Monday, August 20, 2007

Re: Basic Methods and Characteristics of a Racist

Duration: 01:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-30 18:57:50
User: JoeBobOneHalf
:::: Favorites

Anyone can be racist. It takes a human not to be.

WereAllDevo72 ::: Favorites
By the way just so you know those statistics are from 1990. Since then the gap between what the average "white" American receives from welfare and what the average "black' American receives from welfare is only widening so technically you are actually wrong once again.
07-06-26 00:46:58
WereAllDevo72 ::: Favorites
I would further like to add that even though "black" Americans are living off of everyone else's hard earned dough a lot of them are still bitchin about how they deserve reparation money from "white" people who had enslaved there ancestors despite the fact that if it weren't for the slave trade in the first place they would probably be starving over in Africa right now and dying of AIDS.
07-06-26 00:58:37
WereAllDevo72 ::: Favorites
They also apparently don't realize that compared to the overall "white" American population the portion of "white" Americans today who's descendants had enslaved "black" ancestors is incredibly small. Not every "white" man in America is a descendant of a former slave owner.
07-06-26 00:59:05
JoeBobOneHalf ::: Favorites
Did you miss the whole part of the majority of people on welfare being on it for less than two years. You see, I am providing evidence to you, dated as it may be. All you can give me is "my mother this", "lazy black people that" "I'm not racist the other thing"
07-06-26 23:23:53
WereAllDevo72 ::: Favorites
Jesus Christ did I not just tell you that your statistics are 17 years outdated. AFDC was put out of commission over ten years ago. Seriously before you say another word on this topic do some research you will find that I am right. Furthermore I am not racist. Although I hate most "black" Americans I do not hate most "black" people. I believe I have successfully exhibited the fact that my hatred for "black" Americans has a factual, rational, and reasonable foundation.
07-06-27 00:10:23
WereAllDevo72 ::: Favorites
If you think that's really all I have given you then you have not read my comments. Furthermore if you believe my comments do not provide a good basis for my hatred then just ask me for some more facts supporting my overall hatred of "black" Americans. Ill show you just how politically incorrect yet factually correct a person can be.
07-06-27 00:14:40
JoeBobOneHalf ::: Favorites
Here's the thing. I heard a recent statistic (and by that I mean within the last six months) on the news that said that the majority of people on welfare were white, along with several other stats that were similar to this dated one. The thing is I can't find it anymore because the news article isn't up any more, so I can't find newer sources.
07-06-28 08:24:28
JoeBobOneHalf ::: Favorites
Here's the thing: You have provided NO sources for your "good basis for my hatred." All you have said among all of your smoke and mirrors is a) a supposed 86% of "black" children are on welfare and b) your mommy's halfway house and c) "black" people are statistically more likely to commit a crime (so are the poor, I guess we should hare them too). Of course statistically middle aged white people are more likely to rape children, so I guess they should be hated too.
07-06-28 08:26:24
JoeBobOneHalf ::: Favorites
And of course that the "black" Americans who supposedly are the only people you are racist against should be dieing of AIDS in Africa.
07-06-28 08:26:47
dafruit24 ::: Favorites
By appearance I would say you are not white.
07-07-02 21:57:08

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