Thursday, August 9, 2007


Duration: 375 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-17 22:59:59
User: musiclover036
:::: Favorites

Dis video and song are deep they talk about real life issues sort of like "Waterfalls" but this is about feelin unpretty

Safijah ::: Favorites
I have to say that you have a point. But I think that the video was fine the way it is.
07-08-08 08:31:17
maish590 ::: Favorites
hahaha thanks for the comment ,i wish you give another like that
07-08-08 15:22:28
emanator9 ::: Favorites
this videos like really weird
07-08-08 15:38:42
lirus13 ::: Favorites
This is a very deep but true video...
07-08-08 17:09:02
jamaicanmami718 ::: Favorites
this so long
07-08-08 17:09:49
Fortune565 ::: Favorites
left knew sign language??
07-08-08 19:24:06
Lolzatyourfacemoo ::: Favorites
that had look nasty when dat girl's boob been taken out
07-08-08 19:58:42
djonamas ::: Favorites
cool song tlc
07-08-08 23:18:17
joeh0318 ::: Favorites
deep deep sad video. but they all accept themselves at the end of the video. I heard in an interview somewhere that Chili realld DID consider getting a boob job but she decided not to
07-08-08 23:53:12
lickmyclitoff ::: Favorites
HAHAHA heka old song
07-08-09 01:42:58

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