Friday, August 31, 2007

John Edwards Calls Ann Coulter A She Devil

Duration: 09:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-23 23:07:58
User: SetOVBrass
:::: Favorites

Well, she called him the f-word

CobraCommander ::: Favorites
Wow, she was really funny in this video. Coulter owns Colmes in that last phrase about the quoting
07-08-26 18:27:28
Boobalopbop ::: Favorites
She-Devil was a really funny movie starring Roseanne, and Meryl Streep. I smile when I think of if. If John Edwards is going to waste time trading insults with Ann Coulter he should probably try and do better than that, lol
07-08-26 06:05:32
rt16 ::: Favorites
oh yeah. the "we need to enhance our 'political dialogue'?" yeah that was dumb. I mean, if you want to enhance political dialogue, talk about politics; NOT Ann Coulter. and I agree with you. who really cares about what Ann Coulter says? She, herself, refers to her books and stuff as "entertainment." I haven't seen Hilary Clinton go on a tirade over the chubby legs remark.
07-08-26 05:51:26
Boobalopbop ::: Favorites
I wish they'd stop mentioning the hair cut.. thats not a big deal to me. What I can't stand about Edwards and why I feel like he can't be trusted is the fact that most of his career he was a personal-injury lawyer. Like those guys with the commercials that come on during Maury. He and his wife both seem really phoney to me
07-08-26 04:17:09
Boobalopbop ::: Favorites
I totally agreee with you... that phone call his wife gave to hardball when coulter was on was absolutely ridiculous. She basically called to ask her to not say mean things... like dont they have better things to do than bicker with a columnist about being mean? They aren't looking like leaders as much as they are whiney high school girls
07-08-26 04:14:02
scrumpy4444 ::: Favorites
I'll vote for Edwards when I can afford 500$ hair cuts.
07-08-25 22:53:08
bookishneptune ::: Favorites
I don't trust anyone who wears makeup. And they all have make-up on.
07-08-25 18:38:39
Huckit ::: Favorites
edwards* we all know you are blinded by hatred for fox and believe all the hate against it so you cant think clearly
07-08-25 09:40:23
Huckit ::: Favorites
eww HANNITY YOU DOUCHEBAG was supporting hannity. they had 2 liberals on and two republicans.
07-08-25 09:39:13
Huckit ::: Favorites
you must be deaf or just retarded
07-08-25 09:37:41

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