Monday, August 27, 2007

Joe Cole v Sweden world cup 2006 best goal of the WC!

Duration: 00:43 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-20 17:30:32
User: R10Bizarro
:::: Favorites

amazing goal by Joe Cole against Sweden, possibly the best of the competition. I must add England are rubbish and I'm fed up of all the deluded people in this country thinking they have a chance in hell of winning.....

alexyscutah ::: Favorites
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07-08-26 22:57:49
knivesindarkness ::: Favorites
the ultimate volley its what england can be if it takes its head out of wayne rooneys ass (sorry had to say that)
07-08-14 19:40:07
jmeyerhead ::: Favorites
joe cole........ brilliant ... fuck everyone especially chipper jones i hope he dies from a scorpian attack!!
07-08-10 02:24:29
jmeyerhead ::: Favorites
why not
07-08-05 05:36:18
irishivory ::: Favorites
I agree with Maxpower13, amazing goal, but gerrards was :-O unbelievable!
07-07-21 01:10:22
fulham4evaYeah ::: Favorites
I can do that. easy
07-07-16 06:32:30
NicholasRP3791 ::: Favorites
England has some good players but for some reason they almost always play like shit.
07-07-10 17:13:07
Maxpower13 ::: Favorites
did u not see michael owen's goal against argentina in the 1998 world cup? did u not see beckhams free kick against greece in 2001?
07-06-13 11:57:32
gunnersbabe ::: Favorites
I am soooooooooooo glad becks is back, its like he's never been away. McClaren is clueless, its lampard who should get the boot he plays well for chelsea but is hopeless for england!
07-06-13 18:37:16
rwm650 ::: Favorites
i totally agree, becks has put in the training!
07-06-23 12:52:28
Maxpower13 ::: Favorites
this goal was good but it will never match gerrard's in the fa cup final.
07-06-13 11:56:10
Maxpower13 ::: Favorites
because we have a shit manager
07-06-13 11:55:16
satezs ::: Favorites
I really hated our keeper when that happened...It looked way too easy. Jole Cole is the best player in the Great britain team.
07-06-11 08:37:45
gunnersbabe ::: Favorites
satesz it ent a fuking gb team, its the england team!!! ffs
07-06-12 17:56:39
knockoutKing31 ::: Favorites
how the fuck was maxis goal better than this
07-05-25 03:24:34
MV520qrf ::: Favorites
MAxis was better because it came at a time of great pressure it was an extra time winner.
07-06-06 16:23:07
MV520qrf ::: Favorites
plus maxi is naturally right- footed
07-06-06 16:25:22
inkermanBs2 ::: Favorites
i know j on a persoal level, trust me he used to that at school.
07-05-15 10:57:13
kingtom7 ::: Favorites
i wonder that too mate
07-05-15 10:09:25
kingtom7 ::: Favorites
yeah rite, a desperate shot in the 90 sumthing minute, jus outside the box, i think maxi was even suprised it went in, though im not saying maxi's wasmt a good strike.
07-05-15 10:06:56

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