Saturday, August 4, 2007

Marital Blissh Episode 6~

Duration: 588 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-18 03:35:37
User: MysterEy1
:::: Favorites

I think this is #6. I lost track. This one deals with arguments over recycling, eating, parenting, shopping, and other issues facing the dysfunctional family today.

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sonikalkemy ::: Favorites
great vid peace :)
07-01-18 04:59:56
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
07-01-18 12:08:30
snakelady38 ::: Favorites
your wife is so funny, does she have an account here? If not she should.=)
07-01-18 09:42:47
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
MyzzTy is the channel. She should have some videos in the box on the rightside. Click over there>>>
07-01-18 12:08:19
HoldinCoffee ::: Favorites
Aww, man, lets all just hug. Come on, HUGZ!
07-01-18 11:30:14
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
This is comedy, but it does get ugly sometimes. Yeah, we should HUG all the time.
07-01-18 12:08:59
SlowChocolateAutopsy ::: Favorites
I absolutely LOVE this series :) It's scary how similar my own 'marital blissshhh' is to yours too! I had a similar argument about recycling...we had chinese take out, and she wants to wash up the containers it came in and re use them for 'something' I mean, WTF? LOL
07-01-18 13:18:31
Poppyflower66 ::: Favorites
haha.. you two are so cute. My little baby kitten came home in the same blanket that is on Shyla's totally caught me off guard. Why don't they have recycling in NY? I'd be really annoyed if my city didn't have it. More than 1/2 of my trash is recyclable!
07-01-20 03:27:06
yorgathecroat ::: Favorites
You guys are funny together.Makes a great series,baby is beautiful.
07-01-21 03:10:29

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