Monday, August 27, 2007

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (PSX) - Mountain World

Duration: 29:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-28 08:02:11
User: atrocity3010
:::: Favorites

Ice World - Desert World - Castle World - Secret World + Ending - Here's world 1 of Croc done 100%, including the secret levels and areas.

fgffd100 ::: Favorites
I love this game so much!
07-08-25 14:40:24
Xeire ::: Favorites
Rocky Bolw Bugga LOL XD
07-08-25 11:49:53
Xeire ::: Favorites
07-08-25 11:41:23
Gideon2011 ::: Favorites
CROC RULES! When i was like 5, I played it for hours and i could not defeat the first boss (I know...sad huh?) I had it for pc but now im gunna get it for psx! Yeah!
07-08-24 19:28:32
supermonkey122 ::: Favorites
this game is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy underated
07-08-22 20:55:04
lithirra ::: Favorites
I used to play this game ALL the time when I was like 8 or 9 and then we got a new computer and I'd totally forgotten about it! Croc kicks ass!! I spent many a days playing this game.
07-08-20 07:12:30
Dantomkia ::: Favorites
07-07-31 07:24:35
madmonkey06 ::: Favorites
yay croc! i used to play this a lot when i was younger and i still do! thanks for uploading this!! i love the way gobbos go "yipee!" when you find them! lol so cute!
07-07-30 09:51:23
worstamericanhero ::: Favorites
My favorite world is a tie between the secret and the castle worlds because those were the ones that I played constantly back then. The ice world is another one I like as well. It took me a while to master that cauldron mini-game in Be Wheely Careful (the one where you step on switches to move a cauldron and catch ALL of the crystals and 1-ups to get the gobbo) though. While the latter half of the desert world was cool, I didn't really like it mainly because of the ghost races.
07-07-28 12:37:12
atrocity3010 ::: Favorites
The cauldron minigame in Dungeon of Defright is even worse, because if I recall correctly the buttons are farther apart, making it really difficult to jump on them in time. Not to mention how many crystals and hearts you have to catch. I ended up abusing the hell out of savestates to finally beat it, but maybe this time around I'll be able to do it legit.
07-07-28 12:46:55
atrocity3010 ::: Favorites
Wait, I was wrong. The buttons are the same distance apart, it's just the item placement is harder. That one room has already stopped 5 good segments dead in their tracks. Ugh...
07-07-29 16:03:07
worstamericanhero ::: Favorites
Thank you for doing this. What is your favorite world? Levels? Bosses?
07-07-28 11:41:45
atrocity3010 ::: Favorites
I couldn't pick just one favorite, but my top 3 favorites are definitely the ice, castle, and secret worlds. The ice world gave me a lot of nostalgic moments when I was a kid (since I never could get past it, I played it a lot), and the castle/secret worlds are just plain awesome. A few of my favorite levels are Riot Brrr, Arabian Heights, Tower of Power, Panic at Platform Pete's Lair, Ice Bridge to Eternity, and all the secret world levels. I never really liked the bosses in this game.
07-07-28 12:12:45
gcharocks ::: Favorites
favorite world, is desert favorite level Lights camel action, and favorite boss Baron Dante
07-08-05 11:49:14

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