Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sept 15 Anti-War March: Capitol Hill Arrests

Duration: 04:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-16 09:28:56
User: PisceanBeautyy
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Civil Disobedience arrests at the September 15th March to Stop The War from the Whitehouse to the Capitol Building. Music: M.I.A. - "Paper Planes" I (PisceanBeauty herself) had the pleasure of attending the September 15th war protest in Washington, D.C. This event is supposed to represent a turning point in the anti-war movement, one where we take our level of protest from marches to direct, nonviolent acts to let our elected officials know that we demand change. Following a mass die-in in front of the Capitol building, Iraq War veterans, students, parents, grandparents, and other concerned citizens intentionally crossed the police barriers in front of the Capitol in an act of civil disobedience to show Bush, Cheney, Hillary, Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest that we mean buisiness. 197 courageous individuals were arrested in total. This event is hoped to be a catalyst for similar acts throughout the nation.


spaggs111 ::: Favorites
viva la revoluion! ps-that song rocks! MIA is first class.
07-10-05 20:57:11
r65a11 ::: Favorites
hey - I'm not stopping you from anything. Leaving your mean spirited posts for all to see, exhibits your lack of ability to communicate without using expletives or antonyms thereof. It shows a blatant level of ignorance and a true lack of finesse in the area of communication. Go on ahead, rant away!
07-09-27 21:13:48
gpocgpoc ::: Favorites
How about you go STFU then. If you anti-war peeps want to show vids and blatantly LIE about what went on then squelch free speech of others that don't agree then I have my right to say what I want in response.
07-09-27 09:08:43
r65a11 ::: Favorites
hey, gpocgpoc - this isn't the platform for your complaints of another user you feel slighted you. you already mentioned this user squelched your opinion - I'm sorry for you, but common, enough is enough! Individuals aren't bound to hold up free speech - thats a right supposedly granted by the constitution / government. Now, shoo fly - Shoooo!
07-09-26 22:46:37
joecitizan ::: Favorites
Speaker Nancy Pelosi Why do people praise a War Criminal? She still funds a criminal enterprise like Iraq yet says discussions of Impeaching the original crime lords is off the table. She can stop funding the war just as EASILY. Call - (202) 225-4965 Ware her down with your VOICE. Tell her you know the TRUTH and aren't buying her bullshit anymore. Call her the War Criminal she is!
07-09-26 09:39:16
gpocgpoc ::: Favorites
I was not referring to you is WHYnotNews who is spewwing his garbage all over about free speech yet deletes comments that don't support his jaded views and videos. Pathetic
07-09-26 08:20:20
starcannon ::: Favorites
Get a clue first, I'd like you to have a bit more between your ears before your allowed outta the trailer park.
07-09-25 19:22:08
TeamCannabis ::: Favorites
The mainstream media puts the numbers at 70% to 75% of the people want this lie stopped now, so to the other 25 or 30% maybe you should pack your bags and leave! We'll see in 08, vote for Peace! And P, excellent work and vid...Thank You so much! Peace!
07-09-24 11:13:21
eyeceedredpeople ::: Favorites
Man, I've got to get one of those lefty calculators. Add a couple of zeros to my income and I'd be sittin' pretty. I was there to and you maybe had 10 to 20 thousand.
07-09-23 23:41:44
PisceanBeautyy ::: Favorites
You may be right, but how many "others" have to suffer in the meantime. I'm sure my life will be fine and dandy, but what about those who lost loved ones, who are paralyzed, or who's entire lives have been uprooted because of the US's actions? Sometimes you have to stand up for others.
07-09-23 17:58:38

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