Sunday, August 26, 2007

Battle Field 2142 - How to play Sniper assault

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-27 09:34:33
User: veltrox
:::: Favorites

Visit our server : A demonstration of how to play the Sniper branch of the Recon tree in an Assault type fashion. This is part 2 of 2 on my 'How to play Recon' Video series. Next up is the 'How to play Assault' set. I want to help the community at least see a small sample of each play style and usage. - Dashe PS: Friend me and message me ingame if you're interested in being in one of the squad leader training videos.

Danielmorgen ::: Favorites
it would be hard to make a training vid on Multiplayer. gratz 5/5
07-06-16 03:08:28
zachy667 ::: Favorites
maybe he is demonstrating
07-06-08 13:21:58
MMAFighter78 ::: Favorites
Don't listen to these haters. Keyboard soldiers don't know what they are saying.
07-06-05 21:16:19
Stroke091191 ::: Favorites
noob, u play against bots...
07-06-04 09:40:02
Saxton519 ::: Favorites
i would like to point out playing a bot is alot different then playing a person, they fear think and counter react to the bots aim bot. As well, there is many angles i would simply picked him off from in that possition, Horrible video im sorry but this is pathetic
07-06-03 09:02:49
redcraker ::: Favorites
ur good ignore all the pplw ith bad comments
07-06-02 09:39:49
Aleksander2142 ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHA NOOB HE's playing in singleplayer mode!!!1
07-05-30 08:14:11
someguy323 ::: Favorites
no hes not take a look at the names u idiot b4 u start accusing him and hes actually pretty good
07-05-31 03:45:46
R3APERRANGER ::: Favorites
freekin A man, steady hand, easy pull. one shot one kill. that how you do it. btw whats the song
07-05-30 01:21:55
W33Dgaming ::: Favorites
07-05-26 14:21:10
xraggedyannx ::: Favorites
man...YOUR GOOD!
07-05-26 13:40:20
maxie1230 ::: Favorites
yea i take the stock rifles anyday over the zeller.
07-05-21 23:14:52
Sonus11 ::: Favorites
yeh regular rifle has far more rounds for headshots if your good. If not then go for zeller.
07-05-19 14:40:53
andrem93 ::: Favorites
I totally agree with u to STAY away from roof tops! it's so likely ! And the stocks are best :D
07-05-17 13:28:07
xraggedyannx ::: Favorites
how do you zoom even more? Im a noob so I dont know how to go even farther after the first zoom
07-05-11 21:00:00
assified ::: Favorites
mouse roller , and by the time you can unlock the Extra zooms .
07-05-13 06:13:34
Brianissoemo932 ::: Favorites
if only bots were as STUPID as human players haha. you perfer zeller or reg sniper rifle?
07-04-29 14:23:45
vsuksteel ::: Favorites
great video im sure it will help me a lot what keys is it to zoom in and out i have no idea please comment back or add me in game steeel
07-04-12 12:02:58
MarcosPolen ::: Favorites
Which rifle do u think is better? Zeller-H Advanced or the basic ones?
07-04-09 08:43:27
veltrox ::: Favorites
The basic rifle tops the Zellar in my opinion.
07-04-09 10:51:36

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