Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rachel Maddow's Campaign Asylum-The GOP:Protecting the kids?

Duration: 03:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-20 08:39:49
User: LayerCakeProductions
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Rachel calculates the many ways Republicans play the "protecting the kids" card to avoid the harder political issues.


SailorBarsoom ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 19:46:21

FEMA worked great under Clinton. But Bush put in heck-of-a-job-Brownie, and sho' 'nuff, FEMA started sucking. Maybe people who's foundation of thinking is that government can't be made to work right should not be put in charge of making sure that government works right. Just a thought. Oh, and read Doc Savage. One book recommendation deserves another.
act4me ::: Favorites  2007-08-09 17:42:00

I'd never seen/heard her before either. She's really quite fabulous.
beamofthewave ::: Favorites  2007-08-05 13:35:47

All the repukicon candidates said today they would not sign SCHIP, let the kids die, what a way to go you sick pieces of dog offal. Wont give kids health care, these people are pure evil though I do have to say Rudy looks cute in a dress and I love the make up and the way Trump was grabbing Rudy's breasts. May grandpa liked dressing in drag too though he did look better than Rudy, probably cause he also had a heart.
crapo87 ::: Favorites  2007-07-29 13:39:48

"must be getting old"? Let me guess....71?
tikaRules ::: Favorites  2007-07-29 02:43:45

I must be getting old.. only young people would miss the irony of a liberal saying the GOP does things "for the kids". "What about the children" was the mantra the democrat party used for decades, and the kids are still waiting.
noblindeye ::: Favorites  2007-07-28 23:21:31

Tell it like it is Rachel!
chmorley ::: Favorites  2007-07-28 18:01:21

Such a factinista. Sure, the facts always *sound* good, but we all know that facts have a liberal bias.
TerryDolan ::: Favorites  2007-07-28 15:57:34

Rachel is great. Every time I've seen her on CNN she's ripped the Republican apart.
screwedandstewed ::: Favorites  2007-07-24 15:40:37

i've never heard rachel maddow before. she's very skilled in her commentary & quite humorous though. great vid
sploogersmoof ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 19:16:47

techniclly, he isnt allowed to clean up the porn water(freedom of speech), so he dosint have much going for him. also, i dont think porn is a dangerous as he makes it out to be. although i am not a supporter of the porn industry, i am not a pervert. screw it, yes i am.
bearealman ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 14:34:25

Republicans are "stong" when it comes to *selling* their message. They will say it will protect kids about any thing they do. Not only "Just Say No" anti-drug stuff either. Destroy public schools? It's for the kids! Secure oil resources? It's for the kids! "Clean up" movies, TV, music, computer games, the web? It's for the kids. It's an old, ollllld pattern of theirs. That pattern is what Maddow refers to. She just didn't get into the Foley / sex scandals ad infinitum thing. This time.
jtilak ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 11:55:20

Republicans are strong when it comes to protecting kids? What about the whole Mark Foley thing?
UnklRudi ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 05:22:55

Oh, I'm kind... just not your kind.(and vice versa.) Anyway, it's late and you've ceased to be amusing. G'night.
Alfrunk ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 04:55:07

I can't tell you how much I wanted your sympathy. You seem like such a reasonable, kind person.
UnklRudi ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 04:39:36

Any expectation of sympathy you might have entertained by imparting that information is only one of a series of strategic miscalculations on your part.

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