Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Duration: 03:05 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-27 12:17:39
User: cardmagi
:::: Favorites


Evolvelution ::: Favorites
1. Make voting compulsory. Democracy represents all or none 2. Remove all voting machines owned/controlled by Republican Co's Diebold, ES&S, the reason Bush is President. 3. Make the CIA accountable to the people. 4. Tear up the Patriot Act, conferring dictatorial powers on Bush in violation of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Dec of Independence. 5. Impeach, Bush, Cheney, try Rumsfeld, Wolferwitz, Perle, Tenent, Gonzales, etc for crimes against humanity. afterdowningstreet(dot)org
07-06-13 06:14:47
Watthiman ::: Favorites
I totally 100% disagree with #1. There should be a test to determine if you are educated, intelligent and informed enough to vote. The last thing we need is every idiot in American voting.
07-06-14 13:26:26
Watthiman ::: Favorites
We are not supposed to be a Democracy. We are a supposed to be a Republic. Democracy is Tyranny by Majority and since most people are stupid, selfish, money and power hungry, Democracy has NEVER worked. We need what the founding fathers intended, a Republic which is a constitutionally limited government, the Executive, Legislative and Judicial. If we follow the constitution everything falls into place. If not we have what we have today and America doesnt survive for very much longer.
07-06-14 13:43:24
Evolvelution ::: Favorites
What the US has today is a dictatorship with ultimate powers conferred on an dangerous idiot by The Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act. But Hey... if Bondage & Discipline is your thing, who am I to argue with you.
07-06-14 20:52:04
Evolvelution ::: Favorites
Democracy not dictatorship is the foundation of the Republic. "We should take the advice of our founding fathers and mind our own business; stay out of entangling alliances, don't get involved in nation-building, don't get involved in the internal affairs of other nations. A lot more Americans would be alive if we followed that policy." -- Senator Ron Paul. Commerce with all nations, alliance with none should be our motto -- Thomas Jefferson.
07-06-14 20:57:13
ihateurvid ::: Favorites
get a new act already fat caliendo, you cant live on the same one forever bitch
07-06-21 00:22:45
diablo254 ::: Favorites
hes only good on doing the older people impressions
07-06-21 21:55:41
AnyeForti ::: Favorites
Why Bush will not listen
07-07-03 19:40:18
BickeR720 ::: Favorites
He Rocks! XD
07-07-19 19:26:00
3ARABY2005 ::: Favorites
veryyyyyyyyyyyy funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny
07-08-13 02:24:56

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