Friday, September 28, 2007

For The Fans!!!

Duration: 04:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-13 16:15:45
User: shazalomaniac
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

Showing our appreciattion to the fans & etc. its our first time to actualy like.. just talk and b normal for once =p so... excuse us if we bore you Hope ya all like this cheers & oh yea, its spelled WilliamSledd (double D)


shazalomaniac ::: Favorites
so do you ;) !
07-06-16 20:04:00
Alilpurplelez8me ::: Favorites
You guys rock!!
07-06-16 17:26:23
remand ::: Favorites
yeah...keep it up ler...cheers!
07-06-02 09:51:51
shazalomaniac ::: Favorites
haha SURE mate! lol now you know how foooonnay la we are haha cheers......! THANK YOU!!! ^_^
07-06-02 08:22:59
remand ::: Favorites guys are waaaaay damn funny......we need more people like you guys here in youtube...yeah....anyways...keep up the good work...hope we'll meet one humor...uhuh...anwyays...cheers!
07-05-31 22:38:28
shazalomaniac ::: Favorites
lol ooooookay! lol thn i'll shall say "confistacated" a lot more these days =p n hey thnx for such compliments lol ^_^ and yea,im already ungrounded, this video is old lol and i see u liiiiiiiiiike idan huh lol.. er.. i wndr hw u can find him sexy O_o lol i'll let him know u fancy him lol cheers
07-03-20 00:36:14
Wit ::: Favorites
Ok! The votes are in and it's unanimous! Idan wins as the cutest sexy boy on You Tube (ok ok maybe the judge is a little biased na 555+) Sasha wins also as the most coolest bi female on You Tube (love the way you say 'confistcated' lol) Love the videos and hope your un-grounded soon ; )
07-03-19 21:20:47
shazalomaniac ::: Favorites
if possible, yea lol very obvius with the same clothing aint it =p coz... filming jst one thing for a day is like ... bleh, we got to do more its an addiction
07-02-13 20:36:55
imgunnashootu2 ::: Favorites
Do You Film All of Your Videos At Once Or Something?
07-02-13 15:02:15
shazalomaniac ::: Favorites
no need to jesus abt sir, ts just tht our accent n urs u will tend not to understand easily, at times whn i talk to my couzs from aussie esp, i dun understand what they say but i kno wat they r trying to say cos its english lol anyhow sorry if u cudnt understand. tho idan did use some wrong grammar in it, ignore tht read the discription, its abt our appreciattion to the viewers who enjoyed our viedos
07-02-03 22:14:06

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