Sunday, August 19, 2007

What if? no, really...

Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-12 06:23:23
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

This video is served best by not detailing it's content.

spartin619 ::: Favorites
Nice Bum time index 1:04 lmao sorry just thought i would post a funny comment lmao
07-06-19 11:29:28
Serwayset ::: Favorites
Three cups of sugar?! Thats not tea anymore then is it? =) Otherwise, great video.
07-06-29 14:08:24
johnnycracksniffer ::: Favorites
hehe if someone else did this their would be no "nice" comments lol gj
07-07-03 01:38:06
Asteao ::: Favorites
very well made
07-07-09 18:43:26
CheezyDreamz ::: Favorites
Honestly, someone message me whether or not putting milk in tea is normal. I drink tea all the time here in california, but im to afraid to put milk in it. i need to know whether its good or not, seriously.
07-07-21 04:19:07
Blunty3000 ::: Favorites
It won't kill you. I drink tea with milk in it all teh time.
07-07-21 05:27:25
rechtschreibteufel ::: Favorites
Milk is best in Black tee, And quite normal in Europe. A frend of mine however does not dink the black tee with milk, she blends in fresh orange Juce. Milk aside ... Huh ? I dont get it :( (shame on me)
07-07-23 12:38:26
teammark ::: Favorites
I swear at least half of this must be like a joke video with your friends, just to see if people would spend their time watching you make tea...and then to congratulate you on the innovativeness(if thats a word) of your video.
07-07-23 15:43:52
cheesestickmafia ::: Favorites
I got only the last part of it but the rest was... well.... erm......... different to say the least
07-07-23 16:14:38
VelikajaKatja ::: Favorites
yeah i thought about the three spoons of sugar also...i usually put only one, but some even put four O_O
07-07-24 20:33:42

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