Monday, October 1, 2007

Bruce on Fred Thompson

Duration: 00:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-27 17:32:35
User: thepolitico
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ravenflower4 ::: Favorites
Thompson is dangerous.
07-09-29 23:04:56
bill77777776 ::: Favorites
To my fellow conservatives: Fred Thompson is a danger to our beliefs. He is not a conservative. Check out his record and you can do nothing but come to the same conclusion. PLEASE, don't take my word for it. Research it yourself. Down with neo-cons.
07-09-27 04:31:19
iamwhatnormalis ::: Favorites
Fred Thompson is a slimeball. He called Nixon's lawyers to warn them about congress knowing about the White House tapes. Said he did it "so they could take appropriate action." Appropriate action? Like erasing some of the tapes, Fred? Sheesh.
07-09-27 00:51:04
AnAppealToHeavenWash ::: Favorites
Fred is a fake. Go ahead and send your money to a Washington Lobbyest for all I care. You will be one of a small minority, that is for sure. Not very many church go-ers would pay money to a Washington lobbyest and lawyer who represented anti-life abortionists. Fred is a fake conservative and is more interested in representing globalist causes.
07-09-20 22:03:06
badsysop ::: Favorites
DId you even read what I wrote? FRED IS A FEDERALIST. Do you understand this? So if a vote seems Pro-Gun but it gives more authority to the federal government, he'll vote against it. It is that simple.
07-09-20 16:27:20
giosig ::: Favorites
Thompson is the only real candidate who says what he says and stands by it. Like it or not. Unlike the democrats who pander to every group and tell that particular group what they want to hear. At least you know where you stand with Thompson. A straight shooter. We need a real leader in this country. This is the guy.
07-09-19 20:57:57
AnAppealToHeavenWash ::: Favorites
Gun Owners of America (of which I am a member) say that he is generally consistent in his voting record. They specifically avoid saying that Fred Thompson is a consistent. What they do say clearly is that Fred voted against us Gun Owners 14 times. Go look for yourself. Ron Paul 2008!
07-09-19 17:19:24
mhirtes12 ::: Favorites
Compared to Dubya/Cheney, I'd even vote for a Nixon/Carter ticket.
07-09-19 17:03:28
badsysop ::: Favorites
You get your facts from an idiot. The Gun Owners of America say "Fred Thompson: "Generally" Consistent They note he only votes against gun control on federalist grounds. Fred Thompson is a true federalist so it is pretty easy to try to spin that against him to an uneducated moron.
07-09-19 17:00:12
badsysop ::: Favorites
But you'll elect the next Jimmy Carter, right? Democrats suck.
07-09-19 16:55:53

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