Friday, September 7, 2007

Wha Dis ? 2007

Duration: 02:04 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-25 21:34:35
User: johnh23
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Very Strange US bucks.

tghori2 ::: Favorites
the way i see it is: we can all just sit around and talk about it or we can DO something about it.....but what?
07-08-20 12:51:54
cappellettisRwitches ::: Favorites
Bush and Cappellettis are daughters and grandsons of Aleister Crowley, 666, the beast, goat man. Bush read "My Pet Goat" as the WTC fell, John Cappelletti's demolition co planted the explosives for Silverstein. Cappelletti (witch) crafted Penn State, Heisman & LA Rams (male Goat). Coincidence, now way.
07-08-16 21:13:00
cappellettisRwitches ::: Favorites
Witches melt gold for demonic power, they inhale the smoke, put ashes in their drinks or on their food to eat. 3 truckloads of gold stolen from the Pentagon (see McKinney confronts Rumsfeld video) were in the WTC basement. See luckymojo dot com crowley AHA! sub figura 242 {An exposition in poetic language of several of the ways of attainment and the results obtained.} Search from the end of documents forward to find 2 references of melting gold for demonic power and last 2 or 3 pages.
07-08-16 21:10:25
cappellettisRwitches ::: Favorites
Ann Cappelletti and Barbara Bush are the illegitimate daughters of Aleister Crowley. John and George W. are cousins. 11 Master witches--Bush, Cheney, Ann Cappelletti, Tenet, Con D. Rice, Giuliani, Bill Gates, Silverstein, Schwartzenegger, Soros & Saddam Hussein (not dead-CIA lie) with David Copperfield created the illusion of 91101 to melt gold for demonic power. John (witch) Cappelletti's demolition company planted the explosives for Silverstein in the WTC towers.
07-08-16 21:07:36
1ambrosia ::: Favorites
its like they knew it was going to happen
07-08-08 01:23:42
powderdust ::: Favorites
you want to see my credit card bill - that's even more scarry!!
07-07-07 18:10:11
BusBoyIsBack ::: Favorites
Yep, last time I checked those were INTENTIONALLY put images as well
07-06-23 21:43:21
BusBoyIsBack ::: Favorites
For gloating purposes to mock the stupid gullible Americans like yourself
07-06-23 21:42:48
heyguy2734 ::: Favorites
yes b/c they want you to find the truth in the money u cought them ... your a smart one!
07-06-18 09:04:31
thehouseofhoops ::: Favorites
Another curious thing is that these images come from the redesigned bills.
07-06-03 07:55:27

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