Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Truth About Muhammed

Duration: 09:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-17 05:11:14
User: nerdzrule
:::: Favorites

the truth about muhammed

microscopevic ::: Favorites
He just called them "A brood of vipers, freshly painted graves while corpses are rotting inside", or "a den of theives". That's a little more harsh than "idiots"
07-08-26 14:15:40
umkemesik ::: Favorites
It's okay, whatever makes you feel better about losing.
07-08-20 21:51:58
Faeden ::: Favorites
Your clearly not playing with a full deck. It would be improper of me to continue.
07-08-20 21:00:03
umkemesik ::: Favorites
Let me tell you since you don't get it: Having an uneducated atheist berate you for using foul language that "isn't Christian like" is hypocritical. Would you then be insinuating that you believe somewhat in religion? Wow, at least you seem to believe somewhat in Christianity. But then, your too dumb to realize sarcasm, aren't you? However, what does that have to do with this fact: 1.) You took quotes out of context and 2.) Posting quotes from the Bible does not prove your thesis
07-08-20 20:18:00
umkemesik ::: Favorites
If you can't realize and see I am using YOUR OWN WORDS almost exactley with only two or three words changed, then I guess that would explain the harmful effects of 1)Growing under powerlines as a kid, 2.)Eating paintchips and 3.) having an expecting Mother drink while pregnant.
07-08-20 20:11:37
umkemesik ::: Favorites
You know, I actually thought of you making that arguement when I typed that sentence, but then I thought, "het, this guy isn't totally stupid to realized i am using his exact words against him, so any attack on sentence structure would show how poorly crafted his crap was" Guess I was wrong, you are that stupid. Its called sarcasm but you can't get it.
07-08-20 20:08:31
Faeden ::: Favorites
"Ya, well, nice try. I'll post the same answer from the last nutjob idiot that gave me the same speech, you'll see how unoriginal you are." What has some other comment got to do with my comment? I ask you again, I want a yes or no answer. Would Jesus go about calling people idiots and telling them they should be wiped out?
07-08-20 19:17:42
Faeden ::: Favorites
"I heard this arguement a thousand times." Dude, it was me being sarcastic. "You people do it all the time when you hear a Christian that speaks plainly and frankly" Personally I think your speaking unclearly and not making any sense.
07-08-20 19:17:06
Faeden ::: Favorites
"so it looks more evil than it actually is" So its somewhat evil and I am just making it look more evil? Wow at least you seem to believe its somewhat evil. LOL. "You are actually doing the opposite of what you are accusing me of." Excellent, as id not want to be doing what I am accusing you of, are you for real? Your making your self look silly.
07-08-20 19:16:17
umkemesik ::: Favorites
umkemesik (1 month ago) I asked you politely, now I am telling you to shut your perverted mouth. You use the word Jesus and "f--k" in nearly the same sentence. You puport to talk like Jesus with your words that are plagirized from the Bible itself: "tell me truthfully". You are a fake christian, a pertender, you prosume to lecture us on "hate speech" when you use vulgar language and terms such as "redneck". Go away. Your inept opinions are neither required nor welcomed.
07-08-20 18:54:25

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