Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Footage of Benito Mussolini, Il Duce

Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-08 14:52:55
User: Grootvader
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Benito Mussolini, leader of the "Partito Nazionale Fascista", which means "National Fascist Party" was born on july 29 in the year 1883. He was the leader of Italy from 1922 to 1943. After the war he was executed, and his body was exposed in Milaan. Now he rests near his birth village Predappio.


strandneuker ::: Favorites
What a puppet! The puppet of Hitler...a bunch tightasses those fascists!!
07-10-27 20:21:54
Huapua ::: Favorites
whaaa!?! no speaka inglesh!
07-10-26 04:25:00
vonwarin ::: Favorites
I fascisti che rimarranno fedeli ai principii dovranno essere cittadini esemplari. Essi dovranno rispettare le leggi che il popolo vorrà darsi e cooperare lealmente con le autorità legittimamente costituite per aiutarle a rimarginare nal più breve tempo possibile le ferite della patria. Chi agisce diversamente dimostrerebbe di ritenere la patria non più patria quando si è chiamati a servirla dal basso. Mussolini.
07-10-17 19:38:29
brillyuntlydiskeyesd ::: Favorites
muen dosa vittorio miln drayg nocht vinlark mos dien vin schvein nox protoro dil mak'n grailk pist dof bizt noach rirt zeing golna bik trakion bolvari mis nocho. Fil Nari dosa MOKTAR!
07-10-17 14:39:59
GiammyThePraetorian ::: Favorites
Non mi confonderei con Berlusconi se fossi in te
07-10-15 16:12:20
wesmith77 ::: Favorites
Ma andate affanculo col fascismo, col comunismo ecc... ecc... jdewitt: mussolini non ha salvato l' Italia da un bel niente. anzi l' ha fatta sprofondare in un mare di merda rendendo il popolo italiano un branco di pecoroni privo di pensiero critico.
07-10-15 16:09:56
agmtyme ::: Favorites
I sure don't see any politicians alive today that are even anywhere close to being as great as these men where. Mussolini,Hitler,Franco! Hats off to you!!!
07-10-11 19:28:50
GiammyThePraetorian ::: Favorites
1) It's "Il Duce" moron 2) Go fuck yourself
07-10-07 06:09:24
brillyuntlydiskeyesd ::: Favorites
IL DOUCHE! Every dog has his day! You had yours, and it's been over a long time. I wonder if he fancies himself as being remembered well, from where Mussolini is right now, in Hell?
07-10-06 14:44:59
GiulioAMBROSI ::: Favorites
Dvx Mea Lux!!!
07-10-06 04:45:24

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