Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mary J. Blige "Living Legend PT. 2: Whitney Gets a Lashing"

Duration: 07:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-20 16:51:46
User: ImHereForMary
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Mary gives Whitney Houston. a lashing.

DolceVita ::: Favorites
cant you love them both? Whitney and Mary are both living legends, although WHiteny is going thru a struggle right now, you cant deny she was a musical dynamo
07-09-05 00:02:56
dopey85xxx ::: Favorites
damn this is harsh.
07-09-04 16:15:14
shade1984 ::: Favorites
Hey can you just put your RESPECt to Whitney , she have probabely pass her problems today and tomorrow she give her the best chance to change. I'm fucking sure her next Album will be the best of all for her return. If i can't forget her talent is because she always be the best singer of all. Everybody knows that at the moment life can be hard. All that we need it's not be decreased but a support!!
07-09-04 11:11:04
delemere1985 ::: Favorites
this is immature and stupid. she's made some mistakes but that doesn't mean you should condemn her! no-one's perfect but she is an amazing singer. and that is a FACT. the awards and no'1s speak for themselves.
07-08-31 19:57:40
sandicandie ::: Favorites
This is the most evil thing I have ever seen in my life.Remember this to all of you that find pleasure in this sort of thing be careful of the stones you throw!
07-08-26 21:53:06
teaful ::: Favorites
What has happened to people? Leave Whitney alone!
07-07-30 16:31:46
MaryAllah ::: Favorites
SHITney aint did NOTHING TODAY faggot, we NOT in the 90's, it dont matter what she did in the PAST if she is not consistent with it, she is broke and has no job, she cant compare to Mary, Mary STILL on top, STILL providing the WORLD with quality music and classics and she will go down in history, what SHITney doing? NOTHING! On crack and making a fool of herself on national tv.
07-07-30 03:20:29
Sion6 ::: Favorites
How many fucking accounts do you have? Turn down the obsessiveness.
07-07-30 03:15:17
ilovenippy11 ::: Favorites
lol exactly!
07-07-29 16:53:51
maurits1207 ::: Favorites
You are Mean. Whitney don't deserve to be threat like this! She has broken much more records that Marry! Do think Marry is clean????? Wake up ! Welcome to the real world! I can bet on it that sig as loud as us I will always love you! Is your soul free and clean. What comes a round, goes around! Yust wait and see!
07-07-29 16:48:01

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