Thursday, November 1, 2007

Pakistan's Nuclear Merchant -Presented by ChannelPhor Inc.

Duration: 05:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-23 18:45:42
User: incubusslayer
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THIS VIDEO COPYRIGHTED BY CHANNELPHOR INC. THIS VIDEO IS NOT INTENDED TO BE ANTI-ISLAMIC. MY APOLOGIES IF ANY INDIAN MUSLIMS ARE OFFENDED. THIS VIDEO IS MEANT TO EXPOSE THE PAKISTANI ROLE IN GLOBAL TERRORISM AND HOW THIS SELF CONCOCTED CONCEPT OF RADICAL JIHAD SEEPS DEEP INTO THE PAKISTANI POLITICAL SYSTEM, DRIVEN BY THEIR MULLAHS AND THEIR BLIND SUPPORT FOR SIMILAR ISLAMIC COUNTRIES THAT ARE IN THE FRONT LINE OF TERROR. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is a Pakistani Scientist and Metallurgical Engineer widely regarded as the founder of Pakistan's nuclear program. (His middle name is occasionally rendered as Quadeer, Qadir or Gadeer, and his given names are often abbreviated to A.Q.). In January 2004, he confessed to having been involved in a clandestine international network of nuclear weapons technology proliferation from Pakistan to Libya, Iran and North Korea. On February 5, 2004, the President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, announced that he had pardoned Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan. Despite this political scandal he is still regarded as the "Hero of the Nation" by virtually all Pakistanis. In an August 23, 2005 interview with Kyodo News General Pervez Musharraf confirmed that Khan had supplied gas centrifuges and gas centrifuge parts to North Korea and, possibly, an amount of uranium hexafluoride gas. Khan's open promotion of Pakistan's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile capabilities became something of an embarrassment to Pakistan's government. The United States government became increasingly convinced that Pakistan was trading nuclear weapons technology to North Korea in exchange for ballistic missile technology. In the face of strong U.S. criticism, the Pakistani government announced in March 2001 that Khan was to be dismissed from his post as Chairman of KRL, a move that drew strong criticism from the religious and nationalist opposition to the President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf. Perhaps in response to this, the Pakistani government appointed Khan to the post of Special Science and Technology Adviser to the President, with a ministerial rank. While this could be regarded as a promotion for Khan, it removed him from hands-on management of KRL and gave the government an opportunity to keep a closer eye on his activities. In 2002, the Wall Street Journal quoted unnamed "senior Pakistani Government officials" as conceding that Khan's dismissal from KRL had been prompted by the U.S. government's suspicions of his involvement in nuclear weapons technology transfers with North Korea. Khan came under renewed scrutiny following the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S. and the subsequent US invasion of Afghanistan to oust the fundamentalist Taliban regime in Afghanistan. It emerged that al-Qaeda had made repeated efforts to obtain nuclear weapons materials to build either a radiological bomb or a crude nuclear bomb. In late October 2001, the Pakistani government arrested three Pakistani nuclear scientists, all with close ties to Khan, for their suspected connections with the Taliban. The Bush administration continued to investigate Pakistani nuclear weapons proliferation, ratcheting up the pressure on the Pakistani government in 2001 and 2002 and focusing on Khan's personal role. It was alleged in December 2002 that U.S. intelligence officials had found evidence that an unidentified agent, supposedly acting on Khan's behalf, had offered nuclear weapons expertise to Iraq in the mid-1990s, though Khan strongly denied this allegation and the Pakistani government declared the evidence to be "fraudulent". The United States responded by imposing sanctions on KRL, citing concerns about ballistic missile technology transfers. After being accused of dealing in nuclear technology, Khan lashed out at his critics; his letter to the editor in response to a negative article (written by a Hindu author) in the British Observer included: "The article on Pakistan ... was so vulgar and low that I considered it an insult to reflect on it. It was in short words a bull-shit, full of lies, insinuations and cheap journalism for money and cheap publicity. Shyam Bhatia, a Hindu bastard, could not write anything objective about Pakistan ... insinuated as if Holland is an atomic bomb manufacturing factory where, instead of cheese balls, you could pick up 'triggering mechanisms.' Have you for a moment thought of the meaning of this word? Of course not because you could not differentiate between the mouth and the back hole of a donkey."


hahahahaahah ihr dreckigen opfer ihr verbringt mehr zeit mit youtube als mit eurer famillie ihr hurensöhne siet so witzig PAKISTAN ZINDABAD
07-10-27 11:00:17
unconsciousfocus ::: Favorites
this is toooooooooooo good
07-10-24 12:06:33
blackwrath666 ::: Favorites
Porkistan proudly ranks 12 among failed nations, congrats porkis!! may be next year u can beat sudan and afghanistan
07-10-24 09:39:13
razdan1974 ::: Favorites
very funny video LOL I wish I had that type of videos in my history classes !!! The Chinese takeaway is the classic Good animation as well !!!!!
07-10-24 08:27:47
unconsciousfocus ::: Favorites
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha funny but true facts. Nicely put together
07-10-23 07:58:57
wuggagogo ::: Favorites
they can only hit north west, they cant reach shit, while the indians can hit any part of pakiland with ease.
07-10-22 20:58:48
tamer903 ::: Favorites
this vido os meked by american pigs
07-10-20 19:05:32
we2dee ::: Favorites
Absolutely brilliant. Best part is the chinese takeaway.
07-10-19 23:56:38
emperor0989 ::: Favorites
the pakis actually use rubber bands to deploy their misiles, LOL
07-10-18 16:35:51
abujahl007 ::: Favorites
Pakistani "missile technology" is mostly recyled korean diwalli craker rockets. As for its nuclear prowess this video exposes the Chinese take-out scenario.
07-10-13 23:59:47

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