Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kelsey Shelton Briggs "Daddy's Little Girl"

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 03:12:00
User: shonyakay
:::: Favorites

I made this video in honor of Little Kelsey Briggs who lost her life due to child abuse. Please Read her story below... Kelsey Briggs was born in Oklahoma on December 28,2002 after her parents Lance Briggs and Raye Dawn Smith were divorced. Raye Dawn Smith started dating a man named Michael Lee Porter. The first reported incident of child abuse regarding Kelsey was made on Jan.17,2005,and many more were to follow. Raye Dawn Smith married Michael Lee Porter on April 18,2005. On May 3,2005 Kelsey was taken out of her home by OKDHS. May 4,2005 Kelsey was moved to her maternal Grandmother Gayla Smith. In mid June 2005,after months of documented abuse which included a broken collarbone,multiple abrasions,new bruises and faded bruises from head to toe,and two broken legs,the doctor said Kelsey's legs were not just broken they were spiral fractions,which means someone twisted her little legs forcefully.There were numerous court hearings but after it all on June 15,2005 Judge Craig Key sent Kelsey back to her mom and stepfather.The judge said "Kelsey's abuser was unknown." She remained in state custody and was to be supervised by state agencies. Her biological father Lance Briggs was in Iraq fighting for our country while his little girl Kelsey was here fighting for her life. On October 11, 2005 she was murdered by her Stepfather Micheal Lee Porter. The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the abdomen it was ruled a Homicide. Kelsey Briggs died just days before her father was to return from Iraq. Two weeks later Porter was arrested on first degee murder. Her mother was later charged with two felonies of Child Neglect and Enabling Child Abuse. In April of 2006 Kelsey's body was exhumed for a second autopsy where sexual abuse was documented. Not only was this child brutally beaten over a 9 month period she was also sexually assaulted. The Stepfather's charges were amended to add the sexual abuse. Porter and Smith divorced after Kelsey's death. On February 2, 2007 a plea negotiation was entered and approved by the paternal family. The stepfather plead guilty to a reduced charge of Enabling Child Abuse and received 30 years in prison. He has no possibility of parole for 25.5 years. Kelsey's mother Raye Dawn Smith went on trial July 9, 2007.She has since been found guilty of enabling child abuse,she will serve 27 years in prison.Without the possibility of parole for 23 years. The court says she knew or should have known about Kelsey's abuse. Alot of people failed Kelsey.Remember her story the next time you think a child is being abused.Please report it,if you don't, that child may suffer the same fate as Kelsey.Please don't let that happen. A new law has been named for Kelsey in Oklahoma to prevent this type of failure in the Oklahoma State System. Song:"Daddy can you see me?"-Anita Cochran - KELSEY SHELTON BRIGGS - Rest in Heaven you beautiful little angel.You will never be forgotten.

myzciva08 ::: Favorites
aww she soo pretty and cute! i dont know what the fuck is wrong with dat fucking white dude beating her up das fucked up fucking shit! fuck him!
07-08-15 02:43:57
xXxEllie22xXx ::: Favorites
What happened to her legs? They were in casts like they were broken or something. Is that from the child abuse? I don't understand what happened really. How did she die? And who killed her? Whoever they are, I hope they have to suffer the same suffering as Kelsey did for the rest of their rotten lives. R.I.P Kels xx
07-08-15 07:35:06
shonyakay ::: Favorites
Her little legs were broken due to child abuse the doctor even said that they were spiral fractures which means someone twisted her little legs forcefully.The stepfather has been charged and convicted.Read the video description it has all the info.
07-08-15 07:42:01
squidswife97 ::: Favorites
Her stepfather killed her. Her real father was serving in Iraq when Kelsey was murdered. Kelsey's mother knew of the abuse, and instead of leaving, chose to stay. Both she and Kelsey's stepfather deserve to fry.
07-08-15 14:12:53
RaelynnM ::: Favorites
What a good little girl. Rest In Peace Kelsey. <3
07-08-15 14:40:05
patschuit ::: Favorites
That is sooo sad..i just don't see why someone would want to do something like to such a beautiful little girl..this is sooo sad..
07-08-15 16:26:46
jurtleli ::: Favorites
Even if the little girl was ugly, it's still unbearable that she went through child abuse.
07-08-15 17:40:23
danielle9406 ::: Favorites
this is so can anyone hurt a lil kid.....she is so damn pretty.....R*I*P KELSEY......
07-08-15 19:18:58
squidswife97 ::: Favorites
Her father doesn't deserve to be in jail. He was on his way home from a 6 month deployment in Iraq when Kelsey was murdered. Kelsey's psycho bastard stepfather and mom are the ones that abused her and murdered her. The stepfather got 30 yrs, and her bitch of a mom got 27 yrs.
07-08-15 23:36:28
FargoMarc ::: Favorites
2:11 The casts on her legs and the look on her face...I'm biting my lip to keep from crying right now...
07-08-16 00:12:24

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