Wednesday, September 5, 2007

BANKS OF AMERICA-Federal Reserve Bank KILLING America PT 6

Duration: 07:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-14 00:48:57
User: JustinFCase
:::: Favorites

Learn who REALLY controls the U.S.Dollar and how these people are destroying America by design. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor a Reserve. Owned by a corrupt group of International Bankers, it is a privately owned monopoly, largely responsible for creating America's National Debt. It is also a parasitic and unnecessary entity that literally creates American currency out of nothing and then collects interest on the backs of taxpayers for doing so.

epsada ::: Favorites
If all this comes to pass they are going to have to KILL!! me I will not accept a chip implant
07-08-01 17:29:03
aoteaora ::: Favorites
Such thought provoking videos. It is shocking, and sad that americans have allowed this to happen. I am as guilty as the next man, It is time for us to act, and act quickly. Ron Paul is our best chance for this new start.
07-07-16 09:02:43
atlcowboy2536 ::: Favorites
I'm American and I want to puke right now. Please God, let Ron Paul be the answer we've been looking for
07-07-10 04:24:33
HikaruAyume ::: Favorites
America, Land of The Free!!!!!!! That is the best joke I have ever heard...
07-06-12 02:27:08
IOWAforRonPaul ::: Favorites
Prevent the banning of Ron Paul from future debates- Protect free speech and the Constitution. Sign the petition and support Ron Paul; go to infowars dotcom to sign the petition. Please write, " Freedom!!!" at the end of your comments so we can know the effect we are having. Thank You! Resist The Real ID!
07-05-18 14:22:58
Nhazghaal ::: Favorites
"Give me liberty or give me death!"
07-05-08 10:43:45

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