Friday, November 2, 2007

30 Day! Doctors Galore!

Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-15 05:40:06
User: angellizzie
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30 days of sobriety! Hells yeah! Doctors appoitments. 6 hours 'nap'


perry8181 ::: Favorites
Good for you! Glad to hear about your back getting better. Is there any exercises you can to do to make it stronger so you don't hurt it again? Funny how "cool" the treatment gets at work when you put in a comp claim. Half the time they have the nerve to treat you like your a "baby" or are faking it. Know it will be hard. Get a new job? Go back to School? Don't worry. Just work on one thing at a time.
07-08-15 18:17:59
angellizzie ::: Favorites
Well, my boss knows i'm not 'faking' but it's a large company so who knows what the higher ups think. But I think it will be fine now since I've seen the doc. And yes, there are many to improve back strength. Mostly abs and leg exercises. And I intend on looking for a new job, 9-5 type, and go to night classes. It really seems my best option. Being without health insurance will be tough though.
07-08-16 02:22:22

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