Friday, October 5, 2007

Feruza Jumaniyozova - San San

Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-11 17:54:31
User: Rubaru
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From Feruza's Navruz concert


tarimwolf ::: Favorites
San means "you" in Uzbek, Uyghur and other Turkic languages. San San -> You, You.
07-08-23 13:32:24
betta3 ::: Favorites
beautiful voice could somebody tell me what "san san" means
07-08-23 12:23:42
alpbukhari ::: Favorites
Slonovm, Uzbek language is not Kipchak dialect of Turkic group. Infact, modern literary Uzbek (and Uighur too) based on Karluk dialect (the oldest well- developed Turkic or Chigatay) - which is urban Turkic language. We also have Kipchaks around Tashkent and Samarqand who were true nomadic shaybanids or indeed modern Kazakhs.Khorazm Uzbeks are Oguz and their dialect sounds like Azeri, Turkmen, Turkish and Crimean tatar.
07-07-06 05:38:01
slonovm ::: Favorites
This is indeed an Azeri old song, first performed by azeri singer Zeinab back in 60th(I loved her mugam). When I served in Sov. Army, I didn't understood very litle, when my fellow yzbeks spoke with each other. In here songs I understand almost everything. I thought yuzbekian language pertians to kipchak dialekt of Turc, not to Turkish. From AlBukhari post I now understand this effect. And this given me an idea of origin of Azeri and Turks. Thanks
07-06-29 21:41:07
alpbukhari ::: Favorites
Nadhiku, azizim. Siz bugun Forslarni uzingizdan itarmang. Bugun biz fors madaniyatiga taaluqlimiz desak, 100 yildan keyin bu forslar turklarfa taaluqli bolishadi Uzr, mana Turkeya, Turkmaniston, Ozarbaijon yo Uzbekistondagi turkiylar aslida shu yol bilan Turkiy biolishgan-ku.ming yillik tarikhga qarang bobolarimiz bu yerlarni qanday qilib turklashtirduilar..
07-06-03 04:03:16
nadhikku ::: Favorites
Qimatli Alpbuxari javobingizga rahmat aytishimni qabul etingiz. Bergan bilgilaringiz uchun sog' bo'ling. What is more important for me that you say that you are Turk. Big improvement. You cannot imagine how a good feeling this is for me to see that a Persian heritage proud Uzbek says he is a Turk. Allohga hamd u sanolar bo'lsin.
07-06-02 20:05:34
alpbukhari ::: Favorites
Khorezmian Uzbeks are Oguz - which means they are closer to Azeris and Turkmen - dialect, music and even clothes... So, no wonder why Khozreamian music sounds similar to Azeri or Turkmen. We are all Muslim Turks and we have similar culture. I said non-muslim, cos Turks in Russia are slightly different from us.Open your eyes, borthers!
07-05-27 07:15:31
butylkavina ::: Favorites
My Friend you should go to Horazm in Uzbekistan and you will find out that it is an Uzbek song. Regards,
07-04-26 01:23:37
nadhikku ::: Favorites
This is not Uzbek but Azeri. Am I right? As an Anatolian Turkmen(not Turkish but Turkmen because, Turkish is title of citizenship in Turkey. I mean my ethnicity), I can understand this. Much more than Uzbek songs.
07-04-22 15:00:24
85el85 ::: Favorites
it mens yu are you are
07-03-18 18:14:01

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