Saturday, August 11, 2007

Terrell Owens: A Modern Day Christ?

Duration: 189 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-10 03:42:17
User: Kirincnj
:::: Favorites

A closer look at the man deemed by very few to be the second coming of Christ

smiles5243 ::: Favorites
He is not the best reviever in the game... doe the name Chad Johnson ring a bell? I'd take Ocho Cinco over TO any day
07-03-15 23:11:30
africawhite ::: Favorites
Terrell Owens is the best, and chad is a faggot he hardly passed high school what a retard. And Terrell Owens is the best u fags.
07-03-20 15:34:34
2hotforya ::: Favorites
wow... to is the best btw and he always will be. and if u were trying to say 85 in spanish its ochenta cinco... learn spanish first before u try and speak it
07-03-31 13:53:46
shtfacedbeaver ::: Favorites
Chad Johnson's a retard? T.O. claimed to be misquoted in a book he wrote. Chad Johnson's the best in the game, no doubt.
07-03-31 14:08:28
ronMexico121 ::: Favorites
Shows impact of background music. Using that music, you've made T.O seem tragic, tortured, bullied by the media... If you'd used a Rap number- T.O would be portrayed as the 'self-obsessed-but-at-the-same-time-loveable-jackass' that he's usually thought to be. What T.O really is, I doubt even he knows. His whole persona has been so distorted never know wether he's joking or being deadly serious...or whether his interview's been edited to cast him in the light the public expect...
07-04-29 19:37:34
6ft2220beast ::: Favorites
disappears in big games love chad johnson but not their yet
07-05-23 18:30:53
TOfanman ::: Favorites
This video is... amazing. I think people are being completely horrible to T.O. but hey, what did he do? Dance in a couple of endzones, and have a problem with some players, but hey, who doesn't? People are thinking T.O. is worse than people like, for example, Micheal Vick, a man who made dogs fight to the death just for the fun of watching it. So he enjoys a dance in the endzone, but after the skill he shows, HE DESERVES IT. He's back, and he's better than ever.
07-06-09 17:49:47
stevanasexycuteyo ::: Favorites
check out DAYFLING dot COM and sign up for free to find a date
07-07-27 13:47:16
SWJB690 ::: Favorites
I belive he spit in a falcons player face during a game.
07-07-28 00:53:15
2phillyjay2 ::: Favorites
The only thing I think of is what could have been. He could have broke eagle records. BUT, bottomline is the EAGLES will be around a helluva lot longer than him, no matter how good of shape he's in. EAGLES ALL DAY!! T.O., once loved, forever hated
07-08-05 00:32:49

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