full of emptiness," hollow just like the Bush's and his Admin. I'm from Mexican background and the American people should know most of us do not support his behavior as AG. If he had any honor, dignity & self-respect, he would've resigned long ago.
07-07-28 12:21:07
ed69805 ::: Favorites
u compare clinton with bush??? how many people hate clinton & and how many hate bush?? u can believe me bush will not be celebrated in the history books just like nixon
07-07-31 21:58:13
marcprolife ::: Favorites
IMPEACH Gonzales!
07-08-09 17:36:08

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