Thursday, August 2, 2007

Converting from Islam

Duration: 1077 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-17 04:18:38
User: faintstarlite
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I talk about two friends I met on my travels who were born Muslims but later converted to Christianity and how their families reacted and the unequal laws associated with religious freedom.

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frozenimran ::: Favorites
Difference is ppl today love culture more then Islam and islam doesnt allow unjustice:"Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds." From the last sermon of Prophet Mohammed "By God, he is not a true believer, from whose mischief his neighbors do not feel secure." Prophet Mohammed (Bukhari, Muslim) thats islam
07-07-28 15:40:26
frozenimran ::: Favorites
if u search the Quran and read it 500 times u wont find honorkilling there or the hadith. Cuz its a hindu and pagan custom that some Muslims still practice kind of like holoween except the treat is killing the fornicator. But Islam condemens injustice thats why we have a 4 witness system, without 4 witnesses u cant condemn anyone.
07-07-28 15:41:11
realmasterchief ::: Favorites
Why are muslims killing themselves for Allah? If the Quran or Bible tell you to kill, then you will most likely do so. If muslims say that the muslims who do kill themselves are crazy, then the muslim who says that must also be crazy, because both the terrorist and peaceful muslim are reading the same thing. If it didn't say in the Quran to kill anyone who opposes Allah, then Islam wouldn't be violent. If the Bible said to kill people, then there would be christians killing people today.
07-07-28 16:12:15
frozenimran ::: Favorites
But dude the problem is that MOst Christians dont read the bible cuz its jaw dropping or u would know that the bible allows unlimited wives Exodus 21:10, or killing babies, women and children in war Numbers 17-18, divorce forbiden mark 1-12, y am i saying this? The reason America went to secularism is cuz the bible offended ppl but nothing in Islam prescribes is like this. if u have some quesions msg me peace
07-07-28 17:05:06
realmasterchief ::: Favorites
When you say "Christians" that is a VERY general term. All Christians read the Bible, except if they forget. It says in verse 10 of Exodus, "If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights." It doesn't mean marry as many as you want, it means if you do divorce, don't completely forget about the first wife. The Bible does say it's okay to divorce if the spouse dies or commits adultery, but that's it.
07-07-28 23:55:09
secondpillzg ::: Favorites
07-07-29 14:54:13
sapnin ::: Favorites
u can tell u r making up a load of bullshit u cant stop stuttering. silly woman get a lyf...
07-07-29 20:20:28
NightyNomad ::: Favorites
One thing confused me: had she never before read the bible? I mean, one of the five pillars (of faith)is believing in ALL of the books given to the prophets, of which the bible now consists.
07-07-30 10:15:59
Abu1Umar ::: Favorites
In Christian religion if you say i am christian it is enough. They dont care you follow their rules or not. Thats why such kind of women it is really easy just to say "I am christian" and to do whatever they want. But in islam it is enough just to say i am muslim. You must prove with you action that you are muslim. But i am sure she never followed Islam rules and she doesnt have any idea about ISLAm except some general rules.
07-07-31 19:33:58
Abu1Umar ::: Favorites
And I am sure she will never follow Christian rules as well. She wants drink alcahol, she wants boyfriend, she wants smoke etc.
07-07-31 19:35:36

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