Friday, January 11, 2008

Barrett M95

Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-28 00:43:38
User: laruns
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Barrett  M95  Sniper  rifle  


Barrett M95 Sniper rifle


Rausken ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 09:06:24

I never said a .50 caliber couldn't take on an anti-material role... as for weapons being realistic in video games.. shoot someone in BF2 with an M95 anywhere but the head and he is still running around shooting at other players. But according to the head of Barrett firearms, "When you are hit with a large caliber like this, you're down" much for realism.. google ftw
Tvian3ck ::: Favorites  2007-12-25 14:19:48

ummm rausken 50 call's are ment to take down choppers dude you can read it up on any google site and yes if you hit the tail router with a 50 callibur you can take it down that metal isnt thick enough to take down a chopper and many of war games are based on real life weps call of duty has real guns from WW2 and modern combat BF2 weapons are almost all real some some faqs from games are usefull
KINGOFMETAL767 ::: Favorites  2007-12-25 00:55:58

hahaha look at that badass smirk at 2:00 hes so happy with himself, he did take that recoil like a champ tho.
zachlyle ::: Favorites  2007-12-23 18:43:43

Its called an L96 not l9, and are you just basing your info from bf2 cause you usually don't shoot down "Choppers" with a sniper rifle if real life and its not a good idea to get your info from a video game.
CidSilverWing ::: Favorites  2007-12-22 14:48:13

This is THE rifle that can penetrate armored glass, correct? (I'm serious)
Rausken ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 10:20:06

"Caliber - .50 BMG" right on the official Barrett website.
inferiuz ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 19:54:30

haha bullet proof jackets lmao yeh u dont need a 50 cal to hunt game wiv tbh, its not really fair
Rausken ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 01:13:05

I think in most states it's illegal to hunt with a .50 caliber. Also they sell these commercially for long range match shooting.
jaredrichards3 ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 10:31:22

the sooner America gets rid of their guns the better, the nra should be shut down for good. People just can be trusted with weapons
MilitantOldLady ::: Favorites  2007-12-13 04:52:41

you americans are bloody crazy...who would need a 50'cal rifle to HUNT WITH!? what the hell are you huntin?! deer in bullet proof jackets?! they shuld NEVER sell these weapons the wrong hands any weapon is bad, but this much firepower just adds to the insanity
Tvian3ck ::: Favorites  2007-12-08 15:36:28

l9 is more accurate then the barret m95 but the m95 is made for LAV light armored vehicles taken out choppers 2 is also usefull l9 is an infantry based sniper more accurate thinner sights and ezier to handel then the m95 by way the m95 shoots 12.5 mm rounds and its not a 50 callibur guys...
shamuslauer1 ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 18:41:07

its cool i just think if you can take it apart easy it may fall apart
Dragon22873 ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 11:55:19

drop it on yer head!
Dragon22873 ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 11:55:10

fuck! no comeback :D
shamuslauer1 ::: Favorites  2007-11-27 18:05:46

but u cant injere yo self witha computer now can u

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