Friday, August 10, 2007

Ralph Nader on the Israeli/Jewish lobby robbing Americans

Duration: 18 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-15 21:06:58
User: Shtefan
:::: Favorites

In this video, Ralph Nader is making a point about the Israeli Jews from AIPAC and other Zionist lobbies who manage to not only influence American foreign policy but also take taxpayer money out of the federal budget and give it to other Jews in Israel. If you care about putting America first, make sure you don't vote for Jews as representatives or senators. Just this midterm the number of Jewish senators rose from 11 to 13.

VoriosIpiros ::: Favorites
Because they moved in on Armenian businesses after they were eliminated and because Turkey is the other partner in the axis of evil.
07-07-24 22:31:46
insidebetween ::: Favorites
07-07-24 22:51:43
VoriosIpiros ::: Favorites
As an aside, it doesn't really matter if the Turks elect Islamist or secular government, it is part of the deal with the military that they have a special security relationship with Israel. One hand washes the other, and the Israelis have planned out their strategy with reptilian precision. There will be no issue of Palestine, as they will all be imprisoned, killed or will have emigrated. What do you call that?
07-07-28 22:55:48
insidebetween ::: Favorites
The Jews would physically exterminate the Palestinians YESTERDAY if they thought they could get away with it. Meanwhile, they are making the Palestinians "live like dogs," as Moshe Dayan said they would. Israel is conducting GENOCIDAL policies towards the Palestinians with the collaboration of the Americans.
07-07-28 22:59:36
endisraeliapartheid ::: Favorites
* 2 or 3 (and now 4 +) Generations, millions of people, children, women and men born into or living under a 40 + year BRUTAL ILLEGAL/IMMORAL OCCUPATION. Millions of people with NO Rights, NO Freedom, NO Justice or Peace. -- JEWS (not anyone else...) Stealing land and water, murdering, cheating and lying for some European/US "Jews" with NO TIES to the land!... and Americans fund the entire thing. ITS ILLEGAL - READ INTERNATIONAL LAW SOMETIME. - (and destroy AIPAC - unless you want more war)
07-07-29 12:38:41
endisraeliapartheid ::: Favorites
*** Occupation 101 -- * NOW FREE ON GOOGLE VIDEO!!! -- WATCH NOW! -- Also see: -- *Peace Propaganda and the Promised Land *FREE on Google Video and You Tube! - Peace! Israeli and American right wing zionists freaks and AIPAC are PROBLEM #1!
07-07-30 16:00:48
samsondark ::: Favorites
i just think arabs are stinky and i dont care if they die. they worshop a false moon god anyway and muhammad was a bit of a prick. go jews! hitler all the terrorists!
07-08-01 19:08:52
molvicorleone ::: Favorites
that's total crap, who told u we worship a false moon God? Even the arab christians called God 'Allah' Allah is the perfect name to use since God is neither a He nor a She. The pagan arabs worshipped the moon god, Mohammed introduced them to monothiesm.
07-08-04 02:30:51
molvicorleone ::: Favorites
note: muslims are not the enemy of Jews despite what all these idiots out there seem to think.
07-08-04 02:32:28
giorgiahugewifexk ::: Favorites
One night stands and no strings sex at > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <
07-08-08 03:34:47

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