Sunday, March 23, 2008

Re: September 24: Airports and M.T. Anderson and Paper darts

Duration: 07:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-25 07:57:01

In which Darryl shows his Paper Darts. I do not condone the attacking of people. If you have paper dart battles, ensure proper eyewear. A paper dart in your eye would HURT. These CAN draw blood and will even go part way through styrofoam cups. The voice over of 'paralel' was because I messed up and said perpendicular. LOL


alex9770  2008-03-02 13:40:30

i was just making these kinds of darts and looking for ways to improve it and i found your i use a 6 feet copper pipe for it
marshmallowsnip3r  2007-09-27 17:26:46

that is a big as mutherfuckin dart they wont let u bring pipe in an airport
OoOPolarbearOoO  2007-09-25 18:30:05

Sorry Tom I was like.... Wha? Glue fumes FTL. Happy bday Tom.
missaliboo13  2007-09-25 17:14:04

Haha, nice voice over. I see what you mean by paper darts now. I'll have to try that sometime.
malinarana  2007-09-25 09:40:09

I so noticed the voice over. I thought it was funny. And when you put the toothpick in the dart, I was like "OH NO!!!" cause it reminded me of the not so brilliant idea of putting a chunk of ice in the snowball.

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