Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Duration: 11:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-21 06:20:21
User: cpthk
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BlushPony ::: Favorites
well, i find that kaidi girl fuckin annoying. she's obviously trying to spite that old lady and make a scene out of it. she shouldnt have stoop to argue with xuchunmei even if she finds that old brag an eyesore. i personally think she makes no difference from xuchunmei. the usage of english isnt necessary at all, what i see is just another show off here.
07-09-09 14:35:32
keaii4eva ::: Favorites
personal comment larhx..i think the xu chun mei very wat lor.."xiao pai" not ren mehx..got money liao bu qi arhx?
07-09-09 08:24:34
Orange226 ::: Favorites
我支持王凯蒂。。。 我觉得许纯美也是啦。。。 如果是成熟的人。。。 也会忍啦。。。 如果一个人骂另外一个人时。。。 被骂那个不出声的话。。。 骂人那个也会没有感觉去骂啦。。。 还有应该在这之前许纯美有踩到王凯蒂的地雷。。。 不然的话王凯蒂应该不会这样。。。 不然就是制作单位要求王凯蒂那样做的。。。 为了什么? 为了节目效果咯。。。
07-09-07 14:04:46
crossxlui ::: Favorites
Hmm... lesson learned. Don't fight with old hags. They ain't worth your time. :P Bragging about past achievements make you soooooooooo small.
07-09-02 14:28:00
danieltarng ::: Favorites
07-09-02 03:53:38
antilalahai ::: Favorites
王凱蒂超没礼貌! 欺负长辈 呸
07-09-01 17:57:36
sumokiller ::: Favorites
王凱蒂i s a fucking idiot (xuiooqd08 you heard that) she thinks shes amazing having a tiny bit of English ability. Hsu Trun Mei is right, 王凱蒂 is just an ignorant person who really has no reason to be in an actual show since she is a fucking nothing. All she is is just a person who knows some english
07-08-31 05:20:40
arthur2222222 ::: Favorites
看到兩個婊子在吵架有什麼好講話的. 許純美瘋子一個大家都知道. 王凱蒂...去什麼parsons, 爛學校一所(美國的二專)還跑到電視上炫燿, 就算別人討厭許純美也不會喜歡她. 總言而之, 兩個婊子, 一個讓有錢人插, 一個讓電視台老闆插.
07-08-19 19:55:41
ryomapple ::: Favorites
哇塞 王凱蒂罵得好呀 沒看comment都不知道許純美有這麼多人支持她耶 跟孔慶祥沒差嘛 不 差多了 起碼william不會大吵大罵
07-08-13 02:43:34
sharkhippo ::: Favorites
我還以為每個台灣人都好有禮貌, 看過王凱蒂之後,真的大大改觀了...雖然不能以一個"小人物"來下定論, 但確實印象有點影響.... 還在上節目呢,真的未見過此等沒教養的藝人.沒有eq.
07-08-06 11:17:03

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