Thursday, August 16, 2007

Re: How to pick up chicks for fags

Duration: 01:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-22 16:09:47
User: youngseandunn
:::: Favorites

Being a homosexual is a great way to gain the trust of women.

youngseandunn ::: Favorites
do YOU get all the pussy? do YOU date the 'hottest women in the world? (what a retarted fucking statement) of course not. you just talk about it with other suckers and discuss how well it works. "chaged your life?" congrats on losing your virginity, or was that just on the Sims in your basement?
07-08-06 22:31:39
atthen ::: Favorites
That is literally... LITERALLY the funniest thing I have ever seen on here. Won't lie to you, I know who these people are... and it was just fucking embarassing watching that other thing. I loved the introductions. Jeffy, Token and Thtyyyle. Might seem arrogant, but the fact I resent for my password, confirmed the email, and wrote my first comment ever on Youtube, shows what an awesome piece of work this is. I think I might be in love with you. You legend. Thanks. The UK loves you.
07-08-07 17:03:08
youngseandunn ::: Favorites
thanx mate, i wish the uk loved me, but unfortunately the uk sent me home for possession of cannabis. fuckin brits!~ just kidding, -fuckin yank
07-08-07 17:56:20
youngseandunn ::: Favorites
oh btw, do you have a cool nickname for your PUA endeavors? if not, try this one: Fuckface i think it'll fit
07-08-08 01:05:05
MrTylerDurden ::: Favorites
Awesome!!! Coudn't have said it better than you did. I agree with you, those guys looked REALLY GAY.
07-08-09 06:17:28
atthen ::: Favorites
No fella, I don't. BUT Fuckface would DEFINITELY go down well. Shame about the cannabis thing, sorry to hear that. Try it again, you might've just been really unlucky. Again bud, thanks for the video. Someone send it to Mystery. He'll love his life.
07-08-10 08:01:23
youngseandunn ::: Favorites
fuckface was directed 2 some1 else, yeah i was really unlucky. be easy cuz
07-08-10 14:06:42
gorizgriss ::: Favorites
07-08-14 10:24:50
youngseandunn ::: Favorites
07-08-14 11:52:28
pjz19872000 ::: Favorites
that was really funny dude. good job!
07-08-16 01:08:31

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