Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Secret to Perfect Family Memories

Duration: 165 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-07 11:17:20
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

Please read this... My videos are carefully-selected family moments, and do not necessarily represent the reality of the Nalts' household. In clinical trials, the Nalts household had 24% more whining, fighting and temper tantrums than a typical US household. Like you, I pick favorite snapshots for photo albums, and I generally save and post the happy video moments. Don't want to embarass the kids, and it's called "selective memory" through video. More importantly (but not reflected in this video) I'm FAR from a perfect dad. I lose my temper, I sometimes neglect my kids for work/videos, and I don't listen and hang out as much as I could. I obviously don't broadcast these flaws. But *please* don't think we're one of those obnoxious families that sends out the bragging holiday letter with all the boasting! And don't feel alone if your family is a zoo and that you'd rather have ours. Nobody has a perfect family. Love the one you're with! In this video I give you a few clues into what ended up on the editing-room floor. I don't have to edit my own weak moments out because I usually don't turn on the camera unless I'm in the right mood. I love my wife and kids deeply, but we're not perfect. Sometimes I want to show you the real household to be honest and transparent. But I don't think that's a fair thing to do to the kids. I wouldn't have wanted my childhood tantrums shared globally.

akc211 ::: Favorites
Well that looked like a great time! I loved it when Charlie asked for his hair back? I guess that is what he said??? 8)
07-08-08 00:59:57
TheNewBarrina ::: Favorites
aww thats tight
07-08-08 01:00:17
ausgirl ::: Favorites
lol That was awesome! :)
07-08-08 01:06:58
missuscake ::: Favorites
you will never be escape me, mikma
07-08-08 01:11:58
slmeyer22 ::: Favorites
selective editing ------ is that like selective hearing?
07-08-08 01:15:06
hollyvampire ::: Favorites
Awh, 'can I have a kiss please' that's adorable.
07-08-08 01:15:20
jmpeller ::: Favorites
Charlie wants his hair back.
07-08-08 01:34:44
Saraswatifan ::: Favorites
Thanks. Brings back so many great memories of my childhood in the US. And reassures me that all that stuff still exists there. Great kids. Great Dad.
07-08-08 01:48:42
Naltsohaulic ::: Favorites
Charlie had to wonder if he was a squirrel for a moment. Or maybe he was wondering what it would be like to be a squirrel. Or maybe he was contemplating a diet solely consisting of Acorns...and was thus thinking, squirrel's are Emo Losers.
07-08-08 01:55:11
MyHappySock ::: Favorites
Favorite reply
07-08-08 02:04:24

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