Monday, October 29, 2007

Re: God less America

Duration: 02:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-05 23:19:00
User: VonHelton
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Are you INSANE?


pinochet222 ::: Favorites
"The Netherlands is mostly an atheist country" bullshit u have a buncha mosques; Rotterdam is fucked others will follow ...
07-09-25 19:05:36
YadaYadaguy ::: Favorites
christains have added all the in god we trust oh yadayada we dont have freedom if we have to be christian to hold office in 7 of the most powerful states.thats right freedom of religion is a little deffernt then what you believe.freedom of speech is a little deffrent when you cant stand in arkansa and say god is bullshit in front of churches yep its a blue law look it up then come back with a real awnser
07-09-13 15:13:57
HOWZZZ ::: Favorites
Translation? Did the voices in your head translate that for you? I see you truely have no clue. Religious freeks like don't need the truth or facts. You only need the voices in your delusional head. When the truth confronts you, you babble some preschool drivel and dodge the facts. So...I was right, you are an idiot.
07-09-04 04:37:25
VonHelton ::: Favorites
Translation: "I have no fucking clue, so I'll baffle him with bullshit". :)
07-09-04 04:13:55
HOWZZZ ::: Favorites
That is irrelevant!!! The constitution was not designed to make any religion supreme. I was written the way it was so that no specific religion was dominant...this country was founded because of religious persecution. Would you like to go back to the dark ages? What happens when what you "believe" is found to be immoral or wrong? Time will tell and logic will prevail.
07-09-03 23:38:54
VonHelton ::: Favorites
What religion was George Washington? (And if you say "deist", I'll laugh at you). :)
07-09-03 21:27:50
HOWZZZ ::: Favorites
You Sir are an creator was my mother (and dad after he got off)!!! The constitution does not define a creator as "GOD", nor should it. I think you should think a bit more for yourself. Religious faith is a mental disorder and there is medication for it. Were you brainwashed by invisible rabbits or something?
07-09-03 21:24:58
evTom14 ::: Favorites
i wasent being rediculous i was asking the questions that, well the questions alot of people dont care to ask, you put a good question, but how do we even know for sure there was a big bang?we dont!!
07-09-03 10:29:36
VonHelton ::: Favorites
What created the elements that caused the Big Bang? See, I can be just as rediculous as you. :)
07-09-03 06:38:17
IcyNami ::: Favorites
It was a metaphor you theist idiot.
07-08-21 23:05:25

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