Thursday, August 30, 2007

We Are Change - FL Visits Barack Obama in Miami!

Duration: 05:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-27 16:21:28
User: TruthOrLiesMike
:::: Favorites
Description: This was our first confrontation. Our target: Senator and Presidential candidate Barack Obama. This was shot on August 25th, 2007.

mmorris4 ::: Favorites
We created Hitler? Wow, I won't even touch that one.
07-08-30 02:24:49
VoteLiberty ::: Favorites
Oh, and another thing--don't talk about Hitler if you can't acknowledge that WE created him by yet again involving ourselves where we didn't belong 20 years earlier, World War 1! You CAN'T discuss World War 2 WITHOUT putting it in historical perspective AFTER World War 1. For the Germans, IT NEVER ENDED!
07-08-30 01:45:12
VoteLiberty ::: Favorites
What don't you understand about Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11? We have NO ethical, constitutional or economically wise justification to invade another foreign country. People like you, who condemn Bush for his transgressions but then support the same crime when committed by YOUR thug, should be ashamed of yourselves. You prove to be the OTHER wing of the same government vulture. Our civil liberties should NEVER be in jeopardy nor EVER ceded for ANY so-called "good" intention. NEVER.
07-08-30 01:43:47
mmorris4 ::: Favorites
Sure let's just give Bin Laden a free pass! The only place in the world where we actually have legitimacy to act militarily is in Pakistan. If we let Al Qeada fester in Pakistan they will kill more innocent American civilians, requiring a further, more aggressive response, and further endangering our civil liberties. But it's much easier to just say "no military intervention ever" as if Hitler would have made nice with us because we're a peace-loving people.
07-08-30 00:55:49
VoteLiberty ::: Favorites
Yet he advocates violating a foreign country's sovereignty (Pakistan) to "solve" a problem he deems worthy of such an unconstitutional act. I rest my case. By the way, Ron Paul has PRACTICED Constitutional law for over 20 years. Next.
07-08-30 00:08:48
mmorris4 ::: Favorites
Who's arguing that government shouldn't be limited by the constitution? No one! Surely not me! This is the perfect example of your strawman attack. Oh I get it, since I don't support Ron Paul, you assume I don't support the Constitution. Obama taught constitutional law in Chicago for 10 years!
07-08-29 23:35:28
VoteLiberty ::: Favorites
I did nothing wrong. The cop refused to show because he knew he was wrong. The founders of this country did not intend the government to grant us our freedom as privileges. They recognized that our rights are NATURAL-BORN. They are NOT subject to majority vote or government violation. Government must be limited by the Constitution. That IS the Constitution's ONLY purpose!
07-08-29 23:22:29
mmorris4 ::: Favorites
Some cops brought you to jail, maybe you were obedient, maybe you were disobedient, it makes no difference. While they might have wronged you, you will never know how many wrongs would have come to you without their protection. There are plenty of problems with our government, because it's run by imperfect people. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Obama is my candidate.
07-08-29 23:07:21
VoteLiberty ::: Favorites
Kept me relatively safe? Like when I was arrested and charged with civil disobedience for counter-protesting a police picket line of union employees who don't like their pay and self-imposed working conditions? How about Pat Tillman being shot in the head at point blank range? How dare you presume to tell me or anyone else that we owe our freedom to THEM? Are you INSANE? We owe it to natural-born rights that existed BEFORE these government workers showed up on the scene. Learn your facts.!
07-08-29 22:52:08
mmorris4 ::: Favorites
Switzerland pays more per person on universal health care than any country in the world, $3,106 to be exact! How laissez faire is that?! Speaking of strawmen, you're just now using the phrase "free-market laissez faire society governed by individual rights and the rule of law", before you were ranting "Government doesn't do ANYTHING better than the private sector" which is an ignorant statement.
07-08-29 22:29:37

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