Thursday, August 9, 2007

Christ Myth pt. one

Duration: 600 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-27 10:42:52
User: MaxReboMystic
:::: Favorites

"A study on the History of the Dying and Resurrecting God" Don't forget to watch part 2! Part 2 link:

spaceagebachelor ::: Favorites
Nice overview and explanation of the '2 Mithras'.
07-05-28 09:10:00
spaceagebachelor ::: Favorites
I think Mormonism is a good recent example of how easy it is for a new myth to be built upon an existing myth and easily gain lots of 'convinced' converts - just as in the past...
07-05-28 11:38:39
hybryds ::: Favorites
I think you forgot an very important aspect,there is the male monotheistic religion, only accepting the power of 1 male god and Paganism, religion based on female or the mixture of male and female powers...This is not noticable in you movie about male- sun gods....
07-06-09 00:57:40
MaxReboMystic ::: Favorites
Practitioners of the "male monotheistic" Catholicism worship the female Virgin Mary. Judaism also has an important element called "Shekhinah" representing the "feminine attributes of the presence of God". The monotheisms of the world accept more than one male god. The Bible speaks of angels, Nephelim, and Mary (who is divine). The angels are comparable to 'gods' of 'heaven' in Pagan religions, such as the inhabitants of the Greek Olympus or the inhabitants of the Norse Asgard.
07-06-09 09:35:53
MaxReboMystic ::: Favorites
The point of this video (and the website: christos-mythos) is that there are far more similarities between so-called "monotheistc religions" and so-called "polytheistic relgions" than there are differences. I focus on similarities.
07-06-09 09:37:14
CadaverSplatter ::: Favorites
Pretty good video. I am wondering where you picked up the information on the similarities if December 25th. In my research, it was taken because of the Saternalia. Also, you forgot the stories of Innana which predate Egyptian stories, though you cover the Babylonian versions.
07-06-09 21:56:17
MaxReboMystic ::: Favorites
The original version (Dumuzi vs. the later Tammuz) was omitted to make the video shorter. Other people have brought this up. I'm not sure what you're asking about Dec. 25th. Saturnalia lasted from Dec. 17 to Dec. 23 On the 25th of December was the "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti" (the day of the birth of the unconquered sun) I would like to post a list of links with further info, but YouTube won't let me.
07-06-10 10:39:40
mvembathegriot ::: Favorites
Regarding Ausar, Aset, Heru & Set--you forgot to mention that: Heru was born after Ausar concieved w/ Auset via ressurection. This was done after Ausar was killed into 12 pieces by Set. Auset reassembled him, excpet for the penis, which she made a fake one. Also, Set sodomized Heru, but Heru "caught the semem" This hardly comforms to the Jesus. You're mileasding people.
07-07-08 11:06:01
NunoyvgvnaAwi ::: Favorites
Bible does not mention Xmas birth, that is Catholic Pagan idea. Xmas, Easter are pagan and of the egg. Most holidays are pagan. Bible speaks of 7 feasts to celebrate, few honors these today or even know of them. Believe Bible, not Man, man lies. And pic of Jesus is fake, that is Sandrana, a fallen angel.
07-07-08 13:12:37
NunoyvgvnaAwi ::: Favorites
Horus, Isis, Osiris, those are also all Fallen Angels, Egypt worshiped them as gods and is why God of the Bible led his people out of Egypt and brought a flood to destroy the fallen ones aka Nephilim aka Little Green Men in UFOs.
07-07-08 13:14:01

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