Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Propala Krajina - Independent Kosova

Duration: 08:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-28 16:08:09
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PLEASE NOTE: The albanian part of the story begins from 4:18 minute in this picture show. ACHTUNG BITTE BEACHTEN: Der kosovarisch- albanische teil beginnt ab der 4:18 minute dieser Bildershow. NAPOMENA: Albanski dio clipa pocinje od 4:18 minute. Propala teroristička tvorevina na svetom hrvatskom tlu. Uzalud vam trud srbadijo propala vam ilegalna-lopovska "Krajina". Supporter of Kosovo Independence, Anhänger der Bewegung für ein von Serbien unabhängiges albanisches Kosovo. «Republika Srpska Krajina» (RSK) bila je međunarodno nepriznata srpska paradržava unutar Hrvatske. Osnovana je 1991, a većinu teritorija su Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske povratile tijekom 1995, dok je ostatak područja u Baranji, istočnoj Slavoniji i zapadnom Srijemu mirno reintegriran u hrvatski pravni sustav 1998 Die "Republik Serbische Krajina" (Republika Srpska Krajina/RSK) war ein international nicht anerkanntes De-Facto-Regime, das in den Jahren 1991 bis 1995 ca. ein Drittel des Gebietes der Republik Kroatien kontrollierte. Die Republika Srpska Krajina stellt kein historisches geographisches Gebiet dar. The"Republic of Serb Krajina"; sometimes also translated ("Republic of Serbian Krajina") was a self-proclaimed Serbian entity in Croatia during the 1990s. Established in 1991, it was not recognized internationally. Serbs began numerous attacks on Croatians in the area, with many calling themselves Chetniks. They massacred Croatian villages and ruined Croatian towns, killing a large number of people. They were supported by the JNA ( jugoslavian peoples army) , which provided them military arms. Many Croatians fled their homes, or were forced out by the rebel Serbs. Hrvatski gradovi , kroatische Städte , croatian towns: Beli Manastir , Benkovac , Vojnić,Vrginmost , Vukovar , Glina , Grubišno Polje , Gračac , Dalj , Daruvar , Dvor , Drniš , Donji Lapac ,Knin , Korenica , Kostajnica , Krnjak , Mirkovic , Obrovac, Okučani , Pakrac , Petrinja , Plaški , Podravska Slatina , Slunj , Zadar, Tenja


samet84 ::: Favorites
These is how a serbs speaks to justify everthing they have done: qoute "As for the Serbians commiting genocide........Like you Croats or albanians did not??!! How many serbs were kicked out of they'r homes, and force to be refugee's in Serbia, and YOU croats and albanians STOLE they're land. Yet you call yourself innocent!???" A serb speaks this way when he knows he have done something wrong but dont wanna acknowledge that
07-10-07 11:26:12
biki97 ::: Favorites
KRETEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jel uopste snas sta pricas?? Serbi su bili izterani iz hrvatske....Hrvati su ukrali kuce, imanje i sve. Da vas nije sramota.
07-10-06 21:37:54
biki97 ::: Favorites
Learn how to write. Nothing you are saying makes sense. You obviosly don't know the history. And one thing so you are aware...THERE WILL ALWAYS BE THE GREATER SERBIA! I know that kills you Albanians. But eventuallly the truth will come out and the world will see you for who you really are.
07-10-06 21:33:10
AlbanianRulles ::: Favorites
SEREBIJO it means shiting! Serebijo pickovic and Serebian president Pusimir Kurcevic
07-10-04 15:15:47
kresso4 ::: Favorites
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That's really funny. Well said. Now, it is not only that you will NOT have a "Greater serbia" , you will also have to imagine that is not true that you LOST Kosovo. Hey people I can see the future!!! In the future serbians will invent a whole new direction in fantasy mainstream. So you can read books about Lord of the rings, Silmarilion, Hobit, dwarfs, elfs, goblins, aaaaaaaaaaaand about serbian Kosovo. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
07-10-04 01:36:33
samirchy ::: Favorites
sedi srbin pored krsta jede govna sa 3 prsta!! prijatno mu bilo!!! hehehe croatia & bosnia & albania & republike kosove 4 ever friend against serbia = shit
07-10-03 11:17:14
1bilderberg ::: Favorites
We Albanians call the Slavs (serbs) SHKIT / Skit = Scyths / Scythians (Skitnica) (its mean "nomad people") ! Scythians fight with Persian Dario against Alexander the Great ! In the 7 th century (after Justinian) they create theyr 1st kingdom near thracia! Dardania belongs to Albania-Illyria!
07-10-02 05:48:08
biki97 ::: Favorites
KOSOVO IS SERBIAN, BECAUSE IT IS AND ALWAYS WILL BELONG TO US SERBS! Doesen't matter if it becomes independent or not.
07-10-01 22:39:02
biki97 ::: Favorites
Kosovo will always be SERBIAN! Even if it becomes independent. As for the Serbians commiting genocide........Like you Croats did not??!! How many serbs were kicked out of they'r homes, and force to be refugee's in Serbia, and YOU croats STOLE they're land. Yet you call yourself innocent!??? Get a life.
07-10-01 22:32:53
kresso4 ::: Favorites
You will find that Croatians are true friends to Albanians and to all of their friends. We will help you to build your country of Kosova in peaceful and succssesful and prosperous democracy. A vi srbi mjenjajte se iz temelja ili ostanite izolirani u okružju susjeda koji bi vas izbrisali s lica zemlje.
07-09-25 10:09:02

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