Saturday, September 1, 2007

My wheaten terrier

Duration: 00:52 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-12 14:19:05
User: likewhoa23
:::: Favorites


likewhoa23 ::: Favorites
Yeah, I had a wheaten before her, and he was just as stubborn. especially in selective hearing. :)
07-08-27 20:14:09
DaveLendl ::: Favorites
you're dog's awesome! i also have a wheaten, but she has "selective hearing". haha, she'll do what she wants. is it common for this breed to be more stuborn then other breeds? i know that it CAN happen in other breeds, but is it a generalization that wheatens are more suspetable to it? thanks!!! :)
07-08-25 20:14:23
riicchan ::: Favorites
Oh, she's so cute! I love when Wheatens are cut more "casually" and not with the long beards up front. My dog's groomed almost exactly like her.
07-07-09 02:00:19
owell388 ::: Favorites
The dogs you have rescued are truly blessed! Thank you for caring so much about them! I had not thought about that, but think I will check into it! On another note - our little one has gone to"boot camp!" We're hoping the "independence" will be just a little LESS when she gets back - but we sure do miss her! She has definitely become very important to us in a very short time! Thanks for responding to my note! Enjoy Annie! She's a beauty!
07-05-13 00:10:13
likewhoa23 ::: Favorites
We barely trained Annie at all, she just came to us like that. Although, we have been very patient, told her no in as postive as possible manner and have loved her through and through.. and it was tough at times because she tore up a few books, baskets, and antiques.. she also wet on a few priceless rugs and sneakily went down to the basement and pooped in an inobvious area. But she's such a sweetheart, how could we do anything but love her?
07-05-12 19:03:08
likewhoa23 ::: Favorites
Yes, definately. I like that word independence instead of stubbornness. Good way to word their behaviour in a postive attribute! Aww, 5months? I bet she's adorable! I've never had a puppy wheaten, I've only had rescused older dogs, but eitehr way is fine with me, in both stages they are fine dogs.
07-05-12 19:00:40
likewhoa23 ::: Favorites
07-05-12 18:59:04
Gymnastics1220 ::: Favorites
My wheaten is just like that his name is Doogle. But he's not as well trained as your Annie, how did you train her so well...???? :)
07-05-11 15:10:34
djmk227 ::: Favorites
idk, i have a wheaten and she loves EVERYTHING....and i mean everything. Im sure if i got a cat she would love it to
07-05-09 20:25:16
owell388 ::: Favorites
Don't you just love their independence? They come IF they want to - and WHEN they want to! Our little girl is just like that...but we're working on it. She's only 5 months old, so I guess patience is a virtue!
07-05-02 18:01:26

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